Interest check for a future game

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Jul 21, 2021 4:48 am
Apologies for the vague title, as the whole thing is still in a vague state.

An idea hit me about two days ago: the players' characters find themselves waking up in a form of dungeon jail cell. They remember after falling unconscious while staying at a tavern in a city, likely drugged heavily. Certain locations of each person has been branded by a strange insignia. It burns slightly but does not hurt at the touch. Hushed voices can be heard from their imprisonment, as cultists converse about how they are to be used as sacrifices for great power in a Faustian deal with the dark god they revere.
Now, I have the idea, but it's still just a seedling. To those who are interested, here's some details that I'm thinking of in regards to the game.

* System - I'm at a bit of a loss in deciding on a system. 5e can do the job, but admittedly, I'm bored of 5e. Other systems I'm thinking of using are: Pathfinder 1e, For Gold g Glory (ad&d 2e clone), Cypher, and SWADE. To be honest, SWADE sounds best, but I'll leave the choice up to you all to chip in.
* Tone - I'll be going for a darker mood. Not grim dark, but definitely dark fantasy. Death and danger around every corner nearly, with moments of peace and joy to give contrast.
* Level - Not all of the systems use levels - only FG&G and PF 1e. But as far as things go, players will not be starting at "level" 1. I'd say at least 5th for the previously mentioned systems, tier 2 for cypher, and either novice with a few advancements or seasoned for SWADE.
* World/Setting - I don't have anything published in mind, nor anything made for it. If anything, I'd say that it's an alternate form of the real world for ye olden times of knights and kings. Y'know, typical fantasy-style.

I'm looking for input and anyone interested in such a game pitch. I won't commit to getting it written unless I have at least four (4) people on board.

I look forward to seeing everyonec's posts!
Jul 21, 2021 9:30 am
Addendum: 13th Age is another system that I forgot to mention.
Jul 21, 2021 9:41 am
This sounds interesting. A gritty fantasy city like Sanctuary (from Thieves World) or Lankhmar would be a great setting for this. Or even Middenheim from WFRP.

System-wise, my vote would go to Cypher or SWADE, out of those you mention.
Jul 21, 2021 10:43 am
If its 13thA, cypher, or Swade put me on the bench if you have newer players or people not in a game. This sounds like The Hangover fantasy edition to me so I'm interested.
Jul 21, 2021 6:40 pm
I might be interested in Cypher. I have no looked at SWADE, only played a little of SWDE and thought it was 'interesting', might want to try the new one, but not sure yet.
Jul 21, 2021 6:47 pm
looks like it's going to be Cypher or SWADE, I don't have any experience with either system but am Interested in the game.
Jul 21, 2021 6:53 pm
Dark Fantasy. Evil Cults. Mysterious Brands. What's not to like?

Of the system options (other than 5e) I know SWADE the most. I am in a 13th Age game, but we haven't gotten to chargen yet. So, I would vote SWADE or 13th Age.
Jul 22, 2021 12:33 am
I've been wondering what Savage Worlds would be like for fantasy, and dig the pitch -- but looks like you have more than enough interest at this stage...
Jul 22, 2021 1:07 am
I'm on the bench, if it makes you fee better a fantasy one shot Swade game is on the docket after the pulp one shot which is after the current sci fi one...
Jul 22, 2021 2:30 am
(Not to co-opt the recruitment thread, but cool! SW is somehow one of the games I've never played in PbP format.)
Jul 22, 2021 4:28 am
I mean, 6 isn't really going overboard in my opinion, but it should be the max for my case.
I'll start doing what I can soon and will keep you guys updated as to when it'll be expected to start.
Jul 26, 2021 9:21 pm
I've started work on some of the stuff for the world and the like. It hasn't been a lot, but I also don't plan on making a lot, just to keep things simple. As far as I'm aware/concerned, the game could start as soon as 1-2 weeks.
I'll make a game page soon and will invite everyone to that has shown interest in order to discuss topics regarding gameplay.

Talk with you all soon.

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