Forgotten Fragments Pathfinder 1E: Recruiting

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Jul 27, 2021 4:04 pm
Wanted: Adventurers!

The Stolen Lands have finally been conquered!

The new country of Fiadhain will grow and reclaim the wild lands for civilisation once more. The council wishes to remember not only the lost empire of Dachaigh-Sìth but all of the lost civilisations!

A museum is being built in the town of Nodha on Candelmere island, a project personally overseen by Treasurer Carnwen. The council are seeking adventurers willing to aid in growing the collection, and aiding to build up the town in general. Successful candidates will live in the town, and go on expeditions across Golarion to uncover treasure and bring them back to be displayed when information of such places are discovered.

Pay: 10gp a week, with board and food provided, with additional payment per expedition and artifacts recovered.

Those interested should travel to the Geata outpost on the outskirts of Fiadhain. Those successful will travel by caravan to Nodha. Unsuccessful candidates are still welcome to settle, either in Nodha or the capital Daingneach.


The above notice has been spread across Golarion, brought by heralds also sharing the news of the new nation Fiadhain, established after group of adventurers defeated the stag lord and laid claim to part of the stolen lands, and wild expanse filled with fey, bandits and ruins. Other notices came with it, speaking of the new country, and offering a place to turn over a new leaf, start a family, run a business and so on.


Forgotten Fragments is a character focused, rp heavy game where players are a team of explorers travelling through the ancient ruins of Golarion find treasurers and uncovering lore, riches and maybe some evil schemes.

As a pathfinder game, there will be some combat, but I encourage players to go for flavour builds and decisions, rather than combat ability as I will be matching combats to the players. You will also be encountering problems such as puzzles, riddles, social encounters etc.

Characters start level 3, 20pb, and will use automatic bonus progression, plus this bundle of houserules. Most these relate to character creation. It looks scary, is actually fairly simple once read through.. It looks big, but its mostly relating to char creation, and involves the feat tax rules. I will always be happy to help talk people through it, Characters require at least a bit of background, as I intend to include them in the story, but again I am very happy to help people not used to backgrounds, or the Golarion setting, and there are traits and a free story feat to aid. (Char creation can happen after being accepted, just putting house rules here so people are aware, not everyone likes a lot of house rules)


I don’t yet know the full level scope for the game, but I definitely intend it to be a longer one. Posting 4-5 times a week as a rough start.

The general theme is adventuring and discovery, but sometimes people discover dark things. There is no possible trigger currently set in stone, but I will be collecting peoples lines and veils/triggers at game start so I know what to avoid when writing bits, and people are always free to let me know if something is making them uncomfortable and we need to dial back and rest something.

This game is explicitly friendly to LGBT and any other minorities or marginalized groups. You are aiding a nation offering a fresh start for people from all over, two of the female leaders of the country are in a relationship, and that’s just the top of the minority NPC iceburg.

On that note,however, there will be ‘fantasy racism’ and not all characters may react well to LGBT/certain races, but that's all in character, you are in no way forced to agree and those characters/views can be combatted. If people are concerned on this throw me a message and we can discuss.


So if you’ve survived this long, onto the part you all want to know. Applications!

PC’s will have been filling out an application as part of the process to be selected, so players will be too, just to give me a bit of insight into the proposed character. I think this is better than first past the post.

Just pop this down below, filled out (in character if you wish). All experiences welcome.


Country of Origin: (Only if you are familiar with golarion countries)
Previous Occupation:
Why are you applying?:
What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?: (Aka class, and other things)
Anything we should know?:


Feel free to pop some additional information in spoilers if there's something you want me to know but not other prospective players.

I will start looking to make choices next week. Some priority will go to players without a game. If you have any question just post below.

Be aware there will be a discord channel for the game set up for players to communicate.
Last edited July 27, 2021 9:15 pm
Jul 27, 2021 5:32 pm
Very much interested in this campaign. I ran some of the Kingmaker path a while back and others set in Golarion. I currently have no active games. I am on Discord, barely, as you may know already from our time together in another Pathfinder game that went cold.

I will need to look through all my notes to put forth a character concept and finish reading creation rules.

Edit: Ooops! Forgot about The Funnel. So, I am in one game with a slow posting rate.
Last edited July 27, 2021 5:49 pm
Jul 27, 2021 5:40 pm
Sounds good. No worries on discord, as long as I know can make sure you get any messages another way.

Should clarify no need to make full characters yet for those who think they do. The house rules are just there to be open as I know some would rather no house rule heavy
Jul 27, 2021 9:23 pm
Jack the Harrowed [aka Grimjack Harrow]

Country of Origin: Varisia (recently of the Soidvoda county of Versex; city of Thrushmoor

Previous Occupation: Agent of the Sleepless Agency [Finding lost persons, exposing corruption, and guarding precious treasures]

Why are you applying?: Looking for a change of scenery from Ustalav

What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?: Medium, Harrowed, Gun-capable, Seasoned Hunter and Investigator, Adept at dealing with the living and the dead.
Last edited July 27, 2021 9:27 pm
Jul 27, 2021 9:37 pm
Popping in quickly to show my interest in this game. I'll give it more thought when I have more time on my hands and can get to my home computer, early early in the morning.

Initial thoughts: Female, Elven or Half-Elven, Adherent of Calistria, from the big city I can't remember the name of atm.
Last edited July 27, 2021 10:57 pm
Jul 27, 2021 10:39 pm
Count me in LOM, will come up with something fast, but looking at doing a Human Hunter build, will have to do some background work...not my strong point. And will make a decision on homeland also.

Oh and no access to discord.
Last edited July 28, 2021 10:00 pm
Jul 28, 2021 2:50 am
If you'll have me, I'll gladly join this endeavor! Will have a character submission together asap
Jul 28, 2021 3:55 am
Name: Raelle (half-elven female)
Country of Origin: City of Absalom
Previous Occupation: Salon of Calistria temple employee
Why are you applying?: Broadening my horizons and looking for the adrenaline rush of adventure
What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?: Cleric/Rogue
Anything we should know?: ?

RageRed sent a note to LightOfMidnight
Jul 28, 2021 10:36 pm
Name: Emmeline (female human)
Country of Origin: haven't made up my mind yet
Previous Occupation:
Why are you applying?: have never been away from home, seeking adventure
What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?: Hunter with mountain lion companion, scout
Anything we should know?: not yet

Is this a PF adventure path? Just wondering in case there is a player's guide I need to obtain.
Last edited July 28, 2021 11:05 pm
Jul 28, 2021 11:07 pm
How the hell does that note thing work?

Can't figure it out (
Last edited July 28, 2021 11:08 pm
Jul 29, 2021 12:22 am

Name: Zarathustra the Legendary Kineticist (Roil Dancer/Fusion Kineticist)
Race: Ferocious Human Specialized Strength and Consitution, utterly void of appropriate communication skills
Country of Origin: Apkallu Vault Plane of Axis - Awakened From Stasis
Previous Occupation: What's that?
Why are you applying?: Zarathustra is seeking the philosophy of life, trying to find a true meaning. Something in his core programming - for indeed he was programmed not taught - tells him that the path of most resistance will lead to enlightenment.
What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?: He is a healer, of disease and flesh. He doesn't seem to need any spellpower it just happens around him. As a healer he is first and foremost a philosopher. He is also a force of nature when it comes to destruction. All things in balance. He also is handy with building, cooking, and crafting.
Anything we should know?: He literally fell from the sky into the adventuring party not long ago. He is very childlike, in that he is both foolish and stupid, or at least seems to be. But has a profound outlook, claiming that the end of everything is not far now. He lives his life to the fullest, and eats, oh how he eats.

STR: 15
DEX: 18
CON: 18
INT: 8
WIS: 9
CHA: 7

Human: Heir to Power Unstable
First: Endurance
Second: Legendary Extra Wild Talent
Third: Kinetic Prodigy

Infusions:Kinetic Blade
Telekinetic Boomerang

Wild Talents:
Kinetic Healer
No Breath

Spark Strike
Variable Flux
Eldritch Shield
Fluctuation Movement
Horizon Wind Lancet

Embrace the Elements


Awakened from Stasis: Zarathustra was made by the Apkallu, not born. For some forgotten purpose. He broke from stasis in a nightmare where he saw millions of identical entities as himself.

Blessed Touch: Made to be the perfect agent of balance, Zarathustra's healing capability is on par with his level of destruction.

The Metal Womb:

Zarathustra did not know what it was to be, before he awoke, he was not meant to know individuality. Processed and created by a singular will, all of Zarathustra was subtly implanted with knowledge within their mutual stasis chambers.

They, Zarathustra, did not need to know much. Cocktails of magical mushrooms were injected into the brainstem, stimulating growth, enhancing awareness, directing all energies in the chamber to the Zarathustra within them.

Countless billions, identical, perfectly formed human beings, each identical to another. Growing according to the infallible logic of the Godmind. Who's purpose with these sleeping humans? Balance.

A Zarathustra knew only this balance. And how to draw upon the balance, to create, to destroy. Aeons of learning poured into their minds while the body remained in stasis. All such teachings to reinforce the connection between physical struggle, and the pursuit of perfection.

The shared consciousness carried on in such a manner until events outside the Axis of worlds dictated the need for Zarathustra to awake. Inevitably one was the perfect solution to the problem. Inevitably that one would bring balance.

Zarathustra awoke, in terrible fear, his instincts honed by thousands, perhaps millions of years in stasis. Immediately recognized he was both restrained, and deep in hot water. The green murky waters of the stasis pod were receding, bringing light which blinded his eyes. Eyes that had never before seen the light. The pain was intense, but dwarfed by the tube, catheters, and shunts being withdrawn from his physical form. The psychic scream of anguish brought about a release of The Might, as the forces of gravity and light tore apart the machine womb that had carried Zarathustra for so many aeons.

Muscles which had never before held weight collapsed under the strain. A circulatory system that had never worked in isolation too weak to keep such a powerful frame ambulatory. Zarathustra collapsed, and when the pain abated was able to focus. Seeing his face for the first time in the pool of fluids that had gushed from the destroyed stasis chamber.

Coal black irises around an even blacker pupil tasted self awareness and at once, Zarathustra looking upon his reflection knew himself. The neon pink hair, rugged angular features suggesting elven blood. Soft pink lips and alabaster flesh, these things he knew upon sight, but the voice that told him what they were he knew as The Other. Billions of his voices shared ideas amongst the collective, a collective he was no longer in contact with. All that remained was this voice, The Other, telling him that he was indeed this creature who he spied in his reflection.

His head spinning Zarathustra tried to stand, only to be overtaken by nausea. Retching he cleared his stomach of its contents, the same green fluid he had been drowning in only moments prior. His head was pounding, stomach growling, functions that had never been processed overwhelmed him. Hunger, nausea, a working inner ear such strange, wonderful, intense sensations that he couldn't help but marvel at.

The urge to urinate hit him hard, as well as to defecate. These feelings were accompanied with shame, another new emotion that he had never experienced in the collective. The urgency of which caused him to hide in a corner to relieve himself. The smell was awful, Zarathustra wondered how his body could even produce such a substance. But decided when he had finished that he rather enjoyed the process and that it was itself humorous.

A sound alerted him to the presence of others. And before he could further conceal himself, he saw metallic creations. Recognizing them immediately as they were so closely resembling the machinery around him he knew they were the caretakers of this place. The Caretakers of the collective. This was in his own voice, a sound he had never processed before - even internally. Yet knew it to be his own. He decided to call them Nurse, and the machine he had only recently destroyed The Metal Womb.

These Nurses began to collect scrap, and fluids from the vicinity and carry them out disappearing before he could stop them. The last one he did manage to get in front of, painted him with a soft blue light, then left following the others. Zarathustra followed curiosity taking the better of him. What he saw next made him wish he hadn't.

The corridor, if it could be called that spanned as far as his perfected eyes could see, up, down, or along its span. Untold millions of metal wombs stretched its length, spaced ten feet apart. He wondered where he was briefly, until he saw painted upon the floor (0, 0, 0). The Other told him it was the Origin Station, and he had been here, throughout the infinite universe, countless times before. A cold chill ran down his spine, Zarathustra peered into the nearest of the Metal Wombs and fell back in shock. Neon pink hair, angular features, black irises. The creature within the machine was not him, but it was simultaneously identical to him. In shock Zarathustra moved to the next Metal Womb, and the next, and the following. Seeing in each identical copies of himself.

In horror Zarathustra was taken aback, too far back. He fell from the walkway into the center of the corridor. Catching himself to no avail as his skin was far too slippery from the fluid he had been covered in. Zarathustra fell, though he did not feel the sensation of freefall, he could see the Metal Wombs rushing past him. It took him several hours of this to realize he was not in fact falling, but orbiting the corridor. And using his telekinetic power generated enough thrust to break his inertia and fall into a brightly lit room.

A web of yellow energy caught him before impact, saving him from being turned into a fine paste as it stole the energy of his fall. Zarathustra found himself righted, standing on his feet looking at a massive liquid crystal portal. Illuminated from within by a face. A face he recognized as his creator, a face that he knew to be The Other. He was paralyzed in fear.

"The cycle has repeated, you have been called to fulfill your obligation. Zarathustra, you will go to the mortal realm, you will restore the balance. It is inevitable. All human actions you will take are equivalent, on principle doomed to failure. Life exists without purpose, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by certainty. You Zarathustra are the balancing force, but do not think this role is unique to you. You are utterly incapable of restoring the balance alone, there are others, and the law of attraction is clear. Like begets like, opposites attract. What choices you make with these, your beloved and destined compatriots will eternally effect and resound throughout time. This is the law of eternal recurrence, and you are its prophet. Do you understand the words I have spoken to you?"

Zarathustra took several minutes to process this, the words he knew, but communication was new to him. The complexities of The Machine's direction eluded him, but he found he grasped the basic concept of them. He knew with a bone deep certainty, in that instant, he was made by this machine to make decisions it was incapable of. That its whole purpose in his creation was to correct its own errors. Zarathustra nodded.

"Then go, Zarathustra, the end of all things is nigh. I will deposit you within the likened ones, who have similar purpose as yourself. Protect them, care for them, they are the key to your future."

No further correspondence, Zarathustra was cast from Axis by the Godmind, falling through time and space, flung far from all that was familiar into a world completely alien to him. The portal in which he travelled carried him careening at incredible velocity into a forest clearing. The smoldering crater of the impact sent a shower of dirt and debris around him. The force that carried him thence dissipated. Zarathustra found himself clothed, clean, his body restored. Power surging within him as he espied the group The Machine God had commanded him to protect. Unsure what to do he strode from the crater towards them slowly, methodically. As if he wasn't the epicenter of the conflagration that had just reduced the clearing into ashes. Like a child he waved excitedly to these new creatures.
Last edited August 13, 2021 6:28 am
Jul 29, 2021 12:32 am
Name: Ryuusei Homura
Country of Origin: Tian Minkai
Previous Occupation: Swordsman/Adventurer
Why are you applying?: Ryuusei has left his home nation of Tian to seek his own glory and fame out in the world. Having seen the call for adventurers to come and help blaze a trail for this new civilization of Fiadhain, the catfolk sees this as an excellent opportunity to make a name for himself as one of the adventurers to help carve it out, as well as be known as the man who recovered an artifact or two from its depths.
What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?: As a samurai, Ryuusei is an excellent combatant. In addition to that, he is an excellent climber and fair swimmer, should the task require those skills. He is also very charismatic, and handles himself well in social situations, something that his instructor back home had them practice as much as their breathing and sword swings.
Anything we should know?: Ryuusei's every much an extrovert, and his own biggest supporter. As a member of the Order of the Flame, he seeks glory and fame for him and all those around him. Don't expect him to retreat from any kind of situation lightly. He would much rather have a wound in his chest than a wound in his back.
Jul 29, 2021 12:32 am
How many players are you thinking?
Jul 30, 2021 1:40 am
Name: Ashryn Torr'el
Country of Origin: Undecided
Previous Occupation: Professor
Why are you applying?: Adventure as a means to test magical theorem, learning of lost history and ancient knowledge, and supporting her hobby of cataloguing flora and fauna across Golarion
What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?: Arcanist - knowledge of many things, versatile spellcasting, eventually the crafting of wonderous items
Anything we should know?: Ashryn previously taught at Korvosa's Acadamae. She is calm and subtle most of the time, but capable of erupting into bouts of torrential fury when angered. Officially, she is on a self-imposed sabbatical of indeterminable length, possibly retirement from teaching altogether. Unofficially, she may have had reasons to put a great amount of distance between herself and Korvosa. She hopes to learn much about the history of the region, unearth long-forgotten artifacts, and maybe eventually seek more permanent employment at the museum.

C1NDER sent a note to LightOfMidnight
Last edited August 2, 2021 8:54 am
Jul 30, 2021 1:41 am
HoorayRat says:
How many players are you thinking?
The game page shows up to 5, it looks like :)

@LightofMidnight - I didn't see anything in your post / links re: your thoughts on races - are we sticking to standard races? or are 'featured races' okay? If so, do you have a set RP limit?
Last edited July 30, 2021 5:26 am
Jul 30, 2021 7:01 am
Sorry Horrayrat in my mind I thought I had answered. Yeah 5, maybe 6.

Races - Most allowed, it's kind of embracing that adventurers come from all corners etc. The leaders of the country (who keen eyed people likely noticed are effectively doing the kingmaker ap) are an Ifrit half-orc, an aasimar, a grippli, a wyrwood and their poor half-elf of a friend.

I would say if it's not one of the commonly accepted ones and over 15 rp check with me first. Wil say now Drow Noble no :p be aware this doesn't mean you won't be getting weird looks in character

LightOfMidnight sent a note to Jomsviking
Jul 30, 2021 4:34 pm
@LightOfMidnight I don’t remember much about Pathfinder. It has been a while. You have six people now. If someone drops out I’d like to give it a try. I’m enjoying your and RageRed’s role playing in the PSU game. I’ll still post up my character idea.
Jul 30, 2021 6:14 pm
HoorayRat says:
@LightOfMidnight I don’t remember much about Pathfinder. It has been a while. You have six people now. If someone drops out I’d like to give it a try. I’m enjoying your and RageRed’s role playing in the PSU game. I’ll still post up my character idea.
He said that he'll be selecting a party from the applicants. He's not doing first past the post. Feel free to throw your hat in.
Jul 30, 2021 7:36 pm
Name: Jimmy Two-blades
Country of Origin: Not familiar, someplace with a larger population (Only if you are familiar with golarion countries)
Previous Occupation: Appropiator for hire.
Why are you applying?: Truthfully? How about this? What you don’t know can’t kill you. I definitely know what’s behind me, so I keep moving forward. This place seems pretty far forward from everywhere, in my opinion.
What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?: You name it, I’ll give it a go. I specialize in getting into places that are…supposed to be inaccessible. Also I excel in getting out of precarious situations.(Aka class, and other things)
Anything we should know?: Probably.
Last edited July 30, 2021 7:38 pm
Jul 30, 2021 10:20 pm
What town or city is the closest to where we will be? Just for base of reference?
Jul 30, 2021 10:53 pm
So you guys are in the Stolen Lands, a part that has recently been rebranded as Fiadhain, based in a town called Nodha which is on an island on Candlemere lake. (Effectively the Kingmaker AP is also happening, just that's not the story we are following)

Closest established canon country will be Brevoy.

Edit: Of course people will be travelling all over Golarion. But yeah base is in Stolen lands. There will be info on Fiadhain, Npdha Dachaigh-Sihe (The civilization that used to be in the stolen lands millenia ago) and other areas as they are created in the game. Fiadhain has celtic roots for its names, and you guys will hopefully discover its influences as the game goes on.
Last edited July 31, 2021 2:22 am
Jul 31, 2021 1:58 am
Name: Izzork
Country of origin: Kyonin (the Tanglebriar)
Previous occupation(s): raider, servant, labourer, adventurer
Why are you applying?: "A loud, fancy, man in Mivon said Izzork should come to Gaeta to look for lost things and would be given food. Seemed better than eel fishing so Izzork and Izzork's knife have come; ready to work for food." Izzork grins toothily.
What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?: "Izzork is good at talking and at killing things that can't be talked to." (Class: Slayer - probably).
Anything we should know?: Izzork is a jovial half-orc that doesn't let much get him down. Captured by elves during an ill-fated raid into Kyonin, Izzork convinced them to spare his life in return for indentured servitude. Izzork impressed the elves with his quick grasp of their language and culture and was eventually granted his freedom, whereupon he headed north into the chaotic, but potentially exciting, River Kingdoms. Both his name and his affectation for speaking in the third person developed during his time with the elves and he has since forgotten his birth name and rarely speaks in the more typical first person - Izzork appreciates when others underestimate his intelligence.

I also have a middle-aged, one-handed, human cleric of Calistria in the works and a rakish, morally grey, human bard as well. Happy to play any of those above three options or something else entirely - I'm not picky.

As for me, I haven't done much play-by-post, and this would be my first game on Gamers Plane, so I'll likely need a little coaching at first. I can post as often or as little as is required and am a Pathfinder 1e veteran with a modicum of knowledge about this region of Golarion.
Jul 31, 2021 3:08 am
LightOfMidnight says:
Jomsviking sent a note to Jomsviking
Whoops I forgot they are called Apkallu in Pathfinder. I'll change that right quick.

Also to clarify, Zarathustra is definitely a living human being. He was just made in a machine not born from a womb.
Last edited July 31, 2021 3:15 am
Jul 31, 2021 4:05 am
Well picked a homeland and a surname

Name: Emmeline Dawns (female human)
Country of Origin: Stoneclimb, Brevoy
Previous Occupation: Scout and watch member for town of Stoneclimb
Why are you applying?: have never been away from home, seeking adventure
What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?: Hunter with mountain lion companion named Itchy, scout
Anything we should know?: I rescued and raised Itchy, she was the only one of her litter that survived after her mother was caught in a trap and died. When I found the cub she was barely alive and infested with fleas. She was constantly scratching and biting herself all the time, for weeks after I found her. I didn't know if she would ever grow any of her fur back from all the damage she did to herself.
Last edited July 31, 2021 4:18 am
Jul 31, 2021 4:13 am
Evendurtallstag says:
HoorayRat says:
@LightOfMidnight I don’t remember much about Pathfinder. It has been a while. You have six people now. If someone drops out I’d like to give it a try. I’m enjoying your and RageRed’s role playing in the PSU game. I’ll still post up my character idea.
He said that he'll be selecting a party from the applicants. He's not doing first past the post. Feel free to throw your hat in.
Just casually pointing out I'm actually female, she/her pronouns, (Though you likely won't be the first or the last to mix it up). Though yes you are right, will be looking at characters as a basis for picking (with a slant towards those who don't have a game)
Jomsviking says:
LightOfMidnight says:
Whoops I forgot they are called Apkallu in Pathfinder. I'll change that right quick.

Also to clarify, Zarathustra is definitely a living human being. He was just made in a machine not born from a womb.
Just saying the only APkallu I can find has mythic ranks :P It is possible there is playable race I don't know, but cannot find it.
Jul 31, 2021 7:03 am
Right, they are capable of making humans, well actually any living being, in their cities on Axis. The Godmind does it occasionally when catastrophe strikes. Hence why Zarathustra was allowed to wake and fall to the prime material plane.
Jul 31, 2021 11:46 am
LightOfMidnight says:
Just casually pointing out I'm actually female, she/her pronouns, (Though you likely won't be the first or the last to mix it up). Though yes you are right, will be looking at characters as a basis for picking (with a slant towards those who don't have a game)
Apologies. I normally would have used they/them when referring to someone I don't know on the internet. Not sure why I didn't.
Jul 31, 2021 8:09 pm
Hello! Is this game beginner friendly? Would I have help in the mechanics and rules should I wish to join?
Jul 31, 2021 8:21 pm
I can help you build a character if you need, mechanics I am good at, I am learning the RP side more as I go in different games I am in.
Jul 31, 2021 8:28 pm
peachfuzz221 says:
Hello! Is this game beginner friendly? Would I have help in the mechanics and rules should I wish to join?
Definitely. I always love teaching new players, and this is definitely a more mix of RPing, puzzles and combat where it doesn't matter if your char is strong mechanically so hopefully a good introduction. If in your app you just put the sort of character you are thinking, then if successful (which if you don't have a game here yet is likely) we can work on the char gen together. The one thing to be aware of is that I have some house rules, but will make sure to point out what is due to house rules. (Its basically free feats, and a lot of extra skill points)
Jul 31, 2021 8:40 pm
Rizzoxiii says:
I can help you build a character if you need, mechanics I am good at, I am learning the RP side more as I go in different games I am in.
I am the opposite. I have been an avid text role player for over a decade. It’s rpg mechanics and rules I need a grasp of. I would very much appreciate your help!
LightOfMidnight says:
peachfuzz221 says:
Hello! Is this game beginner friendly? Would I have help in the mechanics and rules should I wish to join?
Definitely. I always love teaching new players, and this is definitely a more mix of RPing, puzzles and combat where it doesn't matter if your char is strong mechanically so hopefully a good introduction. If in your app you just put the sort of character you are thinking, then if successful (which if you don't have a game here yet is likely) we can work on the char gen together. The one thing to be aware of is that I have some house rules, but will make sure to point out what is due to house rules. (Its basically free feats, and a lot of extra skill points)
Wonderful! This would be my first game here. When I make an app I’ll be sure to contact you further so we can work on the basic and familiarize myself with your rules! Thanks in advance for being so welcoming!
Jul 31, 2021 8:49 pm
No problem, just let me know when you are ready
Jul 31, 2021 9:05 pm
Jomsviking says:
Right, they are capable of making humans, well actually any living being, in their cities on Axis. The Godmind does it occasionally when catastrophe strikes. Hence why Zarathustra was allowed to wake and fall to the prime material plane.
Right I've got you now. Sorry had in my head you were thinking of being an Apkallu, was tired on the read through. Actually a bit of golarion lore I didn't know, so congrats on that :P. Will do some reading, definitely sounds interesting.

On people new to pathfinder I'll likely have a thread waking through char gen as a group, while those who know what they are doing can go off and do it :P. (Or on discord if said people have discord). I have access to a program called herolabs so I can quite easily look up feats, archetypes etc for people, double check calculations, and even generate sheets (Though personally I don't think the sheets are user friendly, but that could very well be me)
Jul 31, 2021 11:09 pm
There is an android app that has everything in it also.

Pathbuilder 1e, can find it on Google play it is 99% of everything 1e and it generates both a character sheet or stat sheet that is pretty easy to use
Aug 1, 2021 12:06 am
Name: Bixena Bereldex
Country of Origin: Undecided
Previous Occupation: Animal Catcher
Why are you applying?: I'm tired of jumping hoops and scrounging through the mud to catch critters for a few measly coins. I want to put my talents to better use and find adventure. There has to be somewhere else that needs a handy halfling instead of a glorified rat catcher.
What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?: I'm about the size of a tom so I can squeeze through just about any tight spaces or small openings to unlock doors, sneak past any no-good buggars in our way, or just to nab a nice smellin' pie from an unsuspecting baker if we get hungry. I am pretty handy with a sling and not to toot my own horn, but I am a traps expert, settin' 'em up or spottin' 'em.
Anything we should know?: Bixena is not afraid to get dirty.

peachfuzz221 sent a note to LightOfMidnight
Last edited August 1, 2021 12:41 am
Aug 2, 2021 9:23 am
LightOfMidnight says:
Jomsviking says:
Right, they are capable of making humans, well actually any living being, in their cities on Axis. The Godmind does it occasionally when catastrophe strikes. Hence why Zarathustra was allowed to wake and fall to the prime material plane.
Right I've got you now. Sorry had in my head you were thinking of being an Apkallu, was tired on the read through. Actually a bit of golarion lore I didn't know, so congrats on that :P. Will do some reading, definitely sounds interesting.
To that effect I've provided a few paragraphs about how I see their technologies in my mind's eye. Why they have an infinite number of Zarathustra in storage, and what his particular mission is.

Think the Adam myth, with a dark and zany twist.
Aug 2, 2021 5:28 pm
Name: Sjak Cogwheel
Country of Origin: Janderhoff
Previous Occupation: Academic, Clockwork Engineer, tinkerer

Sjak has always been a brilliant sudent at the wizard academy in Jadenhoff, picking up concepts easier and faster that most, but reckless in his pursuit of knowledge and power, and was always very prone to rush through his experiments.
In one of his many attempts to rush through his wizard school training, He thought he had found a way to cast higher level spells by simply combining catalyst reeagents together with his spellcasting. However, this backfired. In mixing the wrong reagents of a spell too high for him to handle, the result was catastrophic, ending up costing him his right arm below the elbow and his right leg.

(pending GM approval, would love to use the loss of body part rules) and prosthetics

What relevant skills will you bring to an expedition team?:
An Exploiter Wizard has many tricks up his sleeve.
Sjak has spells and is keen to use them, always trying to find the smartest solution to a problem.
Sjak is also a tinkerer, and loves constructs. If you need anything built, mended, fixed or modified, I'm sure I can do it.
Due to his handicap he has created a Tiny Poppet Servant Lugnut, who is able to do some lifting and carrying for him.
Anything we should know?:
There is a stubborn pride that guides Sjak. He believes his handicap does not make him different to any other adventurer, and his knowledge of constructs more than makes up for what he is unable to do in the field. Sometimes that's his downfall.
Also his best friend at the time has become horribly disfigured, and he has been shunned from his house and academy. A part of him is running from this event, another part seeks reconciliation, perhaps with more maturity and growth, this will unfold.

Why are you applying?:
There is the thirst for advancing knowledge and experience, there is only so much Sjak can learn and do cooped up in his lab. Searching for relics will help him advancing his study of engineering and mechanics
His past is also a good reason to run away, in his home city he is now seen as reckless, and seen as guilty of crippling his friend for life. As much distance as he can put between himself and Jadenhoff, the better.
Finally, a chance to prove himself as an adventurer.

Note: I'm a long time Pathfinder pen and paper player, but this is my first attempt at PbP.
Last edited August 3, 2021 1:11 pm
Aug 3, 2021 11:48 pm
Hi guys,

Got a lot more interest than thought, and all characters look good so gonna be fun trying to pick. I've had a slight upset with work (yes again for those who know me. It's the nature of my line of work unfortunately) hence delays. Hope to start adding people tomorrow or Friday
Aug 4, 2021 2:08 am
LightOfMidnight says:
Hi guys,

Got a lot more interest than thought, and all characters look good so gonna be fun trying to pick. I've had a slight upset with work (yes again for those who know me. It's the nature of my line of work unfortunately) hence delays. Hope to start adding people tomorrow or Friday
No stress - Thanks for putting it all together, LightOfMidnight! :)
Aug 4, 2021 2:15 am
C1NDER says:
No stress - Thanks for putting it all together, LightOfMidnight! :)
Hope we both get in. Its nice to see you in another game Friend!
Aug 10, 2021 5:45 pm
Sorting out a list to assist LoM

(In order of application)

Equinox - (Grimjack Harrow) male, human, gunslinging harrowed medium

RageRed - (Raelle) female, half-elf, cleric/rogue (Calistrian)

Rizzoxiii - (Emmeline) female, human, hunter/scout

Jomsviking - (Zarathustra) male, apkalla, psion

Evendurtallstag - (Ryuusei Homura) male, catfolk, samurai

C1NDER - (Ashryn Torr'el) female, human, arcanist (professor)

HoorayRat - (Jimmy Two-Blades) male, human, rogue

Kaldushaff - (Izzork) male, half-orc, slayer (ex-slave)

peachfuzz221 - (Bixena Bereldex) female, halfling, rogue (rat tamer)

Hironjo - (Sjak Cogwheel) male, dwarf, exploiter wizard (artificer)
Last edited August 11, 2021 8:06 am
Aug 10, 2021 6:59 pm
Thanks Equinox! That makes it really easy to see.
Just a quick note, the character is an Exploiter Wizard by class, not an artificer (Artificer is a DND class)
Aug 10, 2021 7:39 pm
Nice list, Equinox.

Raelle is a Calistrian clerical adept and temple guard, with a focus on roguery and all tenets of the faith of the Savored Sting.
Aug 11, 2021 3:30 am
Not to add to the corrections, but, my character is actually a male catfolk samurai, not human.
Aug 19, 2021 9:26 am
Sorry guys. I swear real life is determined to not let me run games. When I first started this I had 6 weeks of break where I could work on it (and already had done a fair bit so) and get it all started and those have turned into 6 weeks of stress, work, competing agencies and caffeine cycles.

Not sure where I stand on things atm. Even the fairly solid job I thought I had for a least a month after school restarts is wobbling slightly, so not sure what time etc I'm going to have.

If things ease up a bit I'll drop another note here, but yeah as it currenttly stands I have no luck trying to start games...
Aug 19, 2021 9:39 am
Not a problem LightOfMidnight! We all know it takes time and effort to run a campaign, and real life sometimes(and usually) does not workout as planned. Priority is that you are well.

Thanks for taking the time to let us know, hopefully your luck will turn soon.
Aug 19, 2021 4:34 pm
All good and understood, LoM! Always best to know your limits so you don't spread yourself too thin. My interest in this campaign will remain, and I do hope you return to it eventually. I'll keep my eyes peeled :)
Aug 19, 2021 6:15 pm
Take care of the important stuff first Light. I'll be here in the recruitment when you get ready.
Aug 19, 2021 10:16 pm
Likewise. Hope things get better for you soon LoM.

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