True on the chaotic, but even if all are lawful you can be lawful in many different ways, at least is my I tepretation
There's even a fey monk who I might play as 'chaotic lawful' one day. As in they do have an order and reason to their method, just because fey think different from others it seems alien and chaotic to them. So just trying to say there is no one way any class should act, though certainly in regards to alignment some actions can be odd.
Of course you also have your standard wise and disciplined monks as well.
Been playing this for over 7 years so I'm very fond of playing against stereotype and mixing things up.
Would love to have a (friendly) discussion some point on it, just not at 4 in the morning. Heat is keeping me awake.
Edit: Also martial artist archetype can be chaotic but hey that's an outlier :p
Edit 2: What's done is done, and the main thread needs more love. Need to decide representative, sounds like it's Khadi or Esmae. Both are charisma and good with people. Khadi will have offered as she has knolwdge of Pharasma and the grand mauseleoum due to her father and background of having been born there. (Dusk walkers pop up in sanctified sites associated with death, Pharasma etc) She does care about group consensus however so while maybe she will pout a bit will accept another choice.
Last edited July 18, 2021 3:28 am