Chapter One - There Are Cracks In The Walls

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Jul 29, 2021 12:13 pm
Dan'lo looks at the loose panel for a moment and then heads to the cockpit.

"Hey Roooarrgh, I think we have a loose panel in the infirmary, care to check it. I'm not used to screws catching my jacket.
Jul 30, 2021 4:02 am
Esidrix says:
Dan'lo looks at the loose panel for a moment and then heads to the cockpit.

"Hey Roooarrgh, I think we have a loose panel in the infirmary, care to check it. I'm not used to screws catching my jacket.
I think there might be some confusion. Ro was in the cockpit earlier but the last post I saw had him in the engine room.
Jul 30, 2021 4:09 am
Rezart says:
Esidrix says:
Dan'lo looks at the loose panel for a moment and then heads to the cockpit.

"Hey Roooarrgh, I think we have a loose panel in the infirmary, care to check it. I'm not used to screws catching my jacket.
I think there might be some confusion. Ro was in the cockpit earlier but the last post I saw had him in the engine room.
It's a relatively small ship. If Rooargh is not in the cockpit, he will be found in the engine room or vice versa. Can we move this along please?
Jul 30, 2021 5:00 am
Roooarrgh resisted the urge to toss the prima donna a hydrospanner and tell him to fix it himself. Spaceships rattle, screws loosen, that's life in space. However, he wasn't getting anywhere with the hyperdrive timing test, so maybe a quick break would help.

He headed into the infirmary, and realized to late he should have asked for more information about the screws location. He resigned himself to hunting for it and the loose panel.


Search - (2D6+2)

(61) + 2 = 9

Jul 30, 2021 5:29 am
Narrator: Infirmaries on freighters were some of the best places to have hidden compartments. If the ship ever was robbed in port, most thieves cared only for bacta and some of the medical supplies found there. If boarded by authorities, having a sick or injured patient resting in an infirmary was enough to detract most routine searchers and even give the more persistent contraband officials pause.

Dan'lo knew that the panel seemed out of place, and Roooargh appeared to agree. From his knowledge of ships, and the YT series, there shouldn't really be anything there, so why the removable panel? He pushed on it and felt it give way slightly. He pushed on it again and both the doctor and the engineer saw another screw fall out to the port side of where the original screw was found near the lip seam of the wall. A panel was now revealed as one corner fell away from the wall giving way to a small passage on the other side. It was just enough space to hide a sleeping dusty stowaway. A stowaway that had likely been on the ship for decades.

It was a NR-5 maintenance repair droid (stands approximately .7 meters tall). While they weren't as sophisticated as an R2 astromech, they were hard working reliable technicians that helped do in-flight repairs of the ship...sometimes even going outside the ship to work. This unit had a designated marking on it "MRT-7". Along with the designation, it had what looked like dents and scrapes from may have been a vibroblade. It sat there, motionless with a powered off optics blank stare, waiting to be powered up from a very long nap.
Okay, I'm thinking that this door panel may be cursed with two players getting 1s on wild dice. Now that you got those 1s out of the way, you should both be good. :)
Jul 30, 2021 5:38 am
Roooarrgh made a quizzical growl, crouching down to take a look at the droid, and seeing if it could be powered up.


Droid Repair - (3D6+1)

(614) + 1 = 12

Jul 30, 2021 12:13 pm
As he finished unpacking, Mennoe tried to relax. Feeling restless Mennoe gets up and decides to check out the ship's weapons systems.
Jul 30, 2021 12:37 pm
Narrator: Roooargh found a switch near the base of the diminutive droid’s swiveling/extending neck and flipped the toggle. It vibrated for a few seconds as mechanical buzzes and whirling sounds could be heard coming from it internally.

The droid’s optics came online and it suddenly hopped backwards in a startled fashion, smacking into the wall. It seemed unphased by the slight crash and produced a small buzzsaw, turned it on and held it up defensively.

"New crew? Trandoshan slaymos shot dead, yessirno?" the droid questioned in a hurried nervous fashion. It waited for a response from the doctor or the Wookiee, it’s head swiveling back and forth slightly: watching for sudden movement.


Narrator: Elsewhere on the ship, Mennoe walked the short distance to the gun well access and checked out the gun system. While not an upgraded turret, it certainly could punch through starfighter armor without much problem: especially unshielded vessels like the Uglies that pirates were known to use on a regular basis. It could also make short work of TIE fighters…if it came to that.
Jul 30, 2021 2:56 pm
Ah droids...

"Yes little fellow, New crew. I'm not certain of the previous crew's condition. " Pointing to the Wookie standing beside him, "Roooarrgh here is in charge of mechanical things, so be helpful."
Jul 31, 2021 12:29 am
"Yes little fellow, New crew. I'm not certain of the previous crew's condition. " Pointing to the Wookie standing beside him, "Roooarrgh here is in charge of mechanical things, so be helpful."
Narrator: The droid listened and hesitated to put away his saw, but then after a few seconds of not seeing any Trandoshan slaymos, he raised his heavy grasping arm and threw a solute while putting away his saw. "Oh, no way MRT slack-that’s a fact-jack. So used to solder vape when getting ship in tip-top-shape. Can count on MRT back to back-that’s a fact-jack. Beep. Look-out." He rotated his gears, spun all of his arms and then launched forward half a meter before he realized he didn’t need to gun it and could move at MRT pace, which was considerably slower than most of the people on the ship. He spent the next half hour going around the ship waving to any he encountered, "I’m new, you’re new. That’s a fact-jack," before settling down and updating himself in the lounge. "Power recharge. Yip. Repairs. Okay. Maintenance. Okay. Galactic standard time. Oooookay. No way. They cancelled ‘Any Givin Sun Day,’ sixteen standard years ago? MRT’s sad, but can watch reruns as a reward for a hard day of work."

It was more entertaining watching MRT react to a show about a group of four Givin friends walking around outside on ships pranking people on passenger liners than watching the show itself. "People on ship go crazy when they see people outside-ship, but not so when they see droids. No one gets excited when they see droids. Being a droid-boring."

He continued to watch holos while periodically scanning the shape of the ship while everyone else prepared a watch schedule for the ship’s journey. The night went off without a hitch. The crew awoke to find that MRT was still watching holos, but this time it was action instead of comedy. "Imperial Storm Commandos," which MRT had blurted out at one time that they were probably "pushover Kowakian monkey lizards" in real life.

"Not so." commented Varn who had taken up first and last watch. He could hear the laughing, "oohs and aaaahs" and running commentary from MRT all the way from the cockpit, and several times asked him to keep it down.

The food aboard the ship was fair to decent. The refreshers were surprisingly clean, and everyone went about their business getting ready for the eventual pull out of hyperspace and the arrival of into the Vulgas system.

That "pull" was more of a loud shudder and shake than a slight shift, and it was earlier than expected.

Mission Time Chronometer: 24.5 hours after leaving Rodia.

Varn rushed to the cockpit and gasped at what he saw. The alarm system of the ship was blaring and the little droid recognized the sound.
"Mass-shadow. Into-planet-go."
"Nope. Not a planet. The Empire. Interdictor cruiser. Mass gravity generators"
"That’s dumb."

Varn looked down at the little droid and then back to the Imperial Interdictor cruiser dispatching TIE fighters. He flipped the intercom switch.

"This is Varn in the cockpit. Interdictor cruiser right in front of us. Roooargh, or someone, can you take Mr. Commentary into the back and out of sight. Roooargh, you may want to stay out of sight as well. Some Imps think Wookiees should be slaves, others don’t care, and some are disgusted by it. Let’s not take any chances. I need everyone to their stations, please. Roooargh - engineering. Mennoe - guns, but don’t power them up yet. If you’ve got shields or comm experience, I’d like some help up here. Everyone else, buckle up."

As everyone prepared, the comm band cackled and a voice came across the PA.

"The Rising Blade, this is the HMS Shocksnare. We have you on our scopes now. You’re moving into restricted Imperial space. Are you in need of assistance?"

Varn hesitated to answer. He had high-clearance investigative powers. If he used his codes, the Navy would definitely know he was here poking around. He checked their position and saw that they were on the edge of the system. The sensor array on the cruiser would be able to find them anywhere in the system, so there would be no sneaking in.

"The Rising Blade, we read you as a merchant vessel. Are you in need of assistance?"

The comm officer on the other end didn’t seem to be a bad guy. He asked twice now if they needed help.

Any who enter the cockpit are all likely in surprise and awe at the size of the Imperial ship that was only a little bigger than 1/3 the size of a Star Destroyer. The giant gravity well projectors were the ship's defining feature. Transports, pirates, smugglers, or anyone else caught in the gravity well snare would see that jumping to hyperspace on sight at this type of cruiser wasn't a likely option.

"Anybody got any ideas? I’d prefer they not know who I am and what we’re doing. This is the adversary we’re investigating. I’m still thinking and we’re running out of time. If you can't think of anything, I'm going to have to give them code clearances.

The comm cackled again, and the TIEs were getting closer. Two were on intercept for a fly along escort, while the other kept back. Varn slowed the ship's sublight speed hoping that would make the fighter jocks a little less nervous.

"The Rising Blade, do you read? Are you able to transmit?"
Just to demonstrate scale.
Jul 31, 2021 3:28 am
Roooarrgh watched the little droid trundle off. It could be dangerous to let droids wander around without an occasional memory overhaul. On the other hand, it had voiced its hatred of Transdoshan slavers, so that suggested its logic circuits were still fairly well aligned.

He went to check the tech library and see if there were any docs on Kalibac droids when the proximity alarm went off. Roooarrgh headed towards engineering as instructed, making sure to grab his bowcaster and Rykk blade along the way. Best to keep them nearby in case there was a boarding party.
Jul 31, 2021 7:29 am
Kezza finds themself adjusting their assessment of the professionalism of these people down a fair number of steps.
"You did not have a plan for how to get us onto the planet?" They exclaim, not knowing anything about how these 'space' things work.
"What sort of 'assistance need' would get them to allow us down... without too many question?" They ask. Until they are on the ground, Kezza does not feel there is much they can do... except to appear clueless and innocent.
Someone would need to coach them on the details (though not understanding the details could play into the 'innocent' vibe). Then Kezza could try to persuade them to let us 'land for repairs'.
Neither I nor Kezza know if there is any way to sneak onto the planet if we can get away from the grav-ship, but once we are down we could try sneak off the repair base.
Jul 31, 2021 2:55 pm
I think you're on to something with the "land for repairs" idea. It may be easier to persuade a few pilots or techs on the planet than to convince the already suspicious command group of an Interdictor cruiser. If you feel comfortable attempting the con or persuasion roll, go ahead. Anyone else can help out in the act. Varn also will likely play along as he's not wanting to tell the Navy they're under investigation.
Jul 31, 2021 2:57 pm
How do we assist with the dice roll?
Jul 31, 2021 3:01 pm
I am not sure about the mechanics with this game, but fictionally: maybe someone can do an engineering roll of some sort to come up with a feasible lie for Kezza to tell (they don't know the jargon, which could be a benefit:), then maybe our engineer could make a roll to try make that lie look true (fiddle with the engines?)?
This seems kinda important --if we can not get down on the planet, we are dead in the water-- so I am happy to toss a Force Point at the roll.
Jul 31, 2021 4:09 pm
"You did not have a plan for how to get us onto the planet?"

Narrator: Varn winced a bit at Kezza’s. He foresaw complications but not an independent interdictor cruiser by itself. Most of the time, these types of cruisers were part of a larger Star Destroyer task force.

"I foresaw avoiding asteroids and ion storms and a relatively smooth landing at an abandoned compound. Not this."

"What sort of 'assistance need' would get them to allow us down... without too many question?"

Varn thought out loud at Kezza's question.

"Can’t run, can’t disable them. We just passed through an area of space plagued with runaway asteroids and ion storms. Appears we made it through. We may be able to use that?

"The Rising Blade, do you read? Are you able to transmit?"

Varn hit the comm switch.

"We’re having problems with communications and other systems. Being pulled out of hyperspace by your ship jarred us pretty good. Give us a few minutes to lock down what else is wrong."

"Understood. Update us soon. Shocksnare out."

The two TIES swooped by, circled around, swung back, and continued to circle while the other TIE continued in a slight figure 8 pattern, occasionally adjusting or reversing its flight path.

"How do we assist with the dice roll?
When I said "Anyone else can help out in the act," I was really speaking more of everyone coming up with a story and then one persuasion or con roll back to the cruiser’s comm officer. (Varn bought you all a little bit of time because Kezza hinted at this).
I am not sure about the mechanics with this game, but fictionally: maybe someone can do an engineering roll of some sort to come up with a feasible lie for Kezza to tell (they don't know the jargon, which could be a benefit:), then maybe our engineer could make a roll to try make that lie look true (fiddle with the engines?)?
This seems kinda important --if we can not get down on the planet, we are dead in the water-- so I am happy to toss a Force Point at the roll.
Yes, as many people contributing to giving the illusion that repairs are needed would be a good thing. The ship passed by dangerous obstacles and was just ripped out of hyperspace by the gravity projectors. You have plenty to work with in coming up with a why it happened, but will need to come up with making it convincing if they scan you (the what’s wrong).
Jul 31, 2021 4:30 pm
Some 'intelligence' officer you are. Kezza thinks.
Then they wince as Varn hits the com and transmits his voice, and details that they now have to work into any lie they come up with.
"Wish you hand't done that." They say, throwing up their hands in exasperation and looking around a the others nearby for help. "I could have tried to talk our way out of this. But now they are going to want to speak to you!"
Jul 31, 2021 4:33 pm
Mennoe walks up to the cockpit and listens to everyone. Dince we just got ripped from hyperspace, let's say the engines are giving us grief and we need to make repairs. Roooarrgh and myself can even ho down to the engine room and...start the repairs.
Jul 31, 2021 5:17 pm
vagueGM says:
Some 'intelligence' officer you are. Kezza thinks.
Then they wince as Varn hits the com and transmits his voice, and details that they now have to work into any lie they come up with.
"Wish you hand't done that." They say, throwing up their hands in exasperation and looking around a the others nearby for help. "I could have tried to talk our way out of this. But now they are going to want to speak to you!"
Varn began to tire of the criticism.

"You were free to speak up Kezza. Someone had to say something before they started boarding us or punching holes in our ship with laser fire. They know that there's multiple people aboard the ship with their cursory scans. If you have a plan, call them back and have at it."
Squadfather44 says:
Mennoe walks up to the cockpit and listens to everyone. Dince we just got ripped from hyperspace, let's say the engines are giving us grief and we need to make repairs. Roooarrgh and myself can even ho down to the engine room and...start the repairs.
Varn turned to the mercenary.

"Yes, good. Ask Roooargh to put the sublight drive on intermittent failure. We'll coast to the planet. It'll be bumpy, but convincing."

Varn turns back to Kezza. "You'll be up on stage for a performance of a lifetime in just a few..."

Just then, the cockpit viewer popped up. They were greeted with the face of a stern Imperial Navy Captain. It was eerie. The Imperials couldn't see them just yet because they hadn't accepted the viewer call, but it looked like the brass had taken an interest.

"My name is Captain Grehn. The communications officer has reported you're having difficulties. We're prepared to assist you. What was your original course heading?"
Jul 31, 2021 5:28 pm
"No, no. You're doing great!" Kezza replies. "I had hoped to keep my face off their screens --you Imperials are sooo accepting of non-humans. But too late for that bluff."
Kezza sits back and puts their feet up, 'nonchalantly'. "Let me know when you want to, you know, actually use me for the job I was 'hired' for, or something."
25 hours of feeling useless and ignored, and then being stepped on has left the Falleen feeling a little salty, but they are still hanging around in case they can help.
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