Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Aug 5, 2022 3:07 am
Static filters across Banshee’s vision as her magic reaches into the beyond and grabs hold of the thing’s twisted soul.
Spirit Origin Registered: Avatar of Lloth (False)

Being a male drow in the underdark is a pitiful existence. Sure you could be any of the other races, but at least you could at least try resisting the cruelty and die trying. To put it simply, a male drow is less than dirt, even those of noble birth can be killed on a whim. This drow was simply one of those whims. An attempt at an improved Drider, more easily controlled, less ugly. He was a success, which was why he was immediately hunted down and killed. He was just a tad to perfect. So when Wishmaker pulled him here it was a wish come true, but why wait for the random chosen to wander in. Putting the majority of the power of the Keystone to pull a large chunk of the Fae Wild was worth it. Oh how they screamed.

Banshee returns to reality feeling extremely disgusted.
A shade emerges from her shadow, a pure black silhouette of the abomination. It kneels at her feet waiting for orders.
Aug 5, 2022 3:38 am
She looks at the shadow. "Lead us to the object that the spider shaped key fits into." She waves to Chariot to show the shadow the key they found, just so there is no confusion.
Aug 5, 2022 3:44 am
It nods reverently, and rises to it feet.
It moves to the center of the clearing and stomps it’s foot down. A chunk of dirt rises up and shifts to the side.
An earthen stairway leads into a dark cavern. The shade bows and holds out an arm, presenting the cavern to its master.
Aug 5, 2022 5:55 pm
"Yay! A dusty, possibly muddy, probably deadly cavern."
Gharn snaps a snarky remark as he leads the group down the flight of dirt stairs.
"Why take a bloody bath when we can dive in head first to a trap? I wonder why..."
Gharn's mood appears to be getting grumpier by the minute they spend in this pocket fey forest dimension.
Aug 5, 2022 10:37 pm
The corridor is not long, it lead to a door with the mark of Lloth on it.
Quickly using the key and opening the door the party is greeted by a rather grim sight.
In front of a corrupted hot spring is a throne made of bone, Fae bone. The purple foul liquid bubbles and makes your skin crawl. Scattered about the room are piles of money and junk.


Secret Roll

1 dollar bills X 100 - (2d6)

(63) = 9

10 dollar bills x 1000 - (2d6)

(16) = 7

100 dollar bills x100 - (6d6)

(566246) = 29

$1000 dollar bond x 10 - (3d6)

(632) = 11

Loot - (1d100)

(88) = 88

Loot - (1d4)

(2) = 2

$500 gems - (3d6)

(145) = 10

Aug 6, 2022 2:03 am
Louis feels a chill run down his spine at the sight of the throne, made from the bones of his slaughtered brethren, and the corrupted hot springs beyond it. Fortunately, he is quickly distracted by all the money lying about. "Christ! Where the fuck are these people getting all this cash?" He kicks through one of the piles with his hoof to see what else this creature has collected, other than the staggering amount of money.
Aug 6, 2022 3:03 am
Banshee looks around. "Money? I did not expect to find American currency. "
Aug 6, 2022 8:06 pm
As the party comments on the money, static fills the room and they shift to coins of various metals, before shifting back to dollars. You feel Wishmaker smirk at you.

After kicking around in the piles, Chariot finds a decenct amount of gemstones, a pair of black leather gloves embroidered with a roaring tusked face on the back, and a sharp pair of spectacles framed with feather patterned enamel.
Aug 7, 2022 10:26 pm
Louis blinks in confusion as the money shifts from bills to coins and back again. "…I feel like that raised more questions than answers, but whatever. Money’s money. Let’s grab it and get out of here." He picks up the gloves and spectacles and tosses them to Faux. "You might want to take a look at these whenever you get a chance."
Last edited August 8, 2022 4:08 am
Aug 8, 2022 7:24 am
"Bloody finally, some wise words!" Gharn exclaimed, all too eager to get that bath and rest.
Aug 8, 2022 10:15 pm
Faux clumsily catches the items out of the air, gives them a quick glance before his circuits flash briefly.
[ +- ] 1st: Identify (Int)
"These could be useful, Gloves of Ogre Power, and some Eyes of the Eagle. The gloves make you just a bit stronger than Inquisitor (19STR) if you attune to them. The glasses allow you to see extremely clearly and quiet a bit away if you Attune to them. (Advantage Perception)"
He shifts the weight of Andromeda in his arm, before glancing around at the party.
"Does anyone want these? They won’t really help me in any way so I’ll just let the rest of you decide."
Aug 9, 2022 7:21 am
Louis pauses in the middle of gleefully filling his saddlebags with money and gems to consider the two items. "I don’t think I have much use for the gloves, but the glasses could be helpful, I suppose… Unless someone else wants them, of course." He shrugs, clearly far more interested in the money than either item.
Last edited August 9, 2022 7:24 am
Aug 9, 2022 11:01 pm
She eyes the gloves and the goggles. "Either is useful to me, although the gloves are probably wasted on me. As long as one of us is wearing those goggles, we should be better equipped to spot danger that isn't just manifesting right out of the shadows at us."
Aug 9, 2022 11:25 pm
"Take both, if you like," Louis suggests to Banshee. "I don’t think the gloves are particularly useful to any of us, but they might help you swing that warhammer of yours a little harder, at least. If I were to take them, I’d barely use them at all and I don’t think Inquisitor would get much benefit out of them either since they only make one a tiny bit stronger than he is currently."
Aug 10, 2022 10:59 pm
Faux nods along to Chariot’s reasoning and tosses both items to Banshee.
"Now let’s get the hell out of here and relax for awhile."

The group quickly makes their way out of the dead Fae Wild, taking extra care to avoid stepping in the desecrated remains of the Fae.

Once the party reaches the hall Faux plops Andromeda down next to Banshee. She looks quite sleepy, as well as filthy. He then walks off back down the hall. Probably to fetch the laundry tub and detergent.
Aug 11, 2022 12:51 am
Banshee looks around and guesses the men came to the conclusion that she's bathing with the kid. Smart, too smart, there must be a woman whispering in their ear. She laughs a little, and says to Andromeda, "Looks like we get to bathe first. That means the water will be clean! Have you ever ever been clean, Andromeda?"

She begins to experiment with the taps and nozzles to run a bath, and then set the water to the right temperature.
Aug 11, 2022 9:46 am
Resigning himself to the fact that he will probably end up being the last to get a bath (since he can’t fit in the tub at the same time as Inquisitor and Faux), Louis decides to go with Faux to fetch the laundry stuff so he can at least wash his clothes while he’s waiting for everyone else. Besides, this place can be dangerous and he doesn’t want Faux getting himself killed by wandering off on his own.
Aug 12, 2022 6:42 pm
As the door closes and the bath begins to will with warm water, Andromeda fidgets and shuffles in place.
Eventually the bath fills, and the temperature comes to Banshee’s preference. Soaps are off to a cabinet on the side. Steam begins to fill the room and raise the ambient temperature.

Chariot finds Faux in the laundry room, filling a tub with water and soap, stripped from the waist up. He seems to be taking laundry very seriously.
Aug 13, 2022 2:55 pm
Louis waits by the door, idly pawing the ground with his hoof. It feels absurd to be doing something so mundane as laundry while stuck in this extradimensional death-trap, but he is looking forward to tidying himself up a bit. "Need any help carrying that?" he offers, once Faux has finished filling the tub with water.
Aug 14, 2022 3:31 pm
Faux looks up at Chariot, then nods his head.
Placing a washboard inside with so soap tucked under his arm he grabs one end of the tub as Chariot grabs the other.

"It’s a bit surreal no? After all that fighting and the actual mountain of corpses, we’re gonna take a bath and do some laundry."
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