Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Nov 19, 2021 6:48 pm
"Is good, eh eh! The Lady feels stronger! "Gregory smirks satisfied that his intuition panned out, and a bit high with all this magic rushing through him "We do it for worm also now, yes?" Gregory points at the three corners and at the worm-related items, waiting to do the same.
Last edited November 19, 2021 6:49 pm
Nov 20, 2021 1:27 am
"Hopefully the demon we free from the mirror is grateful," Banshee laughs. She doesn't try to stop anyone, she's genuinely curious.
Nov 20, 2021 10:53 pm
Repeating the same process, Danzig finds the the man being devoured is the correct figure. Placing both of them on the proper pedestal makes them light up green. Leaving only the Dark Sphere which is red with the crystal ball sitting atop it.
Nov 21, 2021 12:05 pm
Louis has been standing off to the side, watching in mild bemusement as Danzig uses his newfound powers to sort through all the chain- and worm-related items Faux found. He frowns as the Dark Sphere pedestal lights up red. "Huh. Guess it wasn’t the crystal ball, after all. I’ll go take a look in the other room to see if I can find something else that might work instead."


Investigation (Dark Sphere-related items) - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Nov 21, 2021 6:00 pm
There’s only one object that seems to fit that criteria as Chariot searches.
A black granite sphere with a solitary hand hanging limply from it.
Upon placing it, a cracking sound emanates from the mirror. Spider web cracks form into a door like shape and then shatter outward, leaving the glass floating in midair.
An ominous white void awaits on the other side.
Nov 21, 2021 7:00 pm
"Eh.. This was way too easy. Fifi! Can you help us take a look, my dear?" The owl hoots positively and flys through the portal and Luc says: "I'm going to see what she's seeing, in the meantime I won't be able to hear or see you guys, if something happens here just tap my shoulder, Oui?"
[ +- ] 1st: Find Familiar (Int)
Also, the Detect Magic would have lasted for 10 minutes, if it was still up, did Luc saw anything new during the opening of the portal?


Fifi's Perception - (1d20+3, 1d20+3)

1d20+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

1d20+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

Nov 21, 2021 7:10 pm
As the door way opens, Faux is almost blinded by the mass of magical energy that escapes from the rift.
As Fifi attempts to enter into the rift, she rebounds of the opening as if repelled by an invisible force, her owl form flickers back and forth between its spirit and solid form.
Nov 21, 2021 7:23 pm
"Huh... This is interesting... I'm definitely not an expert on the field of arcane studies, but this "rift" appears to separate the physical from the spiritual form as ones attempts to pass through... What do you think?"


Arcana - do I get anything about it really? - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Nov 21, 2021 7:28 pm
Banshee, gripping her death medallion in case she needs to cast a spell, narrows her eyes. Is this a courtesy to another dimension? To the afterlife?


Arcana - (1d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Nov 21, 2021 7:38 pm
Banshee: You’re not quite sure what to make of the rift, it very well could be a different dimension, and one that apparently has strange effects on spiritual/physical beings. There’s not much that you know of that fits the description.

Inquisitor: How puzzling.
Nov 21, 2021 7:59 pm
"Come here my dear, are you alright?" Luc takes his owl in his arms.

"Let me try something" Luc takes a pearl out of his purse and holds it in one hand and starts to ritual cast Identify. At the end of the ritual, he will slowly approach the barrier and say "Please don't disintegrate me", as he touches his fingertips to the barrier and cast the spell.
[ +- ] 1st: Identify (Int)
Nov 21, 2021 8:05 pm
As he extends his hand towards the rift, Faux’s body meets no resistance and passes right through, the spell yielding no information, his hand lingering in the void.
Nov 21, 2021 8:17 pm
"Wait, what?" He says confused "I see how it is, it's going to be the hard way!" He says looking up like he's talking to the Voice.

Luc steps away from the rift and in a light whistle that sounds like an owl, he sends Fifi into a pocket dimension.

"So... Who wants to go first? "
Nov 21, 2021 8:37 pm
"I'd say that the fairest thing would be draw straws or something. I can't really say that it's a smart move to split the party, especially when you consider our host..."
Perhaps someone's carrying a pair of dice, lowest goes in?
Nov 21, 2021 8:52 pm
Archie rolls his eyes.
"Y’all just got done fighting a cannibal nutjob hopped up on a glorified magic battery and now you’re skittish about a little bit of dimension hopping? Just get moving already."

After saying his piece he walks up to the rift, tries to step through and is immediately rejected.
The rebound is much more violent than it was for Fifi, throwing Archie into the opposite wall at a high velocity. He crumples to the floor writhing as his limbs flicker in and out of existence, being replaced by blue wire meshes of particulate matter.

After a moment the seizure stops and his form stabilizes.
"Say anything and you die."
He says to nobody in particular.
Nov 21, 2021 9:13 pm
She watches the ancient hero collapse but seem to be in non-terminal condition.

"I'll draw a straw. It may be active magic that is required to protect us. Or maybe we would all have to hold hands to pass through together."
Nov 22, 2021 9:20 am
Curious, Louis trots up to the rift and reaches out to touch the void with his hand, like Faux did.
Nov 22, 2021 9:36 am
All amped up by the magic he's been absorbing, Gregory kind of wants to hop into the portal without waiting for straw-drawing or something of the sort.
Before jumping in like a madman though, he tries something else. He has three tests in mind.
"We do tests before going in, yes? No sense cutting the wire without first following it." he then look at his familiar "Nice bird, you can help!"
First he grabs the first item he can find, an empty munitios box for his revoler, and chucks it into the portal.
Then tries to do the same with one of the many items on the shelves that radiate a faint magical aura, seeing if there's any difference from the mundane item.
Lastly, he grabs his trench shovel and slowly pushes through the portal, than retracts it, to see if there's any change.
Rolls to notice peculiar stuff out of the tests
Last edited November 22, 2021 9:38 am


Perception - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Perception (advantage, due to Familiar Helping - (1d20+4)

(15) + 4 = 19

Arcana - (1d20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

Nov 22, 2021 5:01 pm
Chariot: Your hand passes into the void with no issues, your sleeve appears to have that blue wireframe layered on top of it though.

Danzig: The results of your three tests are fairly similar. The ammo box and random magical item pass through instantly, both become outlined in the wire mesh, while the ammo box is simply blue, the item,( sandworm) has a yellow outline. The shovel goes in and out as you push and pul it, it gains a light purple wire mesh and then loses it when you pull it back out.
The void seems to be converting items into some sort of energy, or spiritual form, and then containing it in the wire mesh. Inanimate objects don’t seem to be affected by the change, while living beings with physical bodies seem to reject the change, as there is more to convert than just the physical body.
Things with only one aspect, such as the physical inanimate objects don’t get rejected due to the process working as intended.
Nov 24, 2021 12:07 am
Louis pulls his hand back out of the rift and flexes his fingers experimentally to make sure that his hand is unharmed. "Doesn’t seem too scary…" He looks back to the rest of the group. "Anyone else wanna jump in first or shall I?"
Last edited November 24, 2021 12:12 pm
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