Fall 2021 Game Interest Check/Pitches

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Pitch Picks

You may select 1 option.

  • Urban Shadows
  • GeneSys Familars
  • SWADE Agents of Oblivion
Jul 20, 2021 4:42 pm
Not starting games till September but if I get interest I can give people 5-6 weeks for us to figure out the game and the characters and start on September 1st. *note if someone wants to shoulder surf and tell me what I'm doing wrong I don't mind or learn I guess that's be more 'why are you doing that' I figure*

So here's the pitches:

* URBAN Shadows: It's been a minute so I'll likely have to reread some rules under the infamous use it or loss it mindset.
Either rural scenario (not big city, gravel roads, people knowing everyone for the most part on the surface) or something with a B, Bogota, Belarus, Berlin... I may have seen a movie with a spy in it...

GeneSys A Familiar's Fate: You'd be playing an animal familiar using the GeneSys ruleset plus an additional ruleset, less slaying dragons and more dealing with these 'human kids' as a day job.

**** Savage Worlds Agents of Oblivion (Plus SWADE): May have seen a movie as stated... playing spies agents for an organization that deals with the supernatural, occult, aliens, magical, mythical, 'other' threats not attached to any world government. Think if Warehouse 13, MIB, and Harry Dresden all worked for the same 'boss'.

Last edited July 21, 2021 12:13 pm
Jul 20, 2021 4:49 pm
September works perfectly for me. I'd be interested in the Savage Worlds game. Would you be starting the characters at level 1 though? PC's seem pretty thin at that level I have found.
Jul 20, 2021 4:55 pm
I'd be starting everyone out at Novice Rank for Savage World. What was the situation they were in? I'd need a bit more info to figure out and comment on comparison.
Jul 20, 2021 5:23 pm
It's been a while. One of the games was a Solomon Kane game run by Qralloq, and another was the gonzo RIFTS game you were in I think.

I meant to say advances rather than levels. Novice seems like it has too few options. But that's just this gal's opinion.
Jul 20, 2021 6:08 pm
Ah well fighting the Habringers of doom ain't easy starting out... granted it's not easy as you advance either. Also Rifts has Glitter boys and kaiju as 'friends' fighting for the forces of good or just delivering a McGuffin digging up ice demons to stop global cooling.

I've been of the mindset you have more 'paths' to go down at Novice and become more specialized as you rank up.
Jul 20, 2021 6:16 pm
Savage Rifts: Atlantis Rising comes out in September.
Jul 20, 2021 6:19 pm
I'd say put me up in the "probably" list for Savage Worlds, depending mainly on how newb friendly it can get (total lack of experience to be precise) and games being pilled up. For the latter it seems I'd be able to manage.
Jul 20, 2021 6:26 pm
I think the system is pretty easy and there's the always the option of asking "what are those????" and "what can I do?" but it's different in a few ways from d20 based systems. i.e. if you as a player have to roll a d20... well as the GM I'm smiling to find out how bad of a situation you've gotten into.

It's nice to see a setting where someone saying 'I wanna play a Surf Ninja." makes sense for a change...
Jul 20, 2021 6:52 pm
Urban Shadows sounds interesting.
Would you be rereading first edition right before the second edition comes out? :) Not sure I am all that impressed with second edition from the little I have read in the kickstarter kit, but they do seem to trying to clean up some of the problem points in the game.
Jul 20, 2021 7:12 pm
Since I don't have 2nd edition I'll be doing 1st ed possibly screw some things up but finish the game before Q4 2021.
Jul 20, 2021 10:59 pm
Agents of Oblivion sounds fun. I’m not very experienced with Savage Worlds (any edition) but I’ve heard it’s easy enough to learn.
Jul 21, 2021 4:11 am
I'd love to join the SWADE game when the time comes. Been wanting to give the system a shot.
Jul 21, 2021 12:14 pm
Forgot about polls. If you're interest and wanted to play have at it.

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