Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Aug 14, 2022 6:30 pm
"It's the little mundane things that help us retain our sanity in this place..."
Gharn feels exhausted by their last encounter and he's eager to get that bath.
"I know we deemed the grass field room to be safe, but I'll take a shift guarding the door just in case. You think you got any juice left Faux? I'd appreciate if you could do the same for my... decorated trenchcoat as you did for those gloves and glasses we found."
Aug 14, 2022 8:11 pm
Faux gives a tired nod as the tub is placed on the grassy hill. "It’ll take ten minutes but I can do it."
He walks back to Inquisitor at his post and puts a hand on his back. Magic circuits slowly cycle into action and spread to the coat.

After ten minutes he says exactly what the coat is.
Wings of Oberon (Model: Trenchcoat)
A magically embroidered coat produced by Robin Hood. Initially designed to be a prank to vent his frustration at a certain half-orc as well as being shot. However now it is now one of the only remaining things to prove he ever existed at all. Using Druidic magic, his knowledge and prior dealings with high level fae, and his power as a legendary hero, Robin Hood has made a coat that can last long past the lifespan of the stubborn half-orc. A snap of the fingers with the intent to activate the coat will cause an exact copy of the Fairy King Oberon’s wings to sprout from the back of the coat, complete with real fairy dust. This also cause scrying and other detection magic to mistake you for a High Fae. The coat seems to have mutated after absorbing an absurd amount of ambient mana. Though it needs further refinement and work before it grows stronger, or can be used as a catalyst by an expert to create something greater.
Aug 14, 2022 10:29 pm
Vostavya coaxes the girl into the bath, sitting in the far side of the tub, and makes sure she cleans behind her ears, as she cleanses away the blood and horror from her own skin. "Don't eat the soap, even though it smells nice," She laughs, wondering if Andromeda has ever bathed before.

When they're done, she dries off and wraps herself in a towel before using Prestidigitation to clean their clothes and her armor as best she can.
Aug 15, 2022 1:19 am
While Faux is busy helping Inquisitor, Louis undresses himself and uses the laundry supplies Faux gathered to wash his shirt, waistcoat, and tie. Afterwards, while waiting for his clothes to dry, he lays out his broken heavy pistol alongside the various firearms they found in the ballroom storage cupboard on the picnic blanket and attempts to repair his pistol using whatever parts he can scavenge from the other firearms.


Tinker's Tools (Expertise) - (1d20+10)

(13) + 10 = 23

Aug 16, 2022 12:58 am
Banshee: The bath goes with out incident, though the girl looks quite indignant about being warned not to eat soap. It’s a nice relaxing soak, the circuit lines and the black markings on her right arm are concerning, but don’t seem to cause obvious pain. Once the bath is done she looks exceptionally sleepy. She sways on her feet.

Chariot: After setting your clothes out to dry, you try your hand at repairing the slag heap you turned your original pistol into. Surprisingly it’s not as bad as you thought, with the scrap you have on hand you simply strip out the parts that are beyond saving and replace them with only slight adjustments made. After around 15 minutes you have a gun that’d you’d be hard pressed to notice was previously melted.
Aug 16, 2022 5:20 pm
"Heh, that guy..." murmurs Gharn as he listens to Faux.

He's about to call Andromeda, as he thinks that the child might find this trick amusing, when he notices her and Banshee exiting the bath being too sleepy.

"A'ight, off you go to rest. We're getting ourselves sorted out and will be joining you soon."

He begins to don off his gear, pausing a bit to stare at his newly adorned hand. He shakes his head, too tired to ponder about its nature at the moment.

The bath felt really good, just the thing he needed. Gharn dragged himself out of the bath and headed to the telescope field room.
Aug 18, 2022 12:36 am
Andromeda blinks tiredly before trudging off to the telescope, which she gazes at briefly before plopping down next to it and closing her eyes.
Aug 18, 2022 12:39 am
Faux smiles as the little one falls asleep, he finishes washing his clothes before waiting for Inquisitor to return to take his own bath.

He tidies up the water of all the viscera and grime before and after his turn with a bit of prestidigitation to leave it fresh for the final member of the party before returning and plopping down a short distance from Andromeda.
Aug 18, 2022 5:28 am
Despite Faux’s very thoughtful efforts to clean the water, Louis empties and refills the tub for himself so that the water is hot again, emerging a good forty minutes later, clean and warm with a towel wrapped around his shoulders. As he walks over to where Inquisitor is keeping watch by the door, he shakes the water from his fur like a wet dog, inadvertently splattering the half-orc with water. He laughs. "Oops. Sorry about that, Inquisitor. Are you taking first watch tonight or shall I?"
Aug 18, 2022 7:45 am
"Since I'm awake, I'll take first shift. I can't promise you that I'll be easy to wake up if I take a later shift."

Gharn grinned at Chariot as he prompted him to go get some rest. He was tired alright, but he could use some quiet time to get his mind around a couple of things.
Aug 18, 2022 10:23 am
"Alright, I’ll leave you to it then." Louis dries himself off and puts his shirt and other accoutrements back on before laying down in the grass to sleep.
Aug 18, 2022 12:53 pm
Vostovya, hearing the chatter about watch, says, "Wake me when it's my turn," and prepares herself for sleep too.
Aug 18, 2022 4:20 pm
As everyone fell asleep on the grass field - disregarding that it was a field inside a room of a house from their tiredness, Gharn went to stand by the door.

As his comrades fell asleep, he decided to test what Faux had told him about his embroidered trenchcoat; he snapped his fingers as he was instructed.

As the fairy wings manifested, Gharn reached out with his magic trying to figure out how they work.


Arcana - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Aug 19, 2022 2:51 am
Inquisitor’s magic connects to the gift that was left to him. At the moment, they aren’t much more than decoration, even the dust. However there is a sense of untapped potential within them. An ocean of power lying beneath the surface, unusable in its current form.

After this examination, Inquisitor has a fairly uneventful watch. The door back to the Manor never once moving.
Aug 24, 2022 12:43 pm
Louis takes second watch. After Inquisitor wakes him up, he finds a good spot to sit and eat his rations while he keeps watch for the next couple of hours.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Aug 24, 2022 9:17 pm
Chariots watch comes and goes as does Faux and then finally Banshee’s. They all fly by with nary a twitch of the door. The new day has come. It is time to face the horrors the Manor has in store.
Aug 25, 2022 2:05 pm
Feeling well-rested and ready to tackle whatever the manor throws at them next, Louis practices his new ability to ‘skip’ through time while he waits for his companions to finish preparing themselves for the day ahead. At first, the sensation of jumping through time and space is very disorienting and he nearly loses his balance a few times but he quickly gets the hang of it, rapidly teleporting back-and-forth-and-back-again across the grassy field. Once everyone is ready to go, he vanishes one last time and reappears next to Banshee and Inquisitor. "I really hope we’ll retain these abilities once we get back to the real world," he says. "And the money too."
Last edited August 25, 2022 2:06 pm
Aug 25, 2022 3:09 pm
Faux looks at his hand as it flickers with black and white film grain. "The progress I’ve made is certainly one of the only positives to be gained in this hell hole."
He then gives Chariot a wolffish grin. "The money is also very nice. Considering that this is all one big setup for some big job… it’s only right that we be reasonably compensated. Eh?"
Aug 26, 2022 11:50 pm
Louis raises an eyebrow. "You mean that War of Wishes crap that Wishmaker was talking about? I’m not sure there’s enough money in the world to get me involved in that mess." He sighs, his good mood spoiled by the reminder that this doesn’t end after they leave the manor. "Then again, I’m not about to let the kid be used as a human battery for the rest of her life, so I guess I don’t have much of a choice..."
Last edited August 28, 2022 2:50 am
Aug 28, 2022 8:39 pm
Faux grimaced. "Yeah when you put it like that…"
He sighs and shakes his head. "It’s best to just enjoy what comes. Lord knows how we’ll end up if we let the weight of the task bear down on us."
He squares himself up. "Speaking of which we should probably get started with our next tragedy."
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