interest check - SPIRE: the city must fall

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Oct 10, 2021 9:04 pm
Class (eventual extra advance) : Firebrand
Concept: Reldaal'Ryn was born into the Ministry. His parents were Ministers that did in the fight against the oppressor while he was young and he had been raised by operatives ever since. He had learned two major truth growing up that way. First was that bravado goes a long way, you have to act like you belong to make the best of any situation. Second was you have to live if you want to fight another day. His parents made the ultimate sacrifice for the cause and the City was no closer to being free. In his book, that was no cowardice it was only common sense.
Now he was old enough to take more responsibility and bring others to the cause and he was ready.
Oct 10, 2021 11:43 pm
Class (eventual extra advance): Vermissian Sage (Demonologist)

Concept: While Rhennoha Khesic is proud of the work he does to preserve his people's knowledge, history, and culture, he had had an ulterior motive for becoming a Vermissian Sage. While studying with the Benevolent Order of Wisdom and Discovery, he learned that there had once been some accomplished demonologists among the drow. He believes that Demonology represents their best chance of reclaiming Spire from the Aelfir, and he is certain that the Vault holds the information that will teach him how to create an Eidolon and how to use the Eidolon to bend demons to his will.

After Rhennoha had spent a little time in the Vault, the Vermissian began speaking to him, or so he believes. (It is far more likely that the voice he hears is actually either the Heart, one of the Heart's denizens, a demon, or his own madness.) The Vermissian praises his genius, it confirms his belief that Demonology is the key to liberating his people, and claims that the information he seeks is, in fact, hidden somewhere in the Vault.

Rhennoha hasn't told anyone in the Ministry about his idea. He is well aware of the stigma that is associated with demonology and he believes that people will respond more favorably if he waits until he can provide them with a Demonstration.
Last edited Oct 12, 2021 11:40 am
Oct 12, 2021 8:21 am
A wonderful post to pitch the game, kudos. I did the "one character a day" challenge back in January, so I have one ready made to offer.

Class: Mask
Concept: Tathyraen Torval had to fight for survival since he can remember himself. Noticing his ability and ruthelessness, the Aelfir figured he'd be a bit of a waste in the frontlines, so they had him serve his Durance as a duellist. Very little of that time was actually spent on fighting as his masters' champion in duels of honor to settle arguments though, most of the time the High Elves would just come up with reasons to "argue" in order to pit two drow against each other for entertainment, almost like an arena fight. Still, he kept his head down and his ears open, noticing how the Aelfir conduct themselves and learning that many times, knowledge and words can be more effective than steel. He now uses these lessons learned in service of the Ministry, carrying out missions of espionage and infiltration while still able to handle himself should things get ugly.
Oct 12, 2021 10:24 am
For everyone: other than focusing on your character's past, tell me about their present.
What do they do today as a front for their work in the Ministry?
Is the masked still in an aelfir's staff? what is their role?
Is the Firebrand a smelter in steel mill in the Works where he organizes strikes, or a journalist in subversive paper?

That's much more interesting than their past. In pretty much everyone's past there's suffering at the hands of the aelfir
Oct 12, 2021 3:32 pm
Class (eventual extra advance) : Blood-Witch
Concept: That Tara Velenn was sent by her aelfir into the Heart was a known fact. That she returned transformed from within by a terminal mutation of blood sorcery was a secret. Now Madame Tara, or Madame Terror as she is more affectionately known, plies a breath-taking, some say blood-tingling trade in the Perch. Her clientele, suspended by threads of woven spidersilk, relive their moments of greatest fear and ecstasy under her delicate ministrations in exchange for rumour and information which she further parlays in the hopes that one day she would have all of Middle City in her web, and maybe more.
Oct 12, 2021 8:00 pm
Tally for now

TheVagrant - Firebrand
the_puppeteer - Vermissian Sage / demonologist
DarK_RaideR - Masked
BedzoneII - Blood-Witch

I'll wait a few more days to see if anyone else is interested.
Oct 14, 2021 3:20 pm
Ok, it's been a few days, we have a great team of four, let's go!

Please, the four listed in the above post, apply to the game. Meanwhile, please start thinking about the following:

day job: how does your PC pays for shelter and food?
domicile: in what type of house/room do they live, and in which quarter?
bonds: start thinking about your bonds, as per your class description
community: apart from their bonds, who do they care for, and who cares for them? Do they have family or friends?

please keep everything short and relevant, this is mostly for my own information to build upon

You don't need to write them here, I'll set up a character creation thread in the Game subforum

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