Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Nov 15, 2021 5:31 pm
Chariot: You give the door a once over, and are confident that there are no traps, and as you listen for a moment you hear no signs of life or activity.

Danzig: Your Greed reaches out and yanks magic from a good chunk of one of the shelves. As the many minor mysteries flood your circuits, you can’t help but like the feeling. The circuits themselves glow in multiple colors, and like Inquistor said, you feel tug in your gut towards the next room, likely from one of the items you’ve stolen from. The revelry last for a minute, your current upper limit on how long you can hold power by force, and the the magic dissipates from your system and returns to it’s original place.
Nov 16, 2021 12:06 am
Reasonably confident that it’s safe, Louis carefully opens the door to the next room.
Nov 16, 2021 5:08 pm
The next room is fairly empty.
Five pedestals sit empty at particular points on the floor. The walls are bare except for a long curtain the extends the entirety of the left wall.
Nov 17, 2021 5:08 am
Louis briefly surveys the room before turning back to the group. "Now, I’m no expert on the arcane but it seems to me that we’re probably supposed to choose items from in here and put them on the pedestals in there, yeah?"


Perception - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Nov 17, 2021 3:55 pm
Banshee examines the room, trying to puzzle out the layout and the centaur's idea. "By guess or by deduction?"


Investigation +0 or Arcane +2 - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Nov 17, 2021 11:25 pm
There’s nothing glaring obvious as to the configuration or order of the pedestals. They are arranged in a square shape with four corners and a pedestal in the middle. The pedestals are unmarked in anyway, the walls are similarly blank. The curtains are a solid black, with a pull cord made of ordinary rope. No mystical energies seem to emit from the pedestals either.
Nov 18, 2021 5:16 am
"Well, the Inquisitor said that the chalice has got something to do with this room and there’s nothing else in here except the pedestals so…" Louis trails off with a shrug.

Crossing the room, he pulls a crowbar out of his pack and uses it to pull aside the curtains so he can see what lies behind them without touching them or getting too close.
Nov 18, 2021 5:31 am
After moving the curtain slightly, Chariot is met with his own reflection. The curtain covers a room length mirror.
Nov 18, 2021 12:16 pm
"Hm," says Louis, letting the curtain fall back into place. He idly twirls the crowbar in one hand like a baton before putting it away and turning back to Banshee. "Well, what do you think? I’m afraid I’m a little out of my wheelhouse with all this occult stuff, but you look like you’re in your element. What do you make of all this?"
Nov 18, 2021 3:01 pm
Luc enters the next room with Detect Magic still active. He doesn't expect to find anything, but it doesn't hurt to diminish the possibilities.
Nov 18, 2021 3:46 pm
"It is definitely a room set up for a show. Look at the dramatic curtain, and the elegant pedestals. The mirror is the key. If it radiates magic, then what you see in the mirror will either tell you which object is meant for the pedestal, or placing the objects in the right order will reveal a hidden message in the mirror."
Nov 18, 2021 4:06 pm
"Let's find out then I guess. Stay vigilant people we might be in for a show -or not."

Gharn walks up to the central pedestal, half-keeping the chalice under his trench coat. As he reaches the pedestal, he lifts the chalice and puts it carefully on top of it; he then takes a couple steps back, waiting to see if it did anything.
Nov 18, 2021 4:17 pm
"The curtain is still in place, but maybe if we stare harder." Banshee's wit is biting.

After a moment of awkward silence, she walks over and removes the curtain.
Last edited November 18, 2021 4:24 pm
Nov 18, 2021 4:44 pm
The mirror is indeed radiating magic, the type seems to elude Faux.

As Banshee draws the curtain after soaking in Inquisitor’s embarrassment, she has s met with her own reflection as well as the reflections of everything else in the room. Her theory is confirmed, faintly embedded in each pedestal is a symbol that isn’t visible normally. A cup in the center, the moon, some sort of worm, chains, and a black sphere. The pedestal Inquisitor randomly placed the cup on now glows faintly green.
Nov 18, 2021 4:47 pm
"The cup goes in the center, Inquisitor." She points to the other pedestals, unhelpful pointing at them in the mirror. "I also see a moon, a worm, chains, and a black ball which must be the crystal ball."
Nov 18, 2021 8:45 pm
"Let's find the other items then" He goes back to the Crystal Ball room and looks for the items that Banshee specified.


Investigation - (1d20+6)

(12) + 6 = 18

Nov 18, 2021 9:52 pm
Louis retrieves the silver figure he noticed earlier and places it on the moon pedestal.
Nov 19, 2021 2:45 am
The pedestal of the moon lights up green in the mirror.

Faux: As you browse the shelves you find several objects that fit the criteria you’re looking for.
For the worm you find a figure of a large SandWorm ( rows of teeth and all), a fossilized silk worm wrapped in slightly glittery threads, a carving of a smirking man with worm like things seemingly eating him from the feet up. For the chain you find a few broken links made of silvery metal, a statue of a woman in a prayer position with chain like patterns etched into her skin and dress, and finally a painting depicting a dragon being bound in chains near a river of lava.
Nov 19, 2021 1:27 pm
Gregory scratches his head under the cap "Let me try something. Possibly something stupid. Faux, you can maybe place every item with the chains in different corner, so that reading flux of magic is easier, not quite so muddled up, yes? Focus on the threads going from items to pedestal, I try something."
Gregory walks up to each item, one by one, and absorbs for a minute the magic of each, trying to open his mind to feel every possible variation in sensation in his body. In particular, he checks if the light tug towards the pedestals he absorbs is the same with each of the three chain-related items, or if one has it clearly stronger than the others.
Last edited November 19, 2021 1:28 pm
Nov 19, 2021 5:58 pm
With a stroke of ingenuity, Danzig examines the chain items internally.
Each item provides the exhilarating rush of magic, but only one gives him a tugging sensation in his gut. The chained lady.
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