Bernard arrives in Wati

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Jul 17, 2021 12:18 am
Gethean returns to his seat a few tables away but reorients his chair to take in the area of the group across the entrance. He orders a tea as he continues to observe the group, to include the Halfling. Mentally assessing the way that each of them move and react to one another.

Gethean can see that the Halfling is very light on her feet, with a passable short sword and a serviceable Light Crossbow, but what surprises him the most is the fact that the Half-Orc is equally light on his feet.

The white haired female is a Khepri worshipper if he is not mistaken, but definitely not physically strong, he sees she only carries a Light Crossbow. She doesn't appear to be wearing any armor, she will have to be watched. She looks kind of sickly, I hope her spells are mighty, for her sake as well as ours.

This Esmae is definitely a martial character, strong with good weapons and armor. We might just get along he thinks. Paladin or Cleric, either will be beneficial to the party.

The old man is some kind of Mage or Wizard, but he looks like he just walked out of a classroom. I hope he has some adventuring experience, and a lot of bandages and healing salves if not.

Seven, it could get crowded in the confines of a small tomb or even a small room. We will have to adapt to each others fighting styles for sure, if they are at all competent then the adjustment should occur easily enough.

Now we await the haughty old man, and see what his decision will be on how we will proceed from here. There are enough locals involved that acquiring the necessary equipment should not prove to costly. My own sister should be able to direct us to the fairest and best stocked merchants with ease.

To change! Gethean tips his glass to noone in particular' and finishes his wine before he settles in to wait for return of this Bernard.
Last edited July 17, 2021 12:22 am
Jul 17, 2021 10:36 am
Bernard walks up to the bar, sees a small sign showing the rooms available, and speaking in very clear but accented Osirian "Hello sir, I would like to rent your suite." Upon the man’s murmur of agreement, Bernard says "Splendid. Some of these others may also end up utilising the rooms, though which of them yet remains to be determined. I shall also arrange for a delivery of books some time in the next couple of days."

He hands over some gold.
Assuming he basically rents the room for as long as required prior to the adventure starting, at which point his reserves of gold will have magically dwindled down to his starting gold.
At this point, Bernard has a quick look around the room, spies a table with only three seats around it, occupies the table, and calls out "Very well, one at a time please."

Bernard will interview each in turn, asking them all the same questions:

1) Why do you wish to enter the lottery, and what do you hope to gain?

2) What skills would you bring to the party?

3) What would be your weaknesses that should be covered by another member of the party?

4) Is there anything sufficiently anathema to you that you could not abide it in your companions?

5) What is something I should know of Osiriani culture and customs lest it come to cause me harm, be it physically, spiritually, mentally or reputationally?
Last edited July 17, 2021 10:37 am
Jul 17, 2021 12:12 pm
Herc asks rather immediately, Who hell are you? You work for the Lottery?
Jul 17, 2021 12:50 pm
Bernard replies smoothly "While I'm sure I'm someone in the world's version of hell, I must insist that I ask the questions, and you answer them. I started the interview process first you see. I'll be more than happy to answer any of your questions at the end. Now please, take a seat.

He gestures to the chair opposite, says "Ipsala gwana mentu" and the chair starts shifting through different glowing colours.
Bernard cast Prestidigitation to create the effect.
Jul 17, 2021 12:52 pm
'Names are not everything, actions and other words I feel do me more justice, but if you wish to know, I am known as Khadi, the voice of Khepri or 'that damn cleric' depending of who you ask.'

'A team ? Well I was looking for team members, but I do not see how just questions can decide who is worthy. Still I will join you later at the inn. You are buying yes?' She tease before giving a wink and dissapearing off again, even as she spots others approaching the older man.


Later arriving at the inn Khadi scans the room for those met earlier. Seeing the old man she approaches, hoping to get at least a drink out of him, even if not a team. He seemed to be making it clear he intended to lead, and she wasn't sure how she felt letting a forigne take the reigns on looking through sacred grounds. She was already aware most Pharasmins weren't happy with the affair, and she too wanted to make sure her ancestors tombs were treated properly.

The half-orc beats her to the table and starts demanding answers. She laughs as she approaches and places a hand on his shoulder. 'Now friend, he most certainly is not. It is the temple of Pharasma who is running such things, and he is not one. I know I was born there.' She gives another wink as she drops the odd bit of information before slipping into a chair.

'I have my own question before we start. Why should I care about being in a team led by a foreigner who knows not of our customs? I have ties to the mausoleum, though I will admit not all are happy with certain choices I have made. ' She fiddles with the Scarab beetle around her neck. She wondered if a foreigner even knew of Khepri. Even many in Osirian paid little attention to the old gods. 'You are just an old man off a boat. Are you here just to pillage our tombs and sell to the highest bidder. Will you respect our dead? Will you respect your team as people or are we just labour to get what you want?
Sorry for not jumping straight to the questions, but though you might like to resolve Hers question + I'm rushing. Will try and right out the answers in a bit.
Last edited July 17, 2021 12:55 pm
Jul 17, 2021 1:18 pm
Bernard has had quite enough of people deciding to interrupt everything he is doing today with little to no courtesy. "If you believe I am just an old man off a boat, then you are likely not nearly perceptive enough to be worth talking to. I am afraid I'm not going to answer any of your questions. Ever since I stepped off that boat today, all I have seen is a parade of strangers accost me with nary a shred of courtesy or manners among them. Is this reflective of your customs?

Now, I have tried to bring some order to this by trying to talk to you each one at a time so that we might have a nice conversation, without further interruptions, and attempt to come to an understanding, but since you seem to insist on rudeness, as far as I'm concerned you can go to the back of the line, learn some manners, and make another attempt when you're ready to behave like an adult. If you don't wish to do so, I am more than happy at this point to look elsewhere for others to whom I could lend my considerable arcane skills."

He looks over at the others.

"Esmae, is it? You are the only one in this room who has shown a modicum of politeness, and the Paladins of the Dawnflower are renowned for their courtesy. Perhaps we could show the rest of them how this is done?"
@LightofMidnight - there is no need to rush, this can all be done out of order, and is mainly intended as an opportunity to start getting into character. I'm finding the way everyone seems to be rushing highly amusing and want to play on it - if you actually go back and read what is occurring, its pretty amusing to see the way characters are currently behaving. Bernard would also not necessarily be asking these questions all at once, but instead interact with the answers to each - just putting them all up there so you can start to see the things he's interested in and have responses ready. Qralloq will start us up when he's good and ready.

In the mean time, enjoy some sass!
Last edited July 17, 2021 1:24 pm
Jul 17, 2021 1:24 pm
I heard the lottery was free to all. Every here seems to want to team up. I see that we have what it takes here. Healing. Those that can fight and those that work with the traps and such.

No offence to the lady Khadi, but really all I would want to know from you besides your name is can you heal and turn away undead? Perhaps fight as well. Cause that is what we need beside the want to join.

I didn't come to be interviewed for a job or to meet someone else's standard. I'm more than ready fight as needed. I seem to think rest of us are wanting the same thing. We came here to get a team together. I see we have that right here.

I'm call Herc and I come from the windy monastery of the mountains. And I think 'Destined Delvers' would be a fine name.
Last edited July 17, 2021 1:25 pm
Jul 17, 2021 1:30 pm
I agree with our Half-Orc friend here. You should be the first to answer these questions.
Jul 17, 2021 1:31 pm
"Quite frankly Herc, what I do is prepare and act. Now you seem to have knowledge of these people that I do not, perhaps you already know them. I do not, and in order to prepare appropriately, I need to know the people I would team up with so that I can help find the most efficient way forward.

Thus far, from what you've shown me, your singular talent seems to be jumping to unwarranted conclusions. If you don't want to tell me more about yourself, or learn anything about me, I'm more than happy for you to return to your windy monastery of the mountains, it sounds quite lovely really, why would you leave?"
Jul 17, 2021 1:39 pm
Why I come here for the lottery is my concern. What is important is finding those that are interested as well and that is half the fight alone. And what's important that each of us has the other's back. To be sure if we lose anyone that most likely the rest will fall too. So if your interested in that then Here. Here. May the Destined Delvers be chosen and we succeed.
Jul 17, 2021 1:44 pm
'It is called being friendly my friend. Khepri led me to the group, however perhaps it was the others and not you. A team of someone who is not willing to answers questions, yet insists if asking them of others, is not a team I wish to be in.'

She stands up an stretches before turning to those who are gathering. ' I to am looking for a team. One where we are all equal and open to one another, and will respect the tombs as we search I am a duskwalker, one who was good a enough at fighting undeath and protecting the cycle that I was brought back to do it all again. I have trained with the voices of the spire. With Khepri as my patron I am able to both destroy undead and aid wounds. If you wish for someone who will treat you as people and be open and true I will be at another table. We can grab a drink and discuss things. No interrogation just having a good time and see if we fit. You too old man, I do not discriminate. ' She gives a bow and a cheeky grin before heading off to a different table.
admittedly Khepri sitting down was a misread, I thought only she and herc and already reached the table. Still sorry for the hijack but yeah she currenttly sees no reason to work with Bernard. I have a feeling it will take those few months for them to get along.. If they do at start of the story.
Last edited July 17, 2021 1:47 pm
Jul 17, 2021 1:58 pm
Herc says as Khadi moves away Fate has its twists for sure. And what would you be drinking over there. I may have an interest.
Last edited July 17, 2021 1:59 pm
Jul 17, 2021 2:06 pm
Bernard responds to Jaware "Which questions would those be Jaware, considering I have not even had the opportunity to ask any as yet? Apparently the mere act of me wanting to ask questions seems to cast me in suspicion, and yet I did not approach a single one of you. You have all descended upon me reminiscent of a shiver of sharks, and then insist when I try to make sense of it all, that I should be the one that answers questions.

Since none of you seem to have the ability to respect boundaries or behave like civilised adults, let us do this as children would. Quid pro quo. Any person that answers a question, may then ask a question and of whom."

Herc makes his reponse.

"I'm afraid that is simply not good enough Herc. If I am on your team, your acts reflect on me, and as such are very much my concern. Same for you Khadi, you speak of being open and true yet offer nothing of yourself. Very well, since you all appear to be utterly paranoid, I will go first and answer my own question. Why am I here?

As some of you have kindly pointed out, I am an old man. I come here from distant Absalom, where I have studied for decades, and amassed arcane power the likes of which you have not seen. You know what I did with it? Nothing! There were always more books you see, more knowledge to be found and gained. One day I realised, for all my vast accomplishments, I have never once hazarded my skills out in the world, and my power had become a stunted, hollow thing, nothing but promises on the wind. I remembered dreaming when I was but a child of all the adventures I would have, like in the stories, and I realised if I did not do so now, I would miss my chance.

Bernards voice starts to rise and he stands to his feet.

"When the Ruby Prince decreed that the ancient sites of Osirion would be opened to adventurers, in order to stimulate the economy of a nation paradoxically both ancient yet also fledgling, I felt the call of destiny. Here, I can stand in halls unvisited for thousands of years. I can see the histories I have have studied, preserved as though all the thousands of years have but passed in the blink of an eye! Here, I can put the skills I have learned and left to rot to the ultimate test, and truly find out if I am worth a damned thing at all. That is why I am here."

His voice subsides, and Bernard sits back down and composes himself, the fire dimmed.

"Now, if you will forgive an old man his theatrics, why we are here is in fact, the most important question, one for which I have given answer, and before I answer any more questions, I would you all do the same."
Last edited July 17, 2021 2:08 pm
Jul 17, 2021 2:23 pm
Herc rises, Quite frankly old man. You need to put out postings to protect your name and not be looking to pickup a team in place such as this.

Looking over to Jaware, Iseret, Gethean and Esmae What all you be drinking? as he moves over to Khadi's table.

He says as he seats himself, I would love to know of your 'Khepri'. He is careful in getting the name right.
Jul 17, 2021 2:24 pm
'I have offered much of myself. My name, the fact I am not human, my God, my talent with positive energy, even my birth place. As for a drink whatever they serve here. I will buy the first round. She goes to leave but pauses as Bernard speaks.

' Well my friend perhaps we have one thing is common. I too wish to test myself in the necropolis. I have been told all my life that I am to fight undead. I have trained, yet have yet to be able to prove it, to myself and others. Especially as I choose to follow Khepri not pharasma as other wish, I need to show it is the right choice. I also wish to repay the two who raised me, who let me pick my own path, and the workers of the city who became my friends, let me practice my healing on them, and I also wish for the necropolis to be respected, and not ravaged due to this decree. '

She turns ba k to Herc. ' Khepri is one of the old gods, before the Keleshites invaded and brought their Sarenrae and others. He moves the sun across the sky. I will happily tell you more of him '
Last edited July 18, 2021 12:28 am
Jul 17, 2021 2:31 pm
Herc smiles. Lets talk of other things as there is much time for how we will survive Necropolis. He appears not to be set off by the fact that Khadi claims to not be human. Obviously Herc isn't fully human himself. He is more interested in enjoy himself. Perhaps it is rarer moment for he is a monk.
Jul 17, 2021 2:52 pm
"Ah, now that, Khadi, is a noble cause with which I can agree. I must admit, I do not know of this Khepri, for my shipment of books detailing the various deities of the Osiriani pantheon has not yet arrived, a shortfall of knowledge I hope to soon rectify. I would see the knowledge of the Necropolis preserved, but also brought into the light - history is a lesson that must be learned, lest it be repeated."

"Very well Herc, you seem to be someone who responds to actions rather than words, so I will gather information on you that way."

As Herc walks over to the other table, Bernard casts Grease beneath him.
Reflex save DC16
"Now, from what you have said thus far about your home in a monastery, I would assume you are a Monk, and thus quite agile, so I can likely cast this spell to hinder our enemies but not trip you up should I be unable to find a way to cast it without affecting one of the group - I would think yourself, or one of the other more agile folk would be the choice in that scenario."
[ +- ] Fails the Reflex Save
[ +- ] Passes the Reflex Save
Note: Herc could choose to refuse Enlarge Person, which would require a DC16 Fortitude Save.
Last edited July 17, 2021 4:04 pm
Jul 17, 2021 4:28 pm
Gethean just sits back sipping his tea and enjoying the impulsiveness of the shorter living members of this fledgling group. No expression on his face, just internal laughter. He has seen it before and will see it again and again and again over his lifetime. No need to point out how much joy he gets from situations like this.

He is patient and will wait for all the bickering to cease, before he addresses either Bernard or Khadi. It is clear there is a power struggle taking place between the two, he has no preference nor care who will win out, as long as it is settled to mutual agreement.

He silently awaits the result of the -what he knows now is- Monk's trial at the hands of the Wizard's harmless prank. He doesn't foresee it being a problem for the big Half-Orc, but nothing is for sure. For a Monk he does seem to be a little rash, perhaps that is due to is heritage, patience young one, patience.
Jul 17, 2021 6:22 pm
Herc is immediately taken by surprise when Bernard casts spells in public place. The sudden slipperiness that the floor has become is also a surprise. He suddenly losses his footing, but instead of falling down he supports himself with the chair next to him and immediately sits in it. Your magics would be best suited someplace else.

DEX Save DC(16)

Cliff Jumper: +1 Reflex saves to avoid falling.
Sacred Tattoo: +1 luck bonus on all saving throws.
Investiture: Swift Action expends a point and gains +2 to his save.
DEX Save: +0.
Total: +4

Acrobatic check DC(?)

Acrobatic check to stop from being a mess on the floor.
Rank: +1
Class Skill: +3
Cliff Jumper: +1 Acrobatics
Rock Climber: +1 Acrobatics
Wisdom in the Flesh: +3 Acrobatics
Total: +9
Last edited July 17, 2021 6:38 pm


DEX save DC(16) - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Acrobatics - (1d20+9)

(10) + 9 = 19

Jul 17, 2021 6:29 pm
As a monk you should have at least +2 to reflexon top of bonuses? Unless dumped dex?
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