Oct 5, 2021 7:38 am
"Centaur village trouble with captain man!" - shouted Sogmeath, running towards the apprentices, as they neared Yorkford.
And trouble they could hear, loud and clear. They saw a few figures standing in a field, arguing loudly, with other villagers surrounding them.
"Don´t you remember what happened with the last time we let someone using magic? Or have you already forgotten?" It was one of the minotaurs, seemingly bigger than others but bent forward because of his age.
"Of course I do remember. But if you think, Oxordo, that he will leave us alone, you are naive" one of the centaurs opposed him "You are a leader of this small community and a minotaur of great respect, but your thinking is clouded by anger. Our axes and bows cannot defeat wizard, should he attack".
The minotaur called Oxordo snorted loudly and stomped his foot a few times. Other minotaurs started grunting and murmuring in their own language. You could feel the tension in the air, the division in the village obvious.
When he let some of his anger go, Oxordo pointed a finger at Greyjell. "And the ship that this man commanded, that he brought here. It is clear that it´s cursed, the smell of death surrounds it. His..." he stopped talking as with the corner of his eye, he saw Solmyr and Lilinoe approaching.
"Finally!" he turned to them with his raspy voice "A witch herself decided to show up. I can smell your foul craft from here".
As they came closer, Lilinoe stopped, not wanting to stand between the centaur and the minotaur. On the way, Sogo explained a little about the nature of the problem: apparently, some of the villagers, having bad past experiences with wizard Gwydion, didn´t want anything to do with any person using magic. That, and the general state and aura of the ship, which could be easily called ¨the ghost ship¨.
Lilinoe took a deep breath, steadied her voice and spoke:
"Elders and people of this village! I´m being called a witch and I must say, I don´t know what that means. Do I, or Solmyr here, try to use magic? Yes, we do. But you should know as well, that with our current knowledge and power, we pose no threat tou you. It would probably take just two or three minotaurs strong as you to cut us down. Of course, maybe we would kill one of them but in the end - we don´t stand a chance".
She played a very easy and obvious game - she tried to appear as harmless to them. Appealing to their self-confidence seemed like a good tactics, and some flattery wouldn´t hurt either. When noone interrupted her, she continued: "Look at the matter this way: you don´t have to trust us but we have a common enemy. Solmyr could tell you more, as he just escaped with his life from the grasp of Gwydion".
Solmyr puffed his chest and stepped forward: "Indeed. Shedding our blood wouldn´t help you much. And if Gwydion comes - and I´m sure he will come when he feels secure in his power - you don´t stand a chance against him. Even with us to help, you probably don´t stand a chance, but it´s better than nothing. In other words, you don´t have much choice. I got to know this man a little, probably less than you. He kept me prisoner, tried breaking me but finally I... I got away.".
When Solmyr was talking, Lilinoe used that time to discreetly recite the words for the "Calm" spell. While not being overly powerful, it should slowly emanate around them and make the people... calmer.
Then again, she took the lead, when Solmyr finished his sentence:
"Look at this man, Aeron Greyjell, captain of our ship. Does he look like a warlock or anything maleficient? In his prime, he may have been a corsair or a smuggler but right now, he´s just an experienced sailor with many stories to tell". Then, she turned to the centaurs, as she remembered that they cherished laws of hospitality "Look, you clearly need time to discuss this with other citizens. We are strangers, so we will let you talk. We do not want your land or your lives - we would be most happy to leave, once our ship is functional again. If you would provide such help, we would be most grateful. If not, then let us be on our way and look for some other place".
And trouble they could hear, loud and clear. They saw a few figures standing in a field, arguing loudly, with other villagers surrounding them.
"Don´t you remember what happened with the last time we let someone using magic? Or have you already forgotten?" It was one of the minotaurs, seemingly bigger than others but bent forward because of his age.
"Of course I do remember. But if you think, Oxordo, that he will leave us alone, you are naive" one of the centaurs opposed him "You are a leader of this small community and a minotaur of great respect, but your thinking is clouded by anger. Our axes and bows cannot defeat wizard, should he attack".
The minotaur called Oxordo snorted loudly and stomped his foot a few times. Other minotaurs started grunting and murmuring in their own language. You could feel the tension in the air, the division in the village obvious.
When he let some of his anger go, Oxordo pointed a finger at Greyjell. "And the ship that this man commanded, that he brought here. It is clear that it´s cursed, the smell of death surrounds it. His..." he stopped talking as with the corner of his eye, he saw Solmyr and Lilinoe approaching.
"Finally!" he turned to them with his raspy voice "A witch herself decided to show up. I can smell your foul craft from here".
As they came closer, Lilinoe stopped, not wanting to stand between the centaur and the minotaur. On the way, Sogo explained a little about the nature of the problem: apparently, some of the villagers, having bad past experiences with wizard Gwydion, didn´t want anything to do with any person using magic. That, and the general state and aura of the ship, which could be easily called ¨the ghost ship¨.
Lilinoe took a deep breath, steadied her voice and spoke:
"Elders and people of this village! I´m being called a witch and I must say, I don´t know what that means. Do I, or Solmyr here, try to use magic? Yes, we do. But you should know as well, that with our current knowledge and power, we pose no threat tou you. It would probably take just two or three minotaurs strong as you to cut us down. Of course, maybe we would kill one of them but in the end - we don´t stand a chance".
She played a very easy and obvious game - she tried to appear as harmless to them. Appealing to their self-confidence seemed like a good tactics, and some flattery wouldn´t hurt either. When noone interrupted her, she continued: "Look at the matter this way: you don´t have to trust us but we have a common enemy. Solmyr could tell you more, as he just escaped with his life from the grasp of Gwydion".
Solmyr puffed his chest and stepped forward: "Indeed. Shedding our blood wouldn´t help you much. And if Gwydion comes - and I´m sure he will come when he feels secure in his power - you don´t stand a chance against him. Even with us to help, you probably don´t stand a chance, but it´s better than nothing. In other words, you don´t have much choice. I got to know this man a little, probably less than you. He kept me prisoner, tried breaking me but finally I... I got away.".
When Solmyr was talking, Lilinoe used that time to discreetly recite the words for the "Calm" spell. While not being overly powerful, it should slowly emanate around them and make the people... calmer.
Then again, she took the lead, when Solmyr finished his sentence:
"Look at this man, Aeron Greyjell, captain of our ship. Does he look like a warlock or anything maleficient? In his prime, he may have been a corsair or a smuggler but right now, he´s just an experienced sailor with many stories to tell". Then, she turned to the centaurs, as she remembered that they cherished laws of hospitality "Look, you clearly need time to discuss this with other citizens. We are strangers, so we will let you talk. We do not want your land or your lives - we would be most happy to leave, once our ship is functional again. If you would provide such help, we would be most grateful. If not, then let us be on our way and look for some other place".