Party Treasure

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Sep 25, 2021 2:21 pm
Use this thread to list group loot. We will assume the load is spread among you.

Tomb of Akhentepi
Chest with working trap: 200gp
Two potions of cure light wounds and one potion of darkvision.
Two books weighing 25 pounds and are worth 300 gp each.
Four gold-plated funerary Masks: 75gp each
Masterwork Khopesh
Masterwork spear
composite shortbow
Magic shield (Once identified, Scarab Shield)
a sack with a 100 gp and 42 sp, and
Several scroll tubes holding papyrus records, private memos, expense ledgers, speeches, and private correspondence. Among the papers are discussions regarding the unfinished tomb of Akhentepi’s mistress. There is little else of interest in the papers, but to a collector or Osirionologist, these documents are worth 250 gp total if undamaged.
Two clay urns sealed with wax and contains nard, an expensive, oily perfume, worth 75 gp
Gold leaf worth 150 gp
two vials of silversheen,
a masterwork longbow,
10 cold iron arrows,
a gold scarab clasp worth 50 gp,
an onyx and silver holy symbol of Pharasma worth 100 gp,
a silver hand mirror worth 35 gp,
exquisitely crafted gold funerary mask worth 500 gp.
a magic suit of padded armor (once identified, Akhentepi’s armor)
a disintegrating cloth sack filled with 500 gp,
a small, well-preserved darkwood coffer worth 50 gp.
potion of darkvision
potion of lesser restoration)
an ornate lapis and carnelian pendant worth 70 gp,
an assortment of carnelian, lapis lazuli, and turquoise semiprecious stones worth a total of 55 gp.
Chariot: 150gp
Iron Cobra remains (unknown value): 25 gp
[ +- ] Scarab Shield
[ +- ] Akhentepi's Armor
Jan 8, 2022 5:26 pm
Google doc people can edit

So (as a draft, can be undone) I've liquidated most stuff except potions and magical items. My suggestion would be to keep the potions/alchemical items etc as communal loot?

Things not yet sold in case people want to claim - >
Masterwork Khopesh
Masterwork spear
Composite shortbow
Magic shield (Once identified, Scarab Shield)
a masterwork longbow,
10 cold iron arrows,
a magic suit of padded armor (once identified, Akhentepi’s armor)

Khadi make take the spear if no-one else wants to, for the times she wants to aid another/provide flanking, but happy for others to get first claim.

@Qralloq - Don't know if Bernard + Jaware can identify the items (I believe Bernard can get shield on take 10, not armour) or if you we would need to by for identification.

Split wise - Depends on whether we have a new person how many we split between. My suggestion would be number of active member + one. If Chunky is able to come back he gets some split, and otherwise that 'share' can effectively be communal to buy stuff beneficial for the party such as potions/wands etc.

Also everyone feel free to tell me to stop taking over :P I often handle loot in other games, but understand if you rather I not.
Last edited January 8, 2022 7:26 pm
Jan 8, 2022 6:01 pm
Neither of them have the Identify spell. Given their Spellcraft scores, Bernard could identify the Shield by taking 10. The Akentepi's armour would require a good roll or springing for an Identify scroll.
Jan 8, 2022 6:57 pm
Tabat would like to officially claim the shield.

I like the plan you laid out, LoM.

For flavor, I wanted my starting weapon to be a Khopesh so bad, but I didn't want to spend the feat tax on it lol In my head I'm playing as if his longsword were one by appearance, just not the stats.
Jan 8, 2022 6:59 pm
If you want to claim the masterwork khopesh, I'd wave the feat. The exotic weapon feats are pretty goofy.
Jan 8, 2022 7:02 pm
I will gladly claim the Khopesh then, so long as nobody else wants it. Thanks Q!
Jan 8, 2022 8:01 pm
Qralloq says:
If you want to claim the masterwork khopesh, I'd wave the feat. The exotic weapon feats are pretty goofy.
For a native of Osirion a Khopesh should be a martial weapon.
Jan 8, 2022 8:24 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
Google doc people can edit

So (as a draft, can be undone) I've liquidated most stuff except potions and magical items. My suggestion would be to keep the potions/alchemical items etc as communal loot?

Things not yet sold in case people want to claim - >
Masterwork Khopesh
Masterwork spear
Composite shortbow
Magic shield (Once identified, Scarab Shield)
a masterwork longbow,
10 cold iron arrows,
a magic suit of padded armor (once identified, Akhentepi’s armor)

Khadi make take the spear if no-one else wants to, for the times she wants to aid another/provide flanking, but happy for others to get first claim.

@Qralloq - Don't know if Bernard + Jaware can identify the items (I believe Bernard can get shield on take 10, not armour) or if you we would need to by for identification.

Split wise - Depends on whether we have a new person how many we split between. My suggestion would be number of active member + one. If Chunky is able to come back he gets some split, and otherwise that 'share' can effectively be communal to buy stuff beneficial for the party such as potions/wands etc.

Also everyone feel free to tell me to stop taking over :P I often handle loot in other games, but understand if you rather I not.
I think we can sell everything that Tabat does not want.
Jan 8, 2022 8:26 pm
Even mwk long bow and cold iron arrows?
Jan 8, 2022 10:34 pm
Looks like he already has a MWK Longbow, but we should probably keep the cold iron arrows, at least as party loot. Never know when a bit of DR bypass might be needed.

And the unique armor - certainly that must be good for Iseret, @WhtKnt ?
Last edited January 8, 2022 10:36 pm
Jan 9, 2022 8:15 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
Even mwk long bow and cold iron arrows?
My bonded bow is Mwk! It is a class feature.
Jan 9, 2022 10:11 pm
Ah had missed that. Selling the bow it is
Jan 9, 2022 10:55 pm
Let's keep the cold iron arrows as party teasure, but we will need a guy like Bernard to tell us when to use it.
Last edited January 10, 2022 12:04 pm
Jan 10, 2022 3:06 am
The armor does seem tailor-made for Iseret. If no one minds, she'll take it.
Jan 28, 2022 5:08 pm
I edited the Loot list!

We have a total of 3695gp 42sp 0cp to be divided among the 5 of us (supposing Bernard will be back)

That's 739 gp, 8 sp and 5 cp for each.
Jan 28, 2022 5:17 pm
Crap sorry I kept meaning to post and thought I had.

I did the other method suggested and thought I had posted above totals with those totals to show a comparison, as we've had a coupe of votes for both. Will try and post when home.
Jan 29, 2022 2:46 pm

Okay so this is the other method. As we can see there is actually a problem, which is only happening as its two magic items making up most of the loot as its early doors. This doesn't happen later on, as the wealth of loot piles in pathfinder later on tend not to be as skewed.

So the solution here would be loans - With the party split included, Tabat and Iseret can have a chunk of that and pay it back later (Khadi would also be willing to help out, especially if Benard returns. ). Or we just go with the above split for now, and maybe investigate this method down the road where the issues shouldn't arise.

I just wanted to be people to see how the numbers would look like, and then can cast a vote :P I do like this method as means I can claim without worrying I'm claiming to much etc, but can understand why people would rather the other method.
Feb 1, 2022 1:40 pm
I think that, at least for the first’s levels (until level 5?), we should divide after claiming. We are out money and all the party profits If a character is more able to fulfill it’s role.
Mar 5, 2022 10:44 pm
House of Pentheru
First outbuiliding: 7 gp, 3 sp, and 12 cp, and a turquoise earring worth 15 gp.

The granary: adamantine flail

Goblets and plates: Six silver goblets worth 45 gp each and six silver plates worth 30 gp each

20 Ingots and magic 20 ingots worth 25 gp each, and a Dead Man's Headband
[ +- ] Dead Man's Headband
A gold wedding band inscribed in Osiriani with "To Akar from Panhet, Love Eternal." (Update)

A Chest!:
- a large darkwood box (a hope chest) worth 100 gp.
- a white silk Osirian wedding robe. Now that is has been preserved, the robe is worth 150 gp.
- several pieces of inexpensive jewelry worth 35 gp in total
- a strand of freshwater pearls worth 200 gp.
- A small sealed tube contains five identical spell scrolls (keen senses - see Advanced Players Guide)
- a long scroll tube holds a rolled-up papyrus painting—a self-portrait of Ariseti, accompanied by her signature in Ancient Osiriani, worth 80 gp to a collector.

A boardgame worth 50gp.

The sarcophagus, containing:
- Pentheru’s gold funerary mask, worth 150 gp
- a gold-and-turquoise scarab pendent worth 50 gp
- several small semiprecious stones worth a total of 40 gp pried off of the sarcophagus.
- gold trim is salvaged from the sarcophagus, worth an additional 10 gp
[ +- ] Mummified Guardian
Jul 27, 2022 10:09 am
How do we feel about selling off the two magic items here - the Mummified Guardian (3,000 GP) and the Dead Man's Headband (3,600 GP)? Unless someone can make use of the Headband, of course.

Otherwise, Tabat will hold onto the Heavy Flail (worth 3,015 GP)

Tabat will also take the gold, inscribed ring - but not to keep, he would like to try and find out who it belonged to and return it to a loved one if possible.

Setting aside the 5 scrolls of Keen Senses (might as well use them, I figure).

All other items have a combined value of: 1,837 gp, 42 cp

If we sell the Mummified Guardian and the Headband, then everything else other than the flail, scrolls, and gold inscribed ring, that nets the party: 7,852 gp.

Split 5 ways, that's 1,687 gp, 4 sp, 8cp each


If we're going with the party 'loan' setup described above, Tabat will take a further party debt of -1,328 gp for keeping the flail, if I'm looking at it right.

Does anyone wish to claim anything else?

LightofMidnight - can you review and update your records above when you have a moment? (and make sure I'm looking at this right?)
Last edited July 27, 2022 10:11 am
Jul 27, 2022 10:41 am
I’m good with that reckoning.
Jul 27, 2022 11:51 am
Another 150gp for returning the wedding band.

Split 5 ways, that's 30 more gp per person!
Jul 27, 2022 11:54 am
But 50 less for not selling the wedding band, if that was included in the rest of the loot sold?
Jul 27, 2022 12:53 pm
I think I got outvoted on the loan/equivelant exchange method :p unless new players want input on that. I will just ask people be mindful how much they claim, and if they replace a claimed item throw it back into the loot pile for others to claim/party to sell.

Will sort when I have a moment. We never did split the last bit,l as a consensuss was never reached so I will also solidify that for us 4 starting peeps as well as it was discussed mixing in Bernard's.

Surfer is currenttly zz as family issues. We can do what we were doing with chunky and keep Jawares split as half party, half Jaware if he comes back.
Jul 27, 2022 5:50 pm
Qralloq says:
But 50 less for not selling the wedding band, if that was included in the rest of the loot sold?
I did not include the ring in the original breakdown at all, so should be good!

@ LoM, That sounds good. And yes, especially for high-value items, the sell value of any found loot should be redistributed as party gold if no longer being used and sold. I would certainly not expect to sell that flail next month and claim all the gp lol

Otherwise, thank you for giving it a look over and let us know how much we should all add to our sheets :)

As previously mentioned, I will keep a running tally of our found loot going forward.
Jan 19, 2023 5:26 am
Chapter 3: The Sanctum - Loot

WIP as I go back through and note what we've found so far

Djedihepet’s Tomb-
- Onyx funerary mask (20gp)
- gold and black-enameled holy symbol of Nethys (50gp)
- Pearl of Power (1,000gp)
- Ring (Magical, Unidentified)
Jan 29, 2023 2:47 pm
Loot Sheet. I've ended sections for what people claim, for an easy reference if that stuff ends up getting sold later.

So going through loot and aligning it up to the 3 of us + Jaware. Makes sense Jaware still gets a split. @Qralloq are you going to be happy handling Jaware's gear, or would you rather we help decide what he gets to give less for you to have to do ? :P

As we are sticking with us 3, and no longer accounting for sleeping players, if we want to buy stuff as a party we can just agree an it comes out of stuff before split/we all put in an equal amount?

Khadi is also putting back the spear as she the enemies are getting stronger and her defence stats are not :P She will legitimately die if she exists next to an enemy.

So split after first dungeon - 962.55

Split after Second Dungeon - 2000.5

@Qralloq are we assuming we're waiting to the auction to sell all our third dungeon stuff, or can we sell the generic stuff, and save the more fancy stuff?

Also not sure if right thread would I be able to find some Healers gloves And/or Healers Satchel. (If both Khadi may need to ask nicely to borrow some money, but then those set up her build)
Jan 29, 2023 4:14 pm
Right gone through book 3. Its all on the google sheet.

I've taken the pearl of power, if thats alright, and marked some scrolls and the clw wand Khadi will have on her.

These are the things that there may be interest in ->

Silver Dagger [Broken] (Khadi can prep mending at some point)
‘+1 quaterstaff
Apprentice’s cheating Gloves (The wearer of these gloves can employ mage hand and prestidigitation at will.) Sell: 1100
Mithral Chain shirt (Sell 550)
Spear of the Watchful Guardian Sell 4231 (Tabat?)

There are also various unidentified item. Unfortunately don't think any of us can cast identify, but Jaware has just gained a level so may be able to try again, as would anyone else if they picked up spellcraft (I did not) -
Unidentified Wand (Velriana)
Golden Apple (Velriana)
Magic Bracers (Velriana)
Torch (Velriana)
Magic Ring Djedihepet Tomb
Jan 29, 2023 4:25 pm
I can handle Jaware, no problem. He'll mostly focus on bow stuff, and possibly some alternate material arrows. Any ideas you have for him I'll certainly take into account.

The auction may provide better prices for the mundane and special goods, but you can sell the non magical stuff easily enough.

Unidentified items
alluring golden apple
wand of scorching ray (6 charges)
wand of shield (9 charges)
bracers of armor +1
Ioun torch
ring of the grasping grave
Jan 29, 2023 7:19 pm
Jaware should get some bracers of archery if they become available.
Jan 29, 2023 7:25 pm
Learned the spells he could from the spellbooks, just one more he'd like (acid arrow), but will have to wait a week to try again.

Took the mithril chain shirt (so can add a regular chain shirt to the loot to sell)
Jan 30, 2023 2:36 am
That tablet is really neat and handy, but also very clunky to be carrying around. Tabat could do it though, if you all think its worth bringing along with us.
Feb 11, 2023 10:16 pm
To sum it up, how much gold do we have to play with when it comes to anything that might be for sale at the auction? I think Khadi, particularly, could use some gear enhancements, so hopefully something will come up to help her ward off damage/conditions.
Feb 11, 2023 10:21 pm
About 3000 each, plus maybe a little more rom the generic stuff.

Khadi is definiteky hoping to get some healing gear..protective stuff for self may need some convincing :p
Feb 25, 2023 5:12 pm
For lots do we want to sort things into similar likeness? I will try and start on that by tonight.
Feb 25, 2023 6:33 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
For lots do we want to sort things into similar likeness? I will try and start on that by tonight.
This kind of thing is pretty fast at the table. Instead, we could have you make one check and get a percentage on "market value" for all the items you're trying to sell based upon your results. Get less than a 20, 90%; get 20-24: 95%; 25+: 100%.

Recall that there is currently a glut on the market from all the sales, so out in the open, you'll get less than normal "market value".
Feb 25, 2023 7:24 pm
I would be up for that. Gives us a chance to get better value, while not slowly things down with the micromanagement

I was also looking for a could of item, either healrs gloves or a healers satchels. Would I need to roll to see if I can find them?
Feb 25, 2023 7:44 pm
If you each want to pick an item or two, those will be available at the auction, and you can automatically 'win' that auction at full base price. For the purposes of the auction, Wati's base value available is temporarily doubled to 10,560gp).
Feb 25, 2023 8:05 pm
- Belt of Giant's Strength +2 (4k gp)
- Swarmbane Clasp (3k gp)

He'd get both if he could, but I'm going to add what he doesn't get to his sheet in a 'Wish List'. If he ends up having the funds, Tabat will snag a Belt of Giant's Strength. If he doesn't quite have enough for that, he'll get the Swarmbane Clasp.
Feb 27, 2023 10:25 pm
Right so we all get another 2570 each. If we can identify the unidentified items at no extra cost thats another 300gp on that from the ring and apple.

So overall everyone has got 5532.5 from the start of the AP, plus maybe another 300.

Khadi will get some healers gloves and a healers satchel (Currently a normal one, but debating a Treatment one as Undead diseases aren't fun)
Last edited February 27, 2023 10:42 pm
Feb 28, 2023 8:01 pm
If Q doesn't mind - I'll go for broke and grab the Belt of Giant's Strength +2 for 4k and a standard suit of full plate for 1500gp
Feb 28, 2023 8:04 pm
If you want borrow 150 to makee that masterwork I'm happy to do so. Means you don't have to buy another set when wanting to magic it.
Feb 28, 2023 8:09 pm
I wouldn't say no to that :) thank you - this would bump him up to 22 AC when using a shield
Mar 1, 2023 2:51 am
Jaware would look for a longbow +1 (2,400gp), and an efficient quiver (900gp).

He'll also want to pick up some 10 adamantine arrows (600gp), and 20 alchemical silver arrows (41gp), but that can occur at market later.
Mar 1, 2023 4:14 am
Iseret would like to get a shortsword +1 (2,310 gp) and a ring of sustenance (2,500 gp). That leaves her with about 900 or so gp, which she will take on a Service Merchandise gift certificate (and if you get that reference, you must be as old as I am).
Last edited March 1, 2023 4:15 am
Sep 12, 2023 1:13 am
I'm not thinking we have time yet to do major liquidation of our found goods, but I figured I'd run a list of things we've found in this chapter so far.

Unless I'm missing something, it appears we have found the following to add to our treasure:

50gp (wagon driver)
silver chain (50gp)

Keg of Saffron (x3, 150gp ea.)

Ancient Bottle of Honeyed Wine (x12, 25gp ea)
Sphinxlike Statue of Auroric Flame-Mother (750gp)
Broken Water Clock crafted by Pheron (1,200gp to a collector)

Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x2)
Alchemist's Fire (x2, 20gp ea)
Holy Water (x2, 25gp ea)
+1 Leather Armor (x2, 1010gp ea)
Hand Crossbow (x2, 100gp ea)
Bolts (x20)
Punching Dagger (x2, 2gp ea)
Sap (x2, 1gp ea)
Antitoxin (x2, 50gp ea)
Climber's Kit (x2, 80gp ea)
Crowbar (x2, 2gp ea)
MWK Thieves Tools (x2, 100gp ea., assuming Iseret claims 1?)
Sunrod (x4, 2gp ea)
Silver Chain Bracelet (x2, 50gp ea)
10gp (Silver chain goons)

Studded Leather Armor (25gp)
Composite Shortbow (+3 STR rating, 225gp, claimed by Tabat)
Arrows (x2)
Mwk Kukri (308gp)
Magic Khopesh (unidentified - GM edit: Natron Fang a +1 khopesh that ignores DR of mummies and mummy-like creatures, and 1/day on a successful strike against an incorporeal creature also does 1d6 Charisma damage Will save vs 13 for half; value 3,665gp)
Gold Funerary Mask (50gp)

Handy Haversack (2,000gp - Tabat can be our mule and technically hold this, if you want? Or someone that carries lots but has lower strength might be better?)
---Assortment of gemstones, necklaces, rings, statuettes, and other items worth 3,765gp

Tin Figurine with 3 Bird Feather Tokens attached (300gp per feather)
Last edited September 12, 2023 1:14 am
Dec 14, 2023 9:05 am
Just dropping this here...

Treasure: Gaunt Cadaver’s followers have collected most of the estate’s most valuable grave goods in the surgery, consisting of a bolt of Qadiran silk (worth 400 gp), a 3-pound jar of giant bee royal jelly worth 300 gp, 20 ivory servant statuettes called ushabti (worth 15 gp each), a pair of gold and onyx earrings (worth 100 gp) and matching necklace (worth 250 gp), a lapis lazuli bracelet (worth 50 gp), 240 gp, 345 sp, and 75 cp.

In addition, Gaunt Cadaver himself had a scroll of speak with dead, black smear poison (3 doses), a masterwork buckler, kukri, healer’s kit, and surgeon’s tools.
Jan 7, 2024 8:22 pm
Sepulcher of the Servant

Bracers and silver rods
Apr 25, 2024 8:19 pm
I;m away from PC a couple of days due to a wedding, but if someone is able to collate everything found etc, (If someone hasn't already) Ill try nad cruch it Sunday.monday
Apr 26, 2024 12:28 am
Do you have a word doc for this one yet Light? I feel like we haven't dealt with loot for quite some time :D
Apr 26, 2024 5:11 am
Here thoigh I havent been adding things. Auction was the last sell so yeah we have an entire books worth.
Apr 26, 2024 7:05 am
I went back and added everything I could find to the Word doc, mostly under 'unsorted'. Added the coin to the coin section and placed the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh under Tabat's name.

There is...a lot of stuff. There is that 2,000gp table we found that we technically would need to find a way to remove - it weighs 400lbs, but with the sheer amount of loot we found, we might need to argue getting some hirelings with whatever little downtime we have to retrieve all these things anyway and bring them to town.

Oh, and @Qralloq when you have time, can you let us know what spells are included in the spellbook dropped by that necromancer from the end of the chapter? Thanks!
Last edited April 26, 2024 7:10 am
Apr 26, 2024 12:45 pm
Khadi can slap Tabat + androemeda with ant haul :p
Apr 26, 2024 2:19 pm
Sure. Jaware will want first dibs on that spellbook btw, but here it is:

4th—ball lightning, fear, obsidian flow, stoneskin, sleet storm
3rd—communal resist energy, fly, haste, ray of exhaustion
2nd—bear’s endurance, command undead, false life, glitterdust, scorching ray
1st—alarm, mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield, identify, protection from good/evil/etc.
Apr 26, 2024 4:29 pm
Yeah no reason Jaware can't raid it. Some good stuff in there for him. Flying speed archer :p
Apr 26, 2024 4:42 pm
Yeah, great spells for Jaware!
Apr 26, 2024 5:55 pm
The two spell books can be sold. We can assume Jaware has the time to copy the ones he doesn't have (720 gp in cost). The three level four ones he failed to decipher weren't super useful to him.


Level two spells 4+ - (3d20)

(10157) = 32

Level three spells 5+ - (4d20)

(1991013) = 51

Level two spells 6+ - (5d20)

(2317165) = 43

Apr 29, 2024 3:57 pm
Could Jaware identify these at some point? -
alluring golden apple (S: 200)
Ioun torch (S:32.5)
ring of the grasping grave (S:1000)
Magic Khopesh (unidentified - GM edit: Natron Fang a +1 khopesh that ignores DR of mummies and mummy-like creatures, and 1/day on a successful strike against an incorporeal creature also does 1d6 Charisma damage Will save vs 13 for half; value 3,665gp)

And if so doe Tabat want Natron's fang?
There's also a lesser Disruptive metamagic rod Jaware may want
I've give Iseret some of the mwk thieves tools
Khadi has taken the healers kit and surgeons tools.
Last edited April 29, 2024 4:12 pm
Apr 29, 2024 4:55 pm
Consider them identified.
Apr 29, 2024 4:57 pm

Also I have marked the scrolls/wands I would personally sell in green. Obviously if anyone disagrees thats fine with can keep them in share loot/can be claimed. Especially Jaware and his spell book.

(If Jaware can use wands with spell strike I will immeadiatly hand him the enervation wand, and the scorching ones. :P)
Apr 29, 2024 6:12 pm
Jaware could only use spell strike from a wand if he had a third hand or prehensile tail, or a one-handed ranged weapon, because he'd need to hold onto the wand to activate it. Same is true with a scroll. That being said, he is a magus and can cast spells and use wands normally.
Apr 29, 2024 8:59 pm
If you want to keep the scorching ray/enervation perfectly happy. (Can se enervation coming in clutch at times)
Apr 30, 2024 2:30 am
You know...between the +1 spear and the adamantine flail, and Tabat's smite evil, I think I can manage without the Natron Fang - let's sell it and use the money for more fun stuff!

I'm in agreement with all the green stuff to sell, as well. Let's get some gold!
May 2, 2024 6:45 am
Sounds good!

@whtknt You happy with the green scrolls etc being sold?
May 2, 2024 2:09 pm
Jaware has snagged some wands and scrolls.
May 2, 2024 5:25 pm
Yes, Iseret is fine with the sale of unwanted or unusable items.
May 5, 2024 5:21 pm
Before selling the green items, it looks like a 4 way split for 3867.5 gp each - not a bad haul! However, feel free to reduce Tabat's share however is appropriate. He got that mask, after all. I would be ok with just splitting the gold 3 ways and forgoing a share this time around, considering that.
May 5, 2024 7:35 pm
I'm happy to keep it even, but just something to be aware of when it comes to claims :P. Its one reason I like to put what people have claimed on the sheet just so we can keep an eye on it. (And maybe Tabat can lend some gold)

Right sold all the green and natron fang and ring -

Spilt is - 5361.4
May 5, 2024 9:34 pm
That's a hefty sum!
May 5, 2024 10:46 pm
Let's split that up and if you want to do any shopping, go for it. Meanwhile, I'll post the next chapter.
May 6, 2024 9:18 am
Happy to lend gold if anyone falls short on something they want!
May 6, 2024 10:08 am
I might be falling very short. Hmm what first..

.. I should probably consider a con belt.
May 6, 2024 5:50 pm
Depending on what he has room for, Tabat may grab:

- Cloak of Resistance +1
- +1 Enhancement Bonus to his Adamantine Flail
- +1 Enhancement Bonus to his MW Full Plate
- ...maybe a Pearl of Power (1st)

I'll do the enhancement bonuses first - let me know where I can help and I'll keep the other stuff on a wish list for later as needed.
Last edited May 6, 2024 5:51 pm
May 6, 2024 5:58 pm
Iseret is saving her earnings to improve her weapon later.
May 10, 2024 4:05 pm
Khadi will grab a headband of cha, and belt of con. She will need to borrow som money off Tabat for this. When I get home.woll work out how much, but under 1000 I believ if taht is still available?
May 10, 2024 4:05 pm
Khadi will grab a headband of cha, and belt of con. She will need to borrow som money off Tabat for this. When I get home.woll work out how much, but under 1000 I believ if taht is still available?
May 10, 2024 8:45 pm
Jaware will buy a +2 Belt of Incredible Dexterity, leaving him with about 1400gp, and he'd buy some arrows and some blanching, so the extra 1000 gp for Khadi is available from him.
May 10, 2024 10:17 pm
500gp from Tabat, 500gp from Jaware? Then Tabat will grab one more thing - cloak of resistance or a pearl of power maybe.
May 11, 2024 7:42 pm
Its 700 I need so 350 each?
May 11, 2024 9:39 pm
I'll mark 350 off Jaware.
May 12, 2024 4:27 am
Things on Iseret's wish list, in case the GM decides to tailor our findings:
Prehensile whip +?
Flaming burst shortsword +?
Ring of invisibility
Belt of incredible dexterity +6
Treasure hunter's goggles
Trapspringer's gloves
Vambraces of the djinni
Pearly white spindle ioun stone
May 12, 2024 11:21 am
Qralloq says:
I'll mark 350 off Jaware.
Same! And he'll grab a cloak of resistance for 1k

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