Code | Use
| Bold
| Italics
| Underline
| Strikethrough
| Adds line through entire post.
[color="CSS color"][/color]
| Makes text that color
| The semicolon (;) is needed to separate the "font-family:..." part from the color code and inject it into the page's styles. If you actually want to set the color as well, you can add it before the semicolon:
[img]Image Link Here[/img]
| Embeds image in post.
[url=Link]text to link[/url]
| links to website: Fourms
| To quote what somebody said.
| To hide something from everyone but people with usernames listed. (Doesn't hide from GM, or hide the fact that it exists)
| Like note but Instead Entirely Invisible to others, they won't even know it existed
| Out of character
[spoiler="Name Of Spoiler"]Contents[/spoiler]
| hides contents in collapsible box
| Alow you to post as a character without a character sheet.
| gets somebodies attention.
[poll="whatever we're voting about"]options each one line down from each other[/poll]
| Way to conduct a vote in thread.
| Changes The Size of Text
| Used to Embed Youtube Video
| as img, but linked to source and supporting newlines (for OtFBM)
| Used to line things up vertically, with straight up and down lines as seperators (like this table) |
[ +- ] Table Prefix's
Supported Prefix's | Use
center | center's table in post/character sheet
right | places table on the right hand side of sheet/post
stats | highlights top and positions table to right
ht | highlights the top of the table
hl | highlights the left side of the table
htl | highlights both top and left of table
rolls | highlights top and allows rolls with CharatersheetIntegration. |
[ +- ] Fonts
AgencyFB font
OstrichSans font
Neuropol font
Kelt font
Dumbledor font
Aniron font
OpenSans_Regular font
Cursive Font
[ +- ] Typing Fonts
[color=";font-family:AgencyFB;"]AgencyFB font[/color]
[color=";font-family:OstrichSans;"]OstrichSans font[/color]
[color=";font-family:Neuropol;"]Neuropol font[/color]
[color=";font-family:Kelt;"]Kelt font[/color]
[color=";font-family:Dumbledor;"]Dumbledor font[/color]
[color=";font-family:Aniron;"]Aniron font[/color]
[color=";font-family:OpenSans_Regular;"]OpenSans_Regular font[/color]
[color=";font-family:cursive"]Cursive Font[/color]
[ +- ] Links to other CSS stuff
Character Sheet Only Tags
[abilities="Ability Type"]
# Ability name
Abilities renders as any of the usual blocks in non custom character sheets example.

[snippet="Group of snippets"]
# Name
# Name
[npcs="All the NPC's]
Joe|Joe's Image Link
stuff in the right half of your character sheet
stuff in the left half of your character sheet
Last edited November 16, 2021 1:56 pm