Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Jun 21, 2022 5:56 pm
Banshee nods at Faux's idea. "A wipe down would be divine."
Jun 22, 2022 2:21 pm
"Alright, well, let’s go check out the other rooms first," says Louis, already on his way to the next door (the one on the left in the hallway up ahead). "I’d hate to spend all that time getting all prettied up, only to get blood all over my hooves when we find another nightmarish kitchen or something behind one of these doors."
Jun 23, 2022 1:38 am
Chariot has to blink when he opens the door, it doesn’t make much sense. The door leads out to the center of a grassy hill. A picnic blanket laid out on the ground and a telescope pointed at a starry night sky. The moon glows brightly illuminating the he rolling grassy fields stretching into the horizon. From the other side of the door it looks as if the door is just standing in a field, unconnected to any house or wall.
Jun 23, 2022 5:36 am
Louis tentatively steps out into the grassy field, half-expecting that this is all some kind of trick or trap.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Jun 23, 2022 5:42 am
As Chariot steps through to the field, the air and temperature changes to that of a cool summer night. A slight breeze flowing, various bugs chirping unseen in the healthy grass. At the very edge of his vision a bug bounces off nothing, or what looks like nothing as a quick flash of a hexagonal barrier appears and disappears as the bug flits away. It seems escape isn’t possible but it’s still real ( maybe?) and quite nice.
Jun 24, 2022 2:22 pm
Louis takes a deep breath, savouring the fresh air. After so long trapped in the claustrophobic Manor, it feels good to see the stars again, to smell the grass, to feel the breeze… Turning around, he pokes his head back out into the corridor where his friends are waiting and says, "You all need to see this. It’s beautiful."
Jun 24, 2022 3:46 pm
The girl, still looking rather vacant, pokes her head in at Chariot’s all clear. As she gazes upon the beautiful grassy plains she freezes. Several emotions play across her face in just a few brief moments. The first is confusion, quite like Chariot, at the sight. Then awe as she looks up at the starry night sky, a twinkle and joy in her eyes that you’ve yet to see. Then as her gaze falls on the telescope and blanket, recognition, tears well up in her eyes along with a wobbly smile on her lips as she rushes past Chariot to the telescope. She gazes through it and takes a few moments to adjust it before rushing back to Chariot and starts tugging on his hand back towards the telescope. A watery smile and a look of pure joy in her eyes, wanting to show whatever it is she has pointed the telescope at.
Jun 25, 2022 1:12 am
"Been here before, kid?" Louis asks as he allows himself to be dragged over to the telescope to see whatever it is she wants to show him.
Jun 25, 2022 2:22 am
Banshee steps outside onto the grass, looking up at the sky. She examines the doorway, and something clicks. "Doorways like this, is that how the heroes on the movie got around? But no, the manor came after, didn't it."
Jun 25, 2022 4:48 am
As Chariot gazes through the telescope, it takes a moment to recognize the constellation of The Eagle: Aquila. Judging by the look on her face, it is likely her favorite. Though as you look back at her she quickly looks back into the telescope and shifts it around briefly and gesturing Chariot to look again. Canis Major this time. Then again and again and again, from heroes such as Perseus and Orion, to animals like the Ursa an. If she could speak she’d likely be talking your ear off. This is likely a passion from before the experiments. This is likely as close to how she was before.
Jun 25, 2022 4:51 am
Faux looks out the door, then to the happy child and beautiful scenery.
"Perhaps the Wishmaker isn’t entirely full of shit. It did say this place wasn’t always a hellhole, but rather a place to happily live in peace."
Jun 25, 2022 1:14 pm
As he looks up from the telescope, Louis says, "You know, kid, we all got to choose our names when we got here. Why not pick one for yourself using this?" He moves out of her way so she can adjust the telescope again. "Just point it at the star or constellation or whatever whose name you want to borrow and we’ll call you that from now on, if you like."
Jun 25, 2022 10:33 pm
She looks thoughtful for a moment before pressing her eye to the telescope once more. She seems to look back and forth between two before settling on one to show you. She seems like to have chosen the Constellation of Andromeda. Though wether she simply likes the name, the constellation, or knows of the mythical princess who was bound to a rock to be sacrificed to a monster is a mystery to you.
Jun 26, 2022 12:15 pm
for speed's sake, I'm assuming Chariot shares this with us.
"A fine name you chose lass! Andromeda it is then!"

Gharn takes a good look around, trying to spot any potential danger in this - room doesn't quite fit in this case, place.


Perception - (1d20+0)

(18) = 18

Jun 26, 2022 12:28 pm
"A smart name for a smart kid," Louis agrees.

Seeing Inquisitor begin to investigate the area, he says to the half-orc, "There’s some sort of magical barrier preventing us from venturing too far out. I don’t really know much about magic stuff, but maybe you could take a closer look at it?"
Last edited June 27, 2022 1:34 pm
Jun 27, 2022 10:49 pm
Inquisitor: Your eyes dart around the beautiful scenery not really seeing much danger. Your mystic eye however picks up a bit more detail about the barrier. It seems to be an web interwoven with dense magical energy. No backlash or offensive capabilities seem to be present, making it just a wall. A see through, reality warping wall, but a wall nonetheless. It’s power source, structural runes and boundary markers are not visible, which makes tampering or disabling it impossible.
Jun 28, 2022 5:38 am
"Ah, it seems like we can't get out - which was to be expected, but on the bright side there doesn't seem to be any imminent danger. Non-battle plan update; baths for all and a picnic afterwards. Maybe set a bonfire as well. What do you think Andromeda?" Gharn says as he lowers himself to the girl's height, "Would you like that?"

He asked, smiling at the little girl.
"Let's just hope that we won't cross paths with anything dangerous..."
Jun 28, 2022 3:30 pm
She looks into Inquisitor’s eyes, and for once they don’t look quite so empty. With a smile, she nods and moves back toward the door. Apparently excited to get the final two doors done with now that a clear reward has been established.
Jun 29, 2022 12:01 pm
Louis grimaces at Inquisitor’s suggestion of a bonfire. "…Maybe we should avoid starting anymore fires for a little while," he says as he follows Andromeda back out into the corridor and opens the next door (directly across the corridor from the one we just left). "It didn’t end so well last time."


Louis Dupont: Wisdom save - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Jun 29, 2022 7:24 pm
Banshee blanched at that comment by Chariot. "We can try and be careful. A fire does sound nice."
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