Sep 25, 2021 2:21 pm
Use this thread to list group loot. We will assume the load is spread among you.
Tomb of Akhentepi
Chest with working trap: 200gp
Two potions of cure light wounds and one potion of darkvision.
Two books weighing 25 pounds and are worth 300 gp each.
Four gold-plated funerary Masks: 75gp each
Masterwork Khopesh
Masterwork spear
composite shortbow
Magic shield (Once identified, Scarab Shield)
a sack with a 100 gp and 42 sp, and
Several scroll tubes holding papyrus records, private memos, expense ledgers, speeches, and private correspondence. Among the papers are discussions regarding the unfinished tomb of Akhentepi’s mistress. There is little else of interest in the papers, but to a collector or Osirionologist, these documents are worth 250 gp total if undamaged.
Two clay urns sealed with wax and contains nard, an expensive, oily perfume, worth 75 gp
Gold leaf worth 150 gp
two vials of silversheen,
a masterwork longbow,
10 cold iron arrows,
a gold scarab clasp worth 50 gp,
an onyx and silver holy symbol of Pharasma worth 100 gp,
a silver hand mirror worth 35 gp,
exquisitely crafted gold funerary mask worth 500 gp.
a magic suit of padded armor (once identified, Akhentepi’s armor)
a disintegrating cloth sack filled with 500 gp,
a small, well-preserved darkwood coffer worth 50 gp.
potion of darkvision
potion of lesser restoration)
an ornate lapis and carnelian pendant worth 70 gp,
an assortment of carnelian, lapis lazuli, and turquoise semiprecious stones worth a total of 55 gp.
Chariot: 150gp
Iron Cobra remains (unknown value): 25 gp
Tomb of Akhentepi
Chest with working trap: 200gp
Two potions of cure light wounds and one potion of darkvision.
Two books weighing 25 pounds and are worth 300 gp each.
Four gold-plated funerary Masks: 75gp each
Masterwork Khopesh
Masterwork spear
composite shortbow
Magic shield (Once identified, Scarab Shield)
a sack with a 100 gp and 42 sp, and
Several scroll tubes holding papyrus records, private memos, expense ledgers, speeches, and private correspondence. Among the papers are discussions regarding the unfinished tomb of Akhentepi’s mistress. There is little else of interest in the papers, but to a collector or Osirionologist, these documents are worth 250 gp total if undamaged.
Two clay urns sealed with wax and contains nard, an expensive, oily perfume, worth 75 gp
Gold leaf worth 150 gp
two vials of silversheen,
a masterwork longbow,
10 cold iron arrows,
a gold scarab clasp worth 50 gp,
an onyx and silver holy symbol of Pharasma worth 100 gp,
a silver hand mirror worth 35 gp,
exquisitely crafted gold funerary mask worth 500 gp.
a magic suit of padded armor (once identified, Akhentepi’s armor)
a disintegrating cloth sack filled with 500 gp,
a small, well-preserved darkwood coffer worth 50 gp.
potion of darkvision
potion of lesser restoration)
an ornate lapis and carnelian pendant worth 70 gp,
an assortment of carnelian, lapis lazuli, and turquoise semiprecious stones worth a total of 55 gp.
Chariot: 150gp
Iron Cobra remains (unknown value): 25 gp
[ +- ] Scarab Shield
Scarab Shield
Aura faint conjuration CL 3rd
Slot shield; Price 4,399 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
This +1 light steel shield is fashioned in the shape of a scarab beetle—a creature that functions as a psychopomp for Pharasma, guiding the souls of the departed into the afterlife. Scarab shields are especially favored by archaeologists and tomb raiders for the protection they grant against guardians and vermin frequently found in ancient ruins and forgotten tombs.
Once per day on command, a scarab shield grants its wielder a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against fear and death effects for 3 minutes. At any time while this bonus is in effect, the wielder can end the effect as a swift action for a burst of healing energy. The wielder loses the saving throw bonus, but is healed of 1d8+3 points of damage.
In addition, a scarab shield can protect its wielder from swarms. If a mindless swarm attempts to enter the wielder’s space, the swarm must attempt a DC 11 Will save. If the save succeeds, the swarm can enter the wielder’s space and attack the wielder normally. If the save fails, the swarm instinctively avoids the space occupied by the wielder, completely ignoring the wielder for 3 rounds. This effect ends if the wielder makes any attacks, but the wielder may use non-attack spells or otherwise act without ending the effect. This ability functions once per day.
Aura faint conjuration CL 3rd
Slot shield; Price 4,399 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
This +1 light steel shield is fashioned in the shape of a scarab beetle—a creature that functions as a psychopomp for Pharasma, guiding the souls of the departed into the afterlife. Scarab shields are especially favored by archaeologists and tomb raiders for the protection they grant against guardians and vermin frequently found in ancient ruins and forgotten tombs.
Once per day on command, a scarab shield grants its wielder a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against fear and death effects for 3 minutes. At any time while this bonus is in effect, the wielder can end the effect as a swift action for a burst of healing energy. The wielder loses the saving throw bonus, but is healed of 1d8+3 points of damage.
In addition, a scarab shield can protect its wielder from swarms. If a mindless swarm attempts to enter the wielder’s space, the swarm must attempt a DC 11 Will save. If the save succeeds, the swarm can enter the wielder’s space and attack the wielder normally. If the save fails, the swarm instinctively avoids the space occupied by the wielder, completely ignoring the wielder for 3 rounds. This effect ends if the wielder makes any attacks, but the wielder may use non-attack spells or otherwise act without ending the effect. This ability functions once per day.
[ +- ] Akhentepi's Armor
PRICE 5,235 GP
SLOT armor
CL 7th
WEIGHT 10 lbs.
AURA moderate transmutation
This suit of +1 stanching(UE) padded armor is of traditional Osirian design, consisting of a quilted cuirass of lightweight, breathable linen; a linen kilt; and a teardrop-shaped groin guard of stiffened linen. Besides its anti-bleeding properties, Akhentepi’s armor grants its wearer a sense of impending danger. Once per day as a free action when the wearer attempts an initiative check, the wearer can add a +3 insight bonus on that initiative check.
PRICE 5,235 GP
SLOT armor
CL 7th
WEIGHT 10 lbs.
AURA moderate transmutation
This suit of +1 stanching(UE) padded armor is of traditional Osirian design, consisting of a quilted cuirass of lightweight, breathable linen; a linen kilt; and a teardrop-shaped groin guard of stiffened linen. Besides its anti-bleeding properties, Akhentepi’s armor grants its wearer a sense of impending danger. Once per day as a free action when the wearer attempts an initiative check, the wearer can add a +3 insight bonus on that initiative check.