Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Sep 18, 2021 5:04 pm
Faux: For the briefest instant, her mouth twitches upward, as she reaches for the pendant with a slightly trembling hand. It’s a slow process, as if she’s waiting for you to snatch it away. You don’t, and she takes it, such a little thing, yet she looks at it like you’d just given her the world.

Inquisitor: Magic tends not o have a feel to it, depending on the origin or system used to produce. The magic in this particular garment feels Greek and old. However by running magic through the weave, an unforeseen consequence occurs. You feel as every magical circuit in your body activates, your eye burns the crest within it stirring to action. Then all on its own, the loom begins to move, at a frantic pace under Inquisitor’s gleaming eye, the garment begins to take its final shape.
Sep 18, 2021 9:58 pm
The old green cloak in his hands, and now the magic loom springing into action on its own. There's been plenty of tempation going around Gregory from the second he got his powers. Only a distant sense of responsibility stops him from grasping some of the magic for himself. Better not to piss off the people that may help him escape monstrous murderers.

He casually drapes his shoulders with the cloak, trying to feel any of the magic in him.
does it feel like the cloak needs attunement?
Sep 19, 2021 2:17 am
The magic in the cloak seems to require time to resonate with, that is if it was doing what it was as suppose to do. As it stands the thing just doesn’t want to connect to you. It does bestow some minor benefits, but certainly not it’s full power.

Inquisitor seems pretty focused on whatever he’s doing, the loom must be pretty interesting.
Sep 19, 2021 2:21 am
After a moment of contemplation, and a quick glance towards your he graves, Archie seems to come to his own conclusion.
He turns to Banshee. " Your ritual theory is making more sense. This thing, whatever is, is far more dangerous than I thought. Considering it’s summoned the same set of Heroic Spirits at least twice and has the power to keep legendary artifacts around even after we die."
Sep 19, 2021 3:46 am
"One can only guess at this point. We should move. It knows where we are and is probably building a trap."

She turns to the others. "Are you all finished playing with your snips and snails and puppy dog tails?"
Sep 19, 2021 8:01 am
Archie’s words give Louis pause. He seems to be suggesting that he and the other Heroic Spirits have been summoned, and subsequently killed, multiple times. That would explain the duplicated cloak and the birds but why wasn’t Archie’s cloak on a pedestal like the rest of them…?

His train of thought is interrupted by Banshee’s question. "You’re right," he agrees. "We shouldn’t linger." The others seem to be finishing up in here anyway. Faux is chatting to the kid and Danzig is messing around with the cloak. Only the Inquisitor is still occupied. Louis ambles up behind the half-orc where he is standing in front of the strange loom. "Ready to go, Inquisitor?"
Sep 19, 2021 1:05 pm
Upon Chariot’s question, the loom comes to a stop, it’s product finally complete.
Lying in front a now very tired and sweaty Inquisitor, is a small lilac colored dress. A frilly little thing that seems to shimmer and blur every so often. The final work of a long dead artisan.
Sep 19, 2021 3:56 pm
"Huh... That was... unexpected..."

"Yeah, sure thing lad. Look what I found; it seems like a magical garment of some sorts. Banshee, can you discern anything about it? It'd be a pity for someone to wear this and get hurt or something. I must admit though, it's not really my size."
Said Gharn and turned to the little girl.
"Perhaps our little comrade here could use some new clothes if they're safe. They might even lift her spirits a little bit, don't you think?"
He said as he begun get ready to move on.
Sep 19, 2021 6:39 pm
She examines the pink dress with some care, but does not have any magical assistance in the task. "It is a pretty thing."


arcana - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Sep 19, 2021 7:17 pm
Perhaps it’s the fact that the dress is newly completed, perhaps Banshee just happens to have an affinity for the magic inside the thing, but she suddenly knows far more than she should about it after running some of her magical energy through it.

The dress is safe, well at least for the girl. After all it was made especially for her, using some of her own blood and magical energy.
A protective item with almost no rival, providing a high amount of the regular magical protection, as well as something similar to the blur spell.

A witch of legendary caliber is responsible for this.
Sep 19, 2021 7:53 pm
Banshee examines the dress with her mystical knowledge and then does a double take. She approaches the waif.

"Little girl, this dress was made for you and you alone. It's a part of you, even, made by someone who cared deeply for your safety. It will protect you from many harms. Whoever made it used some of your own magic in the weaving. Do you want to wear it?"

She thinks of her own child somewhere out there, and wonders if one day she could do something as special for them.
Sep 19, 2021 9:05 pm
"Eh. You do not mind, yes, Archie? You have your own." asks Gregory as he puts on the cloak, not really caring for the answer.
Then Banshee's words pull him back down to earth. There was still a lot of danger.
"A trap, yes. Breaking the door was very loud. This monster cannibal that stalks you, he is cunning? He will make trap." he smirks "I spent the War and then some more time disabling landmines and other traps. I will not fall into one here, no. Think we can make one trap of our own, yes? We have very many tools here... this room is important."

He looks around. They came from the secret passage, but there are probably more exits.

He also gets close to Faux "You were looking for these items, yes?" he points at his rituals grimoire "The charcoal, the incense... very good to summon tiny faithful spirit animal. Perhaps a robin, it is fitting, yes! Anymore for me on that table?"


Perception (doors and exits from the grave room) - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Sep 19, 2021 9:23 pm
"Oui Oui! Here, take it! Our little animal companions will come in handy here!" Luc gives Gregory 20 gp worth of charcoal, incense, and herbs.
Sep 19, 2021 10:18 pm
Danzig: Archie just rolls his eyes and walks back to the other room. From a cursory glance it seems the way you came is the only way into this particular room.

Banshee: The girl looks just a tad bit overwhelmed, but upon looking down at her rags she nods if a bit hesitantly. She doesn’t take it though, her eyes dart from person to person in the room, excluding you, and she shuffles from foot to foot nervously.
Sep 20, 2021 1:22 am
Noting the girl’s nervousness, Louis nods in understanding. "We’ll wait outside," he tells her.

He makes his way over to the door, nimbly weaving between the people, ‘graves’, and workbenches scattered throughout the room, and pokes his head outside to ensure that there’s no murderous ghosts or cannibals or cannibal ghosts waiting to ambush them the moment they step outside. Assuming there’s not, Louis will join Archie in the other room.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Sep 20, 2021 1:26 am
In the other room Archie is leaning against the wall next to the cabinet. Upon Chariot’s entry he nods his head to n acknowledgment. Lance trudges out of the room behind him.
Sep 20, 2021 1:46 am
She shoos the male folk or if the room.

Once they're alone Banshee will help her get changed if she allows that, and will turn her back too, if she remains uncertain
Sep 20, 2021 2:03 am
As soon as the rest leave the girl seems to loosen up a bit.
Leaving Banshee to hold the dress, she tugs at the hem of her ragged gown and slips it over her head.
It is at this moment Banshee gets a good look at the skin underneath.
It is not a pleasant sight.
All across her torso and lower abdomen are raised burn tissue. The flesh obviously at some point was melted and allowed to heal naturally, slowly. The height of the lines make it look as if metal tubes had been shoved under her skin and wrapped snugly with burnt flesh. All of these scars are set to a certain pattern, straight lines and branching paths. The raised lines don’t seem to extend to the limbs or head, but her right arm is still concealed in bandages so it’s hard to tell.

All this information, processes in but a moment as the girl takes the dress from Banshee’s hands. She slips it on over her head, at this point the dress seems to move on it’s own, fitting her form perfectly, it shimmers for a moment then settles.
The girl looks at Banshee and nods in thanks. Then tentatively, reaches for her hand.
Sep 20, 2021 4:08 am
Banshee takes her hand and looks at her with some concern. "Does that feel nice? It fits you perfectly. You'll tell me if it makes you feel funny. Like a chicken?" She makes a horrible chicken clucking impression.

"Like that? No? How about a dancer?" It's hard to dance in the Romani style with armor in and weapons, but she dances a few steps in a traditional coming of age dance she had to learn not so long ago.

Sep 20, 2021 4:17 am
It’s small, it’s brief, but it’s a smile.
The emotional wall is crumbling, being torn down at an almost frantic pace.

She shakes her head, but grips the hand just a bit tighter.
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