Mumble Server!

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May 26, 2016 7:07 pm
I've been logging on every night, by my lonesome, to test out things as I go. I don't see that changing any time soon.
May 26, 2016 7:39 pm
And not to undermine irvanovich's great work, but HypCo taught me a bit about Discord, and how can I setup and open invite link for it. So based on how much work you want to do, or if you want to try, we can see how either/both work for us for now? I think long term, Mumble integration into the GP database will be the way to go.
May 26, 2016 7:54 pm
Time for a Mumble party?
May 26, 2016 7:54 pm
I think so, too...and I'm going to be messing it with it no matter what you decide, Keleth. I want to make it work, and it'll be a good little side project for me to entertain myself with.

One of the biggest problems I've seen with Discord, whether you use the webapp or the installable UI, is that it uses a LOT of bandwidth and least it does on my machine. I can't run Discord at all when my wife or kids are watching Netflix on the XBOne or WiiU, let alone run it while I'm playing a game and they're streaming a movie. If Discord isn't running, I can play whatever game I want for as long as I want, and never once interfere or force a buffer on their shows. Mumble, on the other hand, has (so far, anyway), been less resource intensive, allowing me to chat and play Overwatch while the kids watch Netflix or Hulu without a single buffer moment or broken audio because of a bad connection.

That's just been my experience with it, though. Discord looks prettier, but Mumble sounds and runs better. I have no problem running either way...I just might not be on Discord much when the wife and kids are home and awake ;).
May 26, 2016 8:32 pm
I definitely agree, Mumble is the better long term option. Right now, I setup a Gamers Plane channel on one of Discord's servers. Costs me nothing, I have to do no work, etc. And if I do setup something on GP's server, I'll rent out a cheap $5 box for it, and just run that on it.
May 26, 2016 8:36 pm
Screw it, I'll set up and get on mumble tonight at 10PST
May 26, 2016 8:52 pm
Keleth says:
I definitely agree, Mumble is the better long term option. Right now, I setup a Gamers Plane channel on one of Discord's servers. Costs me nothing, I have to do no work, etc. And if I do setup something on GP's server, I'll rent out a cheap $5 box for it, and just run that on it.
Sounds good to me. I'll search for the Discord channel later tonight, but keep the Mumble channel running strong. People can use whichever one they fancy, and everything will be golden :D
darthoingoboingo says:
Screw it, I'll set up and get on mumble tonight at 10PST
Woohoo! I can finally put a voice with the Amazing Captain Magnificent.
Last edited May 26, 2016 8:53 pm
May 26, 2016 9:00 pm
irvanovich says:
Sounds good to me. I'll search for the Discord channel later tonight, but keep the Mumble channel running strong. People can use whichever one they fancy, and everything will be golden :D
I will end up checking both out and then picking one. I don't think we should split the community; we'll test both, offer both, see which people prefer for now, and stick with it until we create the GP linked Mumble.
May 26, 2016 9:18 pm
Much better idea...sounds good to me.
May 26, 2016 10:20 pm
I can definitely get on board with this. I run plenty of irl games on a variety of systems so I can probably be one of the mumble teachers no problem. And I can easily see myself spending plenty of time hanging out, especially this summer.
May 27, 2016 5:08 am
wow, this mumble server sure is empty!
May 27, 2016 11:21 am
It was busy around 9p EST. :-p
May 27, 2016 3:35 pm
I just realized I have no microphone.
May 27, 2016 7:08 pm
CancerMan says:
I just realized I have no microphone.
Time to buy one. :P
Jun 2, 2016 5:04 pm
We should arrange like a discussion, call it something cool like "GP Roundtable" or something equally impressive. Give it a time and date one night. I would just on to discuss gaming, life, Keleth's sweet booty, or whatever.
Jun 6, 2016 11:20 pm
So it's been a few weeks and the server seems to have died down. As DMKiado suggest should we set up a schedule so people know when other would be on to jump on and chat?
Jun 6, 2016 11:23 pm
I am totally down for that, there would have to be some times for after 10pm PST
Jun 6, 2016 11:30 pm
I'll calling dibs on 2000-2200 EST 'Tell me bout your Game or PC Tuesday" to start it off for me. Jump on and let us know about a game or PC you enjoy writing about on the site. If your game is public people might start watching their adventures.
Jun 6, 2016 11:32 pm
When I'm home early from fencing, I should be able to catch the later end of that! I gotta make more an effort to be on the Mumble server, heh.
Jun 7, 2016 12:14 am
Keleth says:
When I'm home early from fencing, I should be able to catch the later end of that! I gotta make more an effort to be on the Mumble server, heh.
Fencing? Gee, someone has some refined hobbies... :P
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