Loot Sheet. I've ended sections for what people claim, for an easy reference if that stuff ends up getting sold later.
So going through loot and aligning it up to the 3 of us + Jaware. Makes sense Jaware still gets a split. @Qralloq are you going to be happy handling Jaware's gear, or would you rather we help decide what he gets to give less for you to have to do ? :P
As we are sticking with us 3, and no longer accounting for sleeping players, if we want to buy stuff as a party we can just agree an it comes out of stuff before split/we all put in an equal amount?
Khadi is also putting back the spear as she the enemies are getting stronger and her defence stats are not :P She will legitimately die if she exists next to an enemy.
So split after first dungeon - 962.55
Split after Second Dungeon - 2000.5
@Qralloq are we assuming we're waiting to the auction to sell all our third dungeon stuff, or can we sell the generic stuff, and save the more fancy stuff?
Also not sure if right thread would I be able to find some Healers gloves And/or Healers Satchel. (If both Khadi may need to ask nicely to borrow some money, but then those set up her build)