[CLOSED] Star Wars... the way WAY old Republic

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Sep 20, 2021 5:41 pm
Hey Gamersplaners,

I am putting out some feelers early for an idea for a Star Wars campaign that I've had rolling around in my brain for awhile. See if it's something I should spend time doing planning for...

At this time, I'm not gonna declare a system, I'm really just interested to know if it's an idea that ppl/Star Wars fans think sounds interesting.

So, first, the premise would be that the game would take place ~26,000 years before the Battle of Yavin/"modern" Star Wars timeline and series'. The location would be on the deep, inner core planet of Tython - birth place of the Jedi.

There were only a few novels/comics released about this timeline/setting (the "Dawn of the Jedi" series), but it's chock full of what I think are interesting things to explore about the (ancient - and modern) Star Wars universe.

At that time (according to "Legends" canon), the Jedi and the Sith were together in one organization, called the Je'daii Order. Here's a link if you want to go down a lore rabbit hole... https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Je%27daii_Order

And in short, I think that narrative positioning alone - essentially the Jedi and Sith working together - would be a cool opportunity for 1.) ppl to play a Darkside user if they wanted to that isn't in a dedicated evil-doers association, and 2.) the Order was a lot more loose back then. Their training wasn't as structured nor their beliefs so rigid. Je'daii Rangers used firearms as well as "Force-imbued blades", and generally things just weren't so black and white.

Which I think all makes for fertile grounds for interesting roleplay and storytelling and experimenting with non-"classic Jedi" character concepts. Particularly when combined with the cool and complex setting that Tython is at that time... Also have some surprises in store to maybe please Disney-canon folks too.

Player characters would be Je'daii 'Journeyers' (so, all Force users), fresh off of completing their Padawan stage, and working to become full fledged Rangers.

My initial thought was to include some "safe"/scripted PvP gameplay built into the campaign, in the form of Lightsaber and Force Power duels/competitions as a part of the training. Outside of which players would be required to work together "as usual". If that didn't interest ppl tho, it could be sacked.

Anyway, that's the elevator pitch... that sound fun/interesting to you? Or is it too detached from the Star Wars ppl know and love?
Last edited Oct 4, 2021 3:26 pm
Sep 20, 2021 7:29 pm
I have always been very partial to John Ostrander's version of Star Wars.
Sep 20, 2021 8:57 pm
Carabas says:
I have always been very partial to John Ostrander's version of Star Wars.
Honestly, I've only read the first novelization (I think Ostrander's comics came first maybe?) from Dawn of the Jedi, and his work is unknown to me beyond that. But this period in time of that universe is so novel/foreign that I think it's a great "playground" for storytelling.

And then I find it really interesting and kind of odd how parts of it have seemingly crept into modern canon...
Sep 20, 2021 9:55 pm
That would be an awesome part of Star Wars to explore.

I like to idea of the dueling competition, but not all systems are good for 1 vs 1 fights. So, i'd be curious at which one you pick.
Sep 21, 2021 2:39 am
Not trying to sway y'all's choice of systems, but I'll say that the FFG Star Wars system does lend itself quite well to PvP duels. We had a whole tournament on the FFG forums before they folded where we all made characters with a certain amount of XP and credits and then dueled each other based on random seeds. My grenade-throwing murder droid made it to the final round, but was defeated by a Martial Artist with the ability to basically stun-lock an opponent.

At any rate, the game em's proposing sounds great. I lack the bandwidth to entertain joining up, but I hope it gets off the ground!
Sep 21, 2021 2:31 pm
TheVagrant says:
I like to idea of the dueling competition, but not all systems are good for 1 vs 1 fights. So, i'd be curious at which one you pick.
SavageBob says:
Not trying to sway y'all's choice of systems, but I'll say that the FFG Star Wars system does lend itself quite well to PvP duels. We had a whole tournament on the FFG forums before they folded where we all made characters with a certain amount of XP and credits and then dueled each other based on random seeds. My grenade-throwing murder droid made it to the final round, but was defeated by a Martial Artist with the ability to basically stun-lock an opponent.
Yea, as mentioned I really am more interested if the premise is interesting to ppl, cuz it would be a pretty big departure from the Star Wars we know and love, and so don't particularly want to muddy that water by bringing in system.

But, system matters, as they say. And yea, it would be the FFG Star Wars system.

And, Bob, that PVP Tournament on the old FFG forums actually played a part in the beginning of the formation of this premise, years ago. "That looks like fun. How could I work a PVP tournament into a campaign?"-type of thing...

For the longest time, my idea for that was: Well maybe the PCs are Force users who have been rounded up by Vader/the Emperor in the lead up to Order 66, as either grooming to be potential Inquisitors or basically just as chattel for the Inquisitors to "practice" against/use to prepare for fights with Jedi. Game would have been about the temptations of the darkside in that situation and escaping that captivity...

Anyway, then I read the Dawn of the Jedi book and was like, "This seems like a more fun, less dark, place to put that."
Sep 23, 2021 10:47 pm
Still poking at this? The thought of playing a Star Wars universe game in a setting where plot-related death isn't a guarantee is interesting.
Sep 24, 2021 2:49 pm
Hey lavtodd, thanks for checking in!

Yea, if you're interested, combined with the two above, and Squadfather who expressed interest in a PM, I think that gets us enough to at least start a game. I'd like to have more, but, well... I guess Mick Jagger said it best...

I'll put together some stuff and send out invites next week!
Sep 27, 2021 1:33 am
Late comer to the thread.
I have been interested in learning a system other than 5e, and this less defined time in the Star Wars universe is very alluring to me. I am not the min max type, so PvP wouldn’t be on the top of my list except to learn the combat system. I don’t own any FFG products, but have been listening to an AP that has made me think I should try this type of system.
Sep 27, 2021 8:56 pm
Hey XO, thanks for expressing your interest.

So, if it helps to allay your concerns, 1. I'm not interested in characters that are min maxed, or just a combat monster that can't do anything else, either, so I don't think we're misaligned there.

And, 2. the PvP tournament would be, essentially, of a "side quest" level of importance to the story (and involve NPC entrants too). It wouldn't feature as, nor determine, anything major about the campaign. Everyone would get some sort of reward out of it (just not necessarily a "You won the tourney!"-Award).

The point of it would be to have fun with PvP in a "safe" way, which might at best help drive narrative character growth in unexpected ways or directions, potentially create moral quandaries, and generally forge unique or unforeseen group relationships/dynamics.

And we'll continue to talk about it as a group, and if ppl don't want to do it, we won't.
Sep 28, 2021 1:09 am
Definitely tossing my hat in the ring.
Sep 28, 2021 1:10 am
It sounds good to me, the Je'daii would certainly be training amongst themselves so a side tourney can make plenty of sense.
If you are willing to have me at the table, please recommend some good resources to get somewhat familiar with the system. I think I have the general feel for the dice mechanics, but no clue on character creation or progression.
Sep 28, 2021 1:18 pm
XOSkel10 says:
...please recommend some good resources to get somewhat familiar with the system. I think I have the general feel for the dice mechanics, but no clue on character creation or progression.
I'll have a thread with links to resources in the game forum.

Invites going out later today or tomorrow (and you're in).
Sep 28, 2021 9:33 pm
Awesome, thank you. Looking forward to it.

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