Interest Check: Burning Wheel - IN SOMEPLACE COOL!

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Aug 9, 2021 4:10 pm
I think I'm gonna pass on this much as I like the setting it is in the system looks kinda difficult? I have a problem with numbers...I just looked at a video and skimmed through the rulebook and there are so many rules and numbers to keep track of...I'm sorry...
Aug 9, 2021 4:30 pm
I'm just piping in to say emsquared's a great GM, and he's passionate about the Burning Wheel system (which should translate to a great game). If my wife weren't about to go into labor at any moment now (!) I'd hop on this game in a heartbeat.

Crossing fingers y'all get this up and running!
Aug 9, 2021 4:37 pm
I’d like to get in on the game. I still haven’t seen what kind of posting rate that is preferred. I can swing two per week easily enough, possibly three. If more than that is needed, I’d have to pass.

As for the setting, I’m open to whatever. I’ve read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, and I enjoyed them. I do not, however, have much knowledge of Middle Earth.

I’ve played Seven Seas way back when it came out, so pirate themes are good. Greyhawk is good as well.
Last edited Aug 9, 2021 4:42 pm
Aug 9, 2021 6:04 pm
mormegil says:
I think I'm gonna pass on this much as I like the setting it is in the system looks kinda difficult? I have a problem with numbers...I just looked at a video and skimmed through the rulebook and there are so many rules and numbers to keep track of...I'm sorry...
Totally understand. It is an intimidating system. Luke Crane (the game designer) is a very... particular dude, and in many ways created a very particular system.

The core rules really aren't difficult, but pulling a character together (choosing Lifepath's, creating Beliefs, and Instincts) is very much a mini-game of it's own. There is a lot of work front loaded in the system. After that, it tends to flow well. But still, totally get being turned off by a first (or second or third :P) glance.
SavageBob says:
I'm just piping in to say emsquared's a great GM, and he's passionate about the Burning Wheel system (which should translate to a great game). If my wife weren't about to go into labor at any moment now (!) I'd hop on this game in a heartbeat.

Crossing fingers y'all get this up and running!
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Bob. Also CONGRATS!!
HoorayRat says:
I’d like to get in on the game. I still haven’t seen what kind of posting rate that is preferred. I can swing two per week easily enough, possibly three. If more than that is needed, I’d have to pass.

As for the setting, I’m open to whatever. I’ve read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, and I enjoyed them. I do not, however, have much knowledge of Middle Earth.

I’ve played Seven Seas way back when it came out, so pirate themes are good. Greyhawk is good as well.
I prefer/can generally keep up with a 1 post per day (minus weekends) posting rate. But Burning Wheel is actually particularly well-suited for fewer, but longer posts. So, if that sounds doable for you, that's fine with me.

Also, we can(/will have to) treat this very much as a no-pressure tutorial game as well. If the worst thing that comes of this is that I can expose a couple more ppl to the principles of the system, I'll consider that a success.

So I guess if you're in, based on the sounds of all that HoorayRat, 3 players is all we need and I'll send out invites to FlyingSucculent, nezzeraj, and you.

And we'll go in game and start talking about our setting and "Big Picture"!
Aug 9, 2021 6:27 pm
Cool, let's give it a shot. Creating the game page, and will send invites soon!
Aug 9, 2021 10:44 pm
Giving it another try I see. Best of luck in your latest endeavor.
Nov 14, 2021 3:31 am
LotR and Burning Wheel?!
Nov 14, 2021 4:36 am
I'd enjoy following along, if that's cool. Or, if it is going it be public, then disregard! :)

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