Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Oct 2, 2021 1:39 am
The man wraps his hand lightly around the girl’s neck, his knife spinning in the other.
Tears well up in the girls eyes.
"Of Course."
Oct 2, 2021 2:01 am
"Okay, okay, you’ve made your point. No need to frighten the kid," says Louis, quickly. He turns to the others. "I haven’t seen as much of this manor as most of the rest of you, but that foyer seemed like a good place for a fight. Lots of open space. Not as many corners for this guy to hide behind."
Oct 3, 2021 6:03 pm
Gharn nods at Chariot "He seems ready to fight anytime and my guess is that he's here even longer that our pal Archie. We should at least pick a place where we might be at even odds; I wouldn't want him to put us exactly where he wants. I can't tell if time flows normally in here Chariot, but if it does I'm not that much longer in here than you think. And I agree with you; let's get him out in the open, see how he likes that. If everyone agrees of course."
Oct 3, 2021 7:38 pm
"Sure" Luc responds but in no time he took his eyes off the girl and the man.
Oct 3, 2021 8:47 pm
Gregory quickly looks back at the cannibal "This sound a tiny bit ridicoulous to me, yes? I think this is trick." he scratches his head "What if we say "laundry room" and then he replies "in a week". Do we trust him to leave us alone untile then? Or do we trust him not to run away if we get advantage?"
"I do not know. You guys" he points to Inquisitor and Banshee "have been here the longest, yes? You decide good place. I agree that place where he cannot run away and hide easily is best, but he probably knows house much better than us and can run away from every room." he shrugs. "Let us just hope he says "now" for the time."
Oct 3, 2021 8:54 pm
"Let's do it. I'm in. Sooner or later he'll pick us off one by one anyway."
Oct 3, 2021 9:02 pm
Gharn turns to their stalker;
"If it's a fight you're after, a fight you will get. At the foyer; you decide when."
Oct 3, 2021 10:25 pm
The man removes his hand from the girl’s neck and chuckles.
"See you in an hour, but remember the rules, no running no interference, or…"
He pulls a red orb from his coat pocket, it pulses with magical energy. His form disappears from sight.
His voice rings out from nowhere.
"Next time you won’t notice when I have a knife to the little one’s throat."
Then silence.
Oct 3, 2021 10:30 pm
The girl collapses to the ground, sobbing loudly yet no sound comes out.
Archie is fuming, teeth grit, fists clenched.
Lance is scowling but the intensity seems lacking.
Oct 3, 2021 11:53 pm
Banshee gathers her in her arms. "Easy now," she coos. "He'll join his fellows across the black river soon and you'll not need to worry about him again."

Inwardly, her heart calms, chills. Vengeance is cold.
Oct 4, 2021 2:08 am
Luc went to comfort the girl for a moment. "If we have an hour, let's get ready then." Luc immediately returns to the room to perform the rituals.
Oct 4, 2021 2:57 am
Shortly before they leave for the foyer, Banshee will kneel in private contemplation and beseech the embodiment of death for a glimpse into their intended actions. She lays out her tarot cards, and searches for insight.

When we face the creature shortly, do we have a fair chance of victory?
[ +- ] Augury
Oct 4, 2021 2:59 am
Putting aside the oncoming storm, Faux settles down to do what he can to prepare for true fight with that monster of a man.
Over the course of twenty minutes, Faux concentrates a large amount of magical energy into his new pearl ring, the circuitry thrumming in a soothing rhythm and gentle warmth. As the mana reaches its optimal level within the jewelry it bursts out in a bright flash over the two objects.
Faux’s mind is bombarded with information.

Eris the Infinite
The personal firearm of £%^#£, a master assassin and mage hunter. This masterpiece of a firearm was crafted with a variety of rare metals, and engraved with powerful runes. In its current state, out of its master’s hand, several of its properties lie dormant. However one function never truly can diminish, and that is its ability to draw in ambient mana in order to create an infinite supply of bullets. The spark of its master has already passed on to the current wielder.

A Monster’s Good Intentions
The crystallized will and effort of Gareth Knightengale. For even if your intentions are pure, your efforts can be twisted into something you don’t wish for, and become the foundation for tragedy.
Attunement Time Requirement: 1 Month
Abilities: Complete control over the Foyer and Guest rooms in the projected Manor of Origin.
At will Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, and revivify.
Curse: Unspecified mental tampering
Classification: Conceptual Artifact
Oct 4, 2021 3:06 am
As Banshee concludes the spell, the bones snap into place, and perhaps faint laughter ethereal laughter can be heard.
The result is troubling.
Weal and Woe. Positive results, with a cost.
Oct 4, 2021 3:47 am
As Luc received the information in his mind, he was interpreting and sharing it out loud to the party.

"Endless bullets! One less thing to worry about, Oui?" He says as he returns the gun to Louis.

"And this Orb... Is fascinating! "Complete control over the Foyer and Guest rooms in the projected Manor of Origin" I wonder what that means. And "Garth Knightengale" who is this, and why are we able to speak his name?" He returns the Orb to Archie.


History - Garth Knightengale, Luc ever heard of that name? - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Oct 4, 2021 3:53 am
The name is familiar, but Faux can’t remember why.
Oct 4, 2021 6:32 am
While the more magically-inclined members of the group cast their spells, Louis settles down in a corner, pulling out a small bag of sugar cubes to munch on while he watches them work. A few minutes into Faux’s ritual, he recalls that kids are supposed to like sugar and wordlessly offers the girl a sugar cube in an attempt to cheer her up.

After the spell is complete, Louis gets up to take the gun back from Faux. "Oui," he echoes. "It’s a shame that the maker’s name is lost to us. They were clearly an exceptional gunsmith." He searches his memory for any folktale or legend that might fit the ‘master assassin and mage hunter’ Faux described as well as the other name Faux mentioned—Gareth Knightengale.
Last edited October 4, 2021 11:58 am


History (Eris' master) - (1d20)

(10) = 10

History (Gareth Knightengale) - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Oct 4, 2021 8:26 am
Seeing Faux and Banshee arrange for their rituals, Greogry's fingers itch. He can't wait for an opportunity to steal some magic.
However, this is hardly the time. Even a greedy opportunist like him can recognize priorities, and collaboration among the people trapped in this murder mansion is paramount.

He opens up his small leather satchel, takes out a small worn book with the outmost care, goes to a marked page and starts following the instructions.

A helping beast, a new set of eyes to look out for dangers. And a bird so often mentioned in the mansion takes shape in his mind's eye.
spending my hour casting Find Familiar. I'm thinking a robin, either raven or hawk stats
Oct 4, 2021 4:16 pm
Chariot: Tears are still falling from the child’s eyes as you extend the cube toward her, though the sobs have diminished to tiny silent hiccups. Her eyes wander to the sweet being offered, and she smiles, a bit forced, and takes it.
Though he desperately wants to know more about these mysterious men, he unfortunately has never heard of either.

Danzig: Near the end of the hour, the fire in the makeshift brassiere suddenly snuffs itself in a puff of smoke. In the center of the brassiere sits Danzig’s new companion, chirping happily. An ethereal Red Robin.
Oct 4, 2021 4:50 pm
Gharn takes the time until their scheduled duel to meditate and collect his thoughts. As he sits down, he decides to take his whip out and lay it on his legs.
"I think that this will come in handy. I did dream using it against the bandaged man. Perhaps I may use it likewise now as well."
Gharn performs "weapon bond" for his whip, filling up the two bonds he has available.
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