Priton: A Humble Start

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Sep 14, 2021 12:51 pm
✅ The Game System and Rules Version: D&D 5e

✅ The Pitch: The Great King Surgat has died of mysteries causes, and in consequence the kingdom is collapsing. In the fodder of the crumbling kingdom are all of its domains. Priton, a small traditional town, has suffered greatly recently. An excess demand for levies and taxes has caused Priton to collapse. Bandits and sickness have infiltrated the town and Countess Matilda has grown reclusive in her keep. It seems that all hope is lost.

Will anyone step up to reinstate order, or will the town be left to the whims of chaos?

✅ Character Restrictions: RAW; Published Content; Level 1 Start; Human Only (There's wiggle room); Standard Point-Buy; Low Magic Setting

✅ Specialized Software and Resources: Maybe Roll20 for battle maps.

✅ Player Experience Requirements: Any but ideally you have experience with making a 5th edition character

✅ How to Apply: Reply to this thread, or PM/DM me with basic character concepts. Useful Information that goes in-hand with character concepts is that it is required to be relatively young. Another is that you're from, or very familiar with the town of Priton


Sep 15, 2021 12:01 pm
Sounds like you’ve got a good game on your hands! How much wiggle room have you in mind for humans only?
Sep 16, 2021 2:45 pm
Can you describe how low your "low magic" setting is?
Sep 25, 2021 4:08 am
What races besides human are available? Could I play a tabaxi or even a satyr if I wanted too?

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