Responding to Phoenix's question first, in M&M terms, we're playing power level 10, just behind the big leagues.
I want to thank everyone for weighing in with their perspective and their experiences, which have certainly been very diverse in the supers genre. This feels like a genuine interest check discussion.
That said, I still have to pick one, and I'm going for Aberrant 1e aka Storyteller system. I think that's a sensible common ground between the crunchiness of M&M and the more fluid narrative-based aspects of Fate or Smallville. I do not expect WoD systems to be too problematic (there are some idiosyncrasies but they can be resolved), in case anyone has any reservations that the system I'm choosing might get in the way of an enjoyable game.
This decision was also prompted by Gnome's question about grittiness. I think the Taint mechanic in Aberrant could be enjoyable in this particular setting. The big Justice League baddies are essentially world-dominating bullies, and the PCs will have to consider what sacrifices they are prepared to make in order to confront them / take them down / be better than them / join them(?) etc.
It's finally the weekend, so I'll set up the game thread in a day or so and send everyone here an invite. Pop in when you can to read my description of the setting and directions for character creation, and then you can decide whether to commit.
With that, I shall rename this thread to say [Recruitment].
Thanks all! And further interest from others is still welcome!
Last edited October 3, 2021 1:16 am