Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Sep 14, 2021 12:54 pm
The idea of hidden passages thrills and terrifies her. "Be careful, Inquisitor, and well done both of you."

She readies her hammer, expecting something to leap out at them.
Sep 14, 2021 4:38 pm
As Inquisitor collides with the door, the hidden mechanisms that kept it in place audibly groan, but don’t seem to be giving in.
However, not being deterred by this, Inquisitor plants his feet and continues to apply immense pressure. The metallic groans increase in volume, until all at one it shatters, sending Inquisitor flying into the room face to floor as the door swings open while he’s pushing.
Sep 14, 2021 5:04 pm
Luc who was quiet all this time absorbing all this information puts himself in front of the child, protecting her in case something comes through the door.
Sep 14, 2021 6:13 pm
"Easy, there, Inquisitor. You alright? What do you see?"

Seeing Faux's protection of the child, she steps closer to the door, letting her darkvision check her companion for threats, and scan the room for Probably a giant pile of bloody skulls, she muses.


Perception - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Sep 14, 2021 6:31 pm
What Banshee finds on the other side of the door doesn’t quite match her expectations.
The room is surprisingly ornate, and seemingly untouched by the decay and destruction of the surrounding area. Around the edges of the room are what look like serveral work stations. Drawing tables, work benches, an alchemy station, carpentry tools, even what seems to be a jewelers station, several stray gems and unfinished works scattered about. Each station has several pieces of paper attached or scattered about, the contents hard to see from Banshee’s position.

At the center however is something that contrasts with the overall feeling of the room. Something a priestess of death is all to familiar with, makeshift graves.
Sep 14, 2021 6:39 pm
She steps inside to look closer, and methods Inquisitor to his feet. "Careful now, there is something in here," she says in a low voice. "I'm going to take a look quickly."

She moves up to the graves, her eyes watching them while trying to watch the rest of the room, too.
Sep 14, 2021 6:59 pm
There are six graves. Each seems personalized, though a cross made of carved wood is common for each, along with flowered wreaths that have long since withered.
The first is decorated with charms and characters of some eastern nation by the look of it, on a small pedestal is a shattered katana, it’s pieces arranged in it’s original shape.
The second is decorated with several marble sculptures and pillars, inscribed in Latin. On a small pedestal is a carving of a vast red tree.
The third is plain, no decorations, no inscriptions, just a pedestal with an ornate pistol.
The fourth has a few Gaelic phrases inscribed, with a vast amount of random scorrimg marks, almost to resemble scars. A pedestal with a broken chain is in front of it.
The fith glows oddly, inscribed in magical runes, a tattered purple cloak is draped on the cross.
The sixth is wrapped in rope, tattered sail cloth is wrapped around it, on a pedestal is a broken telescope.
Sep 14, 2021 8:58 pm
"Might have gone a bit too rough on that door eh? Thanks lass!" he says to Banshee.

Gharn is surprised by the size of the room, considering it was hidden. The graves at the centre of the room tingle his inquisitive nature, especially the glowing one.
He resists the urge to check it thoroughly and goes around the room, looking for anything else of importance besides the obvious oddities at the centre of it.


Investigating out - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Sep 14, 2021 9:09 pm
When Luc enters the room holding his torch his eyes shine, everywhere he looks steals his attention, seeing all these papers scattered around the room, the tools and equipment, the smell of dust and alchemy in the air, it all reminds him of university days.

Luc then focuses on looking for components at jewelry and alchemy stations. After that he checks to see what is written on the papers at these stations.
I'm specifically looking for 10 gp worth of charcoal, incense, and herbs or a Pearl worth 100 gp


Investigation - (1d20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

Arcana - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

Sep 15, 2021 12:07 am
Banshee examines the shrines. They seem to be highly personal, but she wonders if she can work out what the significance is.


History or Religion are both +0 - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Sep 15, 2021 1:14 am
Louis whistles at Gharn’s impressive display of strength. As the group venture into the room, he follows, careful not to tread on any of the graves.

Intrigued by the workbenches, he sidles up beside Luc and begins to look through the carpentry tools and other instruments, searching for tools he could use to repair his pistols should they ever break or misfire.
Looking for tinker’s tools :P
Last edited September 15, 2021 1:18 am


Perception? - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Sep 15, 2021 3:09 am
Inquisitor: Still a bit dizzy from his head colliding with the floor, he searches the outer ring of the room, through his haze something does catch his interest. Nestled in one of the corners is a weavers rack, a project sits half finished, it’s final form indiscernible, yet lightly humming.
Faux: The alchemy station is a work of art. Not even the professors at the University had such high grade instruments and ingredients. It makes them look like amateurs and Faux look insignificant. Whoever made this station was clearly a master of the craft. Faux easily finds the materials he’s looking for, as well as many, many rare components and hat he wasn’t even allowed to took back in class. The projects laid on the jewelry table also speak of a master of sorts. Several minor gemstones litter the table ( topaz, amethysts, jet), as well as several gold and silver rings, bracelets, and circlets, all socketed and waiting for the proper gem. A couple of finished projects sit in a display case. A tungsten band set with a large pearl, carved to resemble a white rose in full bloom, highly detailed. A arm length silver bracer etched and detailed to loo like a coiling snake, two emerald fragments set as its eyes, individual scales run the length of the masterpiece. Finally a simple pendant on a leather cord, shaped like coin with an emerald set in the center, looking inside the jewl however reveals the jewl has been faceted to give the image of a small bird.
As an afterthought he glances at one of the papers, it appears to be a child’s drawing, in fact all of them are drawings.
Banshee: Seeing as the cross is consistent, it’s likely that whoever made them was probably Christian, even if those represented were not.
Chariot: Across all the tables (surprisingly the jewelry table in particular), has the type of precision tools one would need to fine tune a firearm. Speaking of which, the one in front of the 3rd grave keeps catching your attention, something about it triggers your curiosity as a gunsmith.
Sep 15, 2021 5:47 am
Once he’s found everything he needs, Louis packs away his new tools and wanders over to the centre of the room to get a closer look at the pretty pistol. Wary of this house and everything in it, he refrains from actually touching the pistol for the moment, but tries to gather what information he can just by looking at it.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Sep 15, 2021 7:01 pm
"HA! Finally. Some magic to try and learn. It would have been such a waste to end up in this mess without a chance to learn some magic". Gregory quickly looks around, swipes each one of the graves with the beam coming from his hooded lantern, then goes to the fifth one, the one inscribed with runes and draped in purple cloak. He tries to decipher what the runes are (still at proper safety distance).


Investigation on the tombs as a whole, if something catches my eye - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Arcana on the tomb with the runes - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Sep 15, 2021 7:12 pm
It’s a rather large pistol. It’s barrel is significantly larger than average, being roughly 20 inches long. Barrel, receiver, hammer, and trigger are made of a dark iron, all are engraved with silver vines and roses. The grip and under barrel are made of finely polished wood, likely walnut. The grip has a painting of a woman done completely in white. Long flowing hair, pale skin, billowing dress. Her smile has an almost divine grace. There doesn’t appear to be a cylinder or magazine, the trigger guard is large and stylized in a rather jagged fashion. Any further details require a closer look.
Sep 15, 2021 7:21 pm
The grave is fascinating, the runes appear to have just appeared on the cross, as they seem to be hovering just above the wood. The runes are powerful, and in Ancient Greek, which would indicate knowledge from the Age of Gods when magic was at its peak. The he secrets you could obtain if only you could decipher it. Secrets once again evade you, frustration builds but give way to a powerful sensation. Something at your core begins to resonate, it calls to be released.

"Do you answer?"
Sep 15, 2021 7:37 pm
After the horrors of war, there has been very little capable of sparking interest and joy in Gregory. Magic has been pretty much the only thing. It is dumb, yes. But this is a good chance.
"Ehr... Faux, Banshee." he raises his voice enough to be heard "I am about to do something, perhaps it is stupid, yes? But I think I will go through. If something happens to me, I trust you can do something, yes? Or maybe Inquisitor can do exorcism on me, eh eh." he chuckles "Perhaps not that kind of Inquisitor, no? Let us see."

"I wish to answer"
I wait for a few seconds for everyone to understand that I'm doing something and not be caught off guard, whatever it happens. Then I answer
Last edited September 15, 2021 7:39 pm
Sep 15, 2021 8:14 pm
"Uh! This will be very useful!" Luc talks excitedly to himself. He takes the minor gemstones, the materials components, the tungsten band, the silver bracer, the emeralds eyes and the bird pendant. "I'll identify you later" He talks to the jewels.

He also see the drawings on top of the table, he starts to gather as many drawings as he can and examines each one.

A moment passes, and Luc takes his attention off the drawings when Gregory talked, and nods at him.
Last edited September 15, 2021 8:31 pm


Investigation - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Sep 15, 2021 8:19 pm
Banshee holds her next move, and watches Gregory. Her knuckles whiten on her hammer, and she simply says, "Ready."
Sep 15, 2021 9:15 pm
As Danzig accepts, his eyes begin to glow purple, and a smile creeps across his face. The resonance in his chest grows, spreading across his soul. Straight purple lines begin to spread up his arms, growing smaller and thinner, tapering at his finger tips.

We reach for the truth, we reach for the secrets, but we are stonewalled at every turn, reduced to a two bit thug taking magical scraps from the scum of the planet. No more. No more. We will take what we want, from now on nothing is safe from us SO TAKE IT!
And he does.
Without thinking his arm extends, still glowing, and touches the grave.
The light is pulled from the grave, the runes along with it, and it forms a small purple orb in the center of his hand.
He crushes it, and it’s absorbed into the lines, the runes glowing on his skin.
He laughs, at last, some real magic. HIS magic, forever within his grasp, along with any secrets he could lay his eyes on.
Arcane Envy obtained.
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