Interest check for 5e all-artificer game

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Oct 1, 2021 1:12 pm
Hello everyone,

I'm tossing around the idea of running a game with all artificiers (the class certainly lends itself to filling different roles).

I would probably start everyone at 3, so you at least have the abilities to fill different roles.
Multi-classing will be allowed, but artificier will be the base class.
PHB, XGtE, and Tasha's character building will be allowed
Setting TBD.
New players welcome. This game will be explicitly friendly to marginalized groups/minorities.
Artificier classes must come from the options in Tasha's. No homebrew artificiers, please.

House rules:
I tend to roll behind the screen a fair amount
Crit's will be max damage on first die plus damage roll.
Obviously crafting/potions will be important for an artificier campaign, so if someone has a good reference for house rules on these, please let me know, otherwise, I'll try to find/make something.
Oct 1, 2021 1:28 pm
Sounds interesting. What world would the game be set in?
Oct 1, 2021 1:32 pm
No idea yet. Probably homebrew (not familiar with canon settings, so it basically has to be homebrew). I haven't had time to think on it deeply, yet. If I figure something out, I'll probably make the actual recruitment post.
Oct 1, 2021 3:20 pm
This sounds amazing. Too bad I'm stepping away a little so I can focus on writing papers. Can't join a new game for a few weeks. Maybe if somebody drops out later?
Oct 1, 2021 3:31 pm
I would love to join a game like this.

Where do I sign up?
Oct 1, 2021 3:37 pm
Fair enough. I was more curious if you were thinking of a world where artificers are so common that a whole party of them isn't noteworthy or a world where artificers are rare and we just happen to be all from the same guild or hidden training school or something.

Either way, I am definitely interested.
Last edited Oct 1, 2021 3:38 pm
Oct 1, 2021 4:19 pm
Its an interesting concept, and were I not already playing an artificer in another game I would jump at this opportunity.
Oct 1, 2021 7:17 pm
It will probably be a little while before I get something together, because I've got a lot going on (and some imposter syndrome induced procrastination may be involved). I might post a couple ideas I've brainstormed in here before the official post for feedback, so stay tuned. I am leaning towards a guild type thing, where artificiers are kinda oddballs, but aren't super rare.
Oct 2, 2021 5:51 pm
Hello everyone,

I am thinking about putting the game in my homebrew world of Bengdalken (map attached, don't judge me or kik, lol, ignore scale marker, I just make it up as I go and 10sq miles would be a tiny world for a square). I will post in the main post details about at least the realm and the starting location. What I'm thinking is that the players will be part of an artificier's guild in Hukinfingr (an island off the mainland inhabited by a mix of orcs, dragonborn, tieflings and Drow.

One other "house rule" I should mention is that I don't play Drow, orcs, etc as automatically evil in my games, but many of the races that inhabit Hukinfingr are those with bad reputations from the Great War. Some of it is also warped views of some of the customs that these groups hold that have been twisted due to past war propaganda and lack of communication with the mainland.

You do not have to pick one of these races to be in the artificier's guild. Artifice is seen as unseemly to most of the mainland, and as such, Hukinfingr has become a natural home to the artificier's guild, due to the expectations of privacy and the strong history of smithing/manufacturing skills among the island's populace.

I am thinking early quests/scenarios will be exploration related (still will be combat/roleplay involved, just won't be "the world is ending" kind of plots just yet"). Assuming there is still interest, I will start writing up a prompt this weekend, hopefully and make the game on here. FYI, most locations will have a slight bastardized German kind of ring to them, because that is the type of names that come to my head for locations.

Good news for potential future joiners, I am thinking, because it's a guild, I can pretty easily plug in new players if needed, or start a parallel game, if the first game goes well and I have the time/mental capacity.

P.S. Fairly new to DM'ing overall and never DM'ed on GP before, so bear with me.
Oct 2, 2021 6:07 pm
This looks like a lot of fun, if there is space.
Oct 3, 2021 4:33 am
If anyone is still interested, see actual recruitment post up now.

Recruitment post
Last edited Oct 3, 2021 4:33 am

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