Okay, here's an attempt at a sheet. I
think I did most of it right, though I wasn't sure what to put for recovery rates. I'll have a backstory and motivations/aims/goals in a little while, hopefully. Thanks to gnome_chomsky for the amazing sheet!
Holly Shepard, highly entangled in the quantum universe.
Height | Weight | Age | Gender | Nationality |
5 feet, 5 inches | 135 lbs. | 25 years old | Female | American |
Concept | Nature | Allegiance | Eruption | Experience |
Philosopher | Visionary | N/A | Exposure to Quantum Powers | 0 |
| Gain willpower when you take a concrete step toward realizing your goal |
Physical (Tertiary) | | Mental (Primary) | | Social (Secondary) |
Strength | βββββ | Perception (Intuitive) | βββββ | Appearance | βββββ |
Dexterity (Nimble) | βββββ | Intelligence | βββββ | Manipulation (Persuasive) | βββββ |
Stamina | βββββ | Wits | βββββ | Charisma | βββββ | |
Physical | | Mental | | Social |
Mega-Strength | βββββ | Mega-Perception | βββββ | Mega-Ugliness | βββββ |
Mega-Dexterity | βββββ | Mega-Intelligence | βββββ | Mega-Manipulation | βββββ |
Mega-Stamina | βββββ | Mega-Wits | βββββ | Mega-Charisma | βββββ | |
Strength | | Perception | | Appearance |
Brawl | βββββ | Artillery | βββββ | Disguise | βββββ |
Might | βββββ | Awareness | βββββ | Intimidation | βββββ |
Throwing | βββββ | Investigation | βββββ | Style | βββββ |
| | Navigation | βββββ | | |
Dexterity | | Intelligence | | Manipulation |
Archery | βββββ | Academics | βββββ | Diplomacy | βββββ |
Athletics | βββββ | Analysis | βββββ | Hypnosis | βββββ |
Drive | βββββ | Bureaucracy | βββββ | Interrogation | βββββ |
Firearms | βββββ | Computer | βββββ | Seduction | βββββ |
Gunnery | βββββ | Demolitions | βββββ | Streetwise | βββββ |
Heavy Weapons | βββββ | Engineering | βββββ | Subterfuge | βββββ |
Legerdemain | βββββ | Gambling | βββββ | |
Martial Arts | βββββ | Intrusion | βββββ | |
Melee | βββββ | Linguistics (Arabic) | βββββ | |
Pilot | βββββ | Medicine | βββββ | |
Ride | βββββ | Occult | βββββ | |
Stealth | βββββ | Science | βββββ | |
| | Survival | βββββ | |
| | Tradecraft | βββββ | | |
Stamina | | Wits | | Charisma |
Endurance | βββββ | Arts | βββββ | Animal Training | βββββ
Resistance | βββββ | Biz | βββββ | Carousing | βββββ
| | Meditation | βββββ | Command | βββββ |
| | Rapport | βββββ | Etiquette | βββββ |
| | Shadowing | βββββ | Instruction | βββββ |
| | Tactics | βββββ | Perform | βββββ |
| | Weave | βββββ | | |
Willpower | Willpower Pool | Initiative | Movement (Walk/Run/Sprint) | Soak (Bashing/Lethal) |
ββββββββββ | 5 | 6 | 7m/16m/32m | 3/1 (depending on eufiber) | |
Quantum Rating | Pool (Max/Current) | Per Turn | Recovery | Taint Rating | Taint Pool |
ββββββββββ | 28/28 | 10? | 4 per hour at ease? | ββββββββββ | 0 |
| | | 5 per hour of complete relaxation? | | |
| Health Level | Dice Penalty | Description |
[] | Bruised | -0 | You're slightly battered, suffering no penalties.
[] | Hurt | -1 | Some scrapes and bumps; not seriously impaired.
[] | Injured | -1 | Minor injuries; noticeable damage.
[] | Wounded | -2 | You can walk and walk, but you cannot sprint.
[] | Maimed | -3 | A bloody mess, you hobble about in pain.
[] | Crippled | -4 | You're severely injured, stumbling and wrecked.
[] | Incapacitated | | You lose consciousness from the pain and trauma. No actions are possible.
[] | Dead | | Simply that. Notify the next of kin. |
Aberrations[ +- ] Aberrant Eyes (low-level, physical)
Her eyes are overlaid with a translucent cloud of swirling colors and motes of light that dance about akin to Brownian motion.
[ +- ] Delusions (medium-level, mental)
Your mind plays tricks on itself. You see and hear things that don't actually exist. Mild cases can be distracting.
Backgrounds[ +- ] Eufiber βββββ
The coming of novas has ushered in many technological advances, but few so universal as the bizarre substance known as eufiber. This organic polymer-esque substance was originally secreted from the epidermis of Costa Rican nova Anibel Buendia; a synthetic version was later created from living colonies of the fiber. Eufiber and its derivatives have proved to have many industrial uses; OpNet cables and a considerable percentage of the worldβs clothing are made from a synthetic alloy derived from Buendiaβs creation. True, living eufiber, though, is even more prized by novas.
The Eufiber Background represents a colony of Buendia-secreted, living eufiber. The colony is most commonly "woven" into a garment of some sort. Eufiber shaped in this fashion can be worn by baselines, but it is most useful to novas, as its genetic and quantum pattern conforms to the novaβs own. This property allows the colony to store a certain number of extra quantum points in its cell structure, giving the nova a quantum-point reserve; the nova can transfer a number of quantum points to the colony up to the Eufiber rating. The nova recovers the quantum points normally, while the eufiber colony stores them until the nova decides to use them.
While the eufiber is charged with quantum, the colony can use the stored quantum as an automatic defense for itself and its owner; this innate defense provides the nova with an amount of extra soak (versus bashing and lethal damage) equal to the number of quantum points currently stored in the colony.
As well, the colony adapts to the novaβs own quantum powers, allowing it to remain intact and unharmed even while the nova uses body-altering powers like Bodymorph, Growth and Immolate. Perfect for the Fashionable nova who doesnβt want to run around naked every time he turns on the juice (though such an outfit provides absolutely no defense against other novasβ quantum powers).
A eufiber outfit can adapt its shape, color and other parameters to the novaβs whim, shifting at his mental command. Eufiber fashion shows are often wondrous and freakish affairs, as nova "supermodels" parade down runways attired in gravity defying, shimmering, translucent, bioluminescent, scintillating or otherwise eyecatching constructs.
If a novaβs eufiber colony is taken from him by another nova, that nova can attune the eufiber to herself by spending a quantum point. The colony is now attuned to the new novaβs quantum signature. However, only one eufiber colony can be worn at a time.
[ +- ] Node βββββ, 1 taint
It isnβt much to look at. Itβs just a lump of grayish flesh about the size of a marble. It can grow bigger - some have been recorded which were the size of an apple or baseball - but itβs still just a mass of tissue with a few blood vessels, nerve endings and tendrils extending from it. Yet it holds the key to the powers of the universe.
The Mazarin-Rashoud node is what gives novas their power. It provides them with the ability to channel quantum energies. But at the same time it can affect their psyches and their bodies in strange, often deadly, ways.
A character with this Background has a well-developed Mazarin-Rashoud node. Note the words "well developed." All novas, even those without this Trait, have a Mazarin-Rashoud node. Most novas donβt take the Node Background; they get by with the basic M-R node that all novas have. Node as a Background signifies that the novaβs M-R is better developed, or channels quantum energies better, than the typical node. Thus, a nova with Node tends to be more powerful than others of his kind. He can use more quantum points per turn, can recover them quicker and possesses certain other powers. In general terms, he is more efficient at processing quantum energies than other novas. However, he is also more likely to suffer from Taint.
For example, a character with a fifth instar Node (Node 4) gains two points of Taint. Aberrations associated with the Node Background are typically mental or psychological ones. As the node grows, it presses upon other parts of the brain. In some cases it even causes the novaβs Forehead to bulge slightly. This pressure on the brain can result in mental problems for the nova. The larger the M-R node, the more likely that problems will occur, and the more extensive those problems are likely to be. By the time the node reaches the fourth instar, a problem of some sort is guaranteed. The human body and brain, even when augmented by quantum powers, are simply too Fragile to handle the awesome energies coursing through them without being changed in some way.
Other effects of having a highly developed Node include:
Quantum Recovery
As mentioned under Quantum, a nova with Node recovers spent quantum points more quickly than one without, adding her Node rating to her normal rate of quantum-point recovery. Many novas think of the Node as a recharger that juices up their quantum batteries quickly.
Quantum Detection
As a receptacle for quantum energies, a MazarinRashoud node also enables a nova to detect sources or conduits of quantum energies. Typically, these sources are other novas, though nuclear reactors, cyclotrons, generators or other large power sources might also be detected.
To detect a quantum source, the nova takes a Full turn to concentrate, then the player rolls her Node rating as a dice pool. Range of the attempt is 10 meters per dot in Node. Difficulty is typically standard, though the Storyteller can increase it in the case of trace amounts of quantum energies. Success indicates the nova detects a source of quantum energy in the area. Succeeding on this roll does not let a nova pinpoint an invisible or hidden character, but it does enable her to detect a shapeshifted or "dormed down" nova for what it is.
The player of a nova with the Dormancy Background may roll his Background rating in a resisted roll against any attempt at quantum detection; successes on this roll cancel out the scanning novaβs successes on a one-for-one basis.
Dots | Quantum Expenditure | Taint
x (1st instar) | Can spend 6 quantum points per turn | --
β (2nd instar) | Can spend 8 quantum points per turn | --
ββ (3rd instar) | Can spend 10 quantum points per turn | --
βββ (4th instar) | Can spend 12 quantum points per turn | One
ββββ (5th instar) | Can spend 15 quantum points per turn | Two
βββββ (6th instar) | Can spend 20 quantum points per turn | Three |
[ +- ] Dormancy βββββ
Novas with the Dormancy Background are able to "power down" and avoid detection as novas. "Dormβing down" takes a turn of concentration, after
which all quantum energies are completely internalized and shut down.
While dormant, the nova has no access to any of her nova characteristics, Mega-Attributes or quantum powers until she takes a turn of concentration to power up once more. Her appetite also reduces to something like a normal human level. Although she retains her basic nova characteristics (increased Endurance and Resistance,
extended lifespan, etc.), she recovers quantum points at the reduced rate of one point per day.
However, each dot of Dormancy allows the player to roll one die in a resisted roll against any attempts to detect the dormant nova for what she is. Additionally, each dot of Dormancy allows a nova to suppress one dot of Taint, along with any accompanying aberrations, for as long as the character is dormant.
Novas with Dormancy ratings of 4 or 5 may choose to have a "human form" and "nova form," transforming between one and the other. At Dormancy 4, the nova form looks different, but it has certain basic features in common with the human form (fingerprints, retinas, blood type); at 5, the human and nova forms are completely
different. However, novas who choose to switch forms have no access to any of their nova characteristics while in human form.
[ +- ] Allies βββββ
Almost everyone has at least one close friend. Allies are people with whom your character has intimate ties: friends, loved ones or simply someone with similar interests to whom she can turn for assistance and support.
Allies represent truly dedicated individuals with whom your character has close bonds. Allies are not other members of the team; relationships with other playersβ characters are roleplayed. Allies are people in their own right, with lives as involved as your characterβs. Friendship is a two-way street, and if your character takes but doesnβt give, Allies are likely to desert her. Allies do what they can to help you, but they donβt throw their lives away for nothing, nor are they on call to bail you out of trouble 24-7.
They may also grow weary of repeated demands on their time and resources. Of course, allies can also call for assistance.
Each dot represents one ally (instead of signifying multiple allies, high ratings could represent a more powerful ally). An ally may be a fellow nova, detective, politician,
soldier, philanthropist or old college pal. You should work with the Storyteller to detail the ally; as most readers of comics are well aware, a properly developed supporting
cast makes for rich roleplaying.
[ +- ] Attunement βββββ
Generally speaking, a novaβs quantum powers affect
only her own body. Novas with this Background have learned the trick of charging objects with their own quantum signatures, thereby permitting the objects to survive the rigors of the novaβs powers so long as they remain in contact with the novaβs body. Attunement is most commonly used to prevent a novaβs clothing and small personal effects from being damaged or destroyed by her transformations. For example, a nova with Attunement 1 could "charge" her clothing, allowing it to remain undamaged even if she activates powers like lrnmolate, Growth, Density Decrease, Bodymorph or Shapeshifting. Attunement costs one quantum point per scene and confers absolutely no protection against other novasβ quantum powers.[/qpoiler]
[spoiler="Quantum Attunement (Mega-Perception)"]The character can sense the ebbs and flows of quantum energies in her vicinity. This gives her a hyperenhanced perception, allowing her to sense her surroundings on the molecular level, even if her other senses have been incapacitated. The character must still face in the general direction of what she wishes to perceive.
System: By spending one quantum point per turn, the character can attune herself to quantum energies in the area. Among other things, this allows the character to make an Awareness roll to sense her surroundings even if completely deprived of one or more senses. The character can also scan other novas by making a Medicine roll; this allows the character to sense the rough level of Quantum, Node and Taint Traits possessed by the other nova. With three or more successes, the character might be able to guess at the other novaβs powers, though the Storyteller should describe this in narrative terms, as eddies and shifts in the local quantum flow (e.g., "Your foe clenches his fists, and quantum forces begin seething around his outstretched hands" as opposed to "Heβs going to throw a Quantum Bolt"; "When she stretches, nuclear forces scream and hiss around her frame," as opposed to "Sheβs got Mega-Strength 4.").
Quantum Powers [ +- ] Entropy Control ββ
Level: 3
Quantum Minimum: 4
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Entropy Control
Range: Variable
Area: Variable
Duration: Special
Effect: Character can manipulate and control entropic forces
Multiple Actions: Yes
Description: A character with this suite of abilities is a master of the forces of entropy that are always at work in the universe. His quantum consciousness is able to tap into, summon and manipulate entropy the same way other novas play with fire or ice.
Entropic Shield (Stamina + Entropy Control): The character surrounds herself with a field of entropic energy. This field heightens the entropic reactions within any incoming attack (especially those based on physical objects such as bullets), thus disrupting and weakening them. Each success grants the character an extra soak vs. bashing and lethal damage. Does not apply to attacks from living matter, such as fists or animals.
Probability Corruption (Entropy Control, range (Quantum + Power rating) x 5 meters): Allows a nova to cause the forces of entropy to overwhelm a single target, making it more likely he will fail disastrously. Roll entropy control; each success results in a loss of one die (or one automatic success) for all rolls made by the target. Additionally, a target will botch a roll if he rolls no successes and any die comes up 1 or 2. Lasts as long as nova pays quantum points to keep entropic forces focused on the victim.
[ +- ] Quantum Conversion (Electrical) βββ
Level: 1
Quantum Minimum: 1
Dice Pool: Stamina + Quantum Conversion
Range: Touch
Area: N/A
Duration: Special
Effect: May convert up to 1 quantum point per dot into standard forms of energy
Multiple Actions: Yes
Description: Allows a nova to convert part of his personal quantum energies - his Quantum Pool - into standard forms of superquantum energies such as heat, fire or electricity. The player must choose what type of energy the nova can convert his quantum points into.
Quantum Conversion can convert up to one quantum point per dot into another form of energy. If converted into electricity, one quantum point would be enough to power a typical large television for about an hour. The Storyteller is the final arbiter of how much electricity is needed to power a given device, and for how long. He also determines the effects and uses of other forms of energy.
Quantum Conversion can also be used to cause damage to other people if the nova touches them while emitting the energy. Doing so causes one health level of bashing damage per quantum point converted (or one health level of lethal damage per two quantum points converted), but the person touched may soak this damage normally.
[ +- ] Teleport ββ
Level: 2
Quantum Minimum: 2
Dice Pool: Perception + Teleport
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant
Effect: Allows character to move without passing through the intervening space
Multiple Actions: No
Description: To use Teleport, a nova spends the required quanturn points, and the player rolls Perception + Teleport. In combat or other stressful situations, a nova may teleport up to 100 meters per success. Provided the nova has a full turn to concentrate, she may teleport a variable distance, as indicated on the chart. In either case, each point of Quantum she has counts as an additional automatic success. Using Teleport counts as a characterβs entire action for a turn.
See rulebook p. 226 for rules on teleporting blind.
[ +- ] Premonition β
Level: 2
Quantum Minimum: 1
Dice Pool: Perception + Premonition
Range: Variable
Area: Special
Duration: One scene
Effect: Allows character to detect danger or threats to herself
Multiple Actions: Yes
Description: This sensory power warns the nova of impending dangers or threats. To use it, the character pays the quantum-point cost, which allows her to detect danger for one scene. Whenever she is confronted with any danger during that time - she is about to trip a trap, someone points a gun at her, etc. - the player may make a Perception + Premonition roll to detect it. The difficulty should be set by the Storyteller, depending on the severity of the danger (the greater the potential harm, the easier it is to detect) and how likely it is to affect the character (a direct threat is easier to detect than something that might adversely affect the character but isnβt intended for her).
Premonition can detect threats specifically directed at the character (someone about to stab her with a knife) as well as threats directed at her general area (a terroristβs bomb thatβs about to destroy the building sheβs in). The danger must be within about (100 x Premonition) meters of him in most cases, though the Storyteller may, at her discretion, expand this range. Specific dangers (such as a sniper pointing a gun at the character from a thousand meters away) can usually be detected further away than general threats. A successful Premonition roll does not tell the character exactly what the danger is, only that she is exposed to it and from roughly which direction or location it is coming. In most cases warning is enough to provide the character with the information she needs to avoid the danger. For example, suppose the character is about to walk through a door and her Premonition alerts her to a possible threat. If the Premonition indicates that the danger is coming from the door itself, the door is probably rigged for some kind of booby trap. 1f the danger comes from beyond the door, a more likely explanation is that someone - or something - is waiting on the other side of the door to attack or hurt the character. Premonition does not detect danger to those near the character unless the character herself is somehow exposed to the threat.
Character Creation Notes
15 total Bonus Points
β 7 bonus points for 1 more dot of Quantum
β 2 bonus points for 1 more dots of Willpower
β 1 bonus point for 1 dot of Attunement
β 5 bonus points for 1 dot of Perception
β 6 nova points for two dots of Mega-Perception
β 5 nova points for three more dots of Quantum (2 points of Taint)
β 5 nova points for two dots of Entropy Control (2 points of Taint)
β 3 nova points for two dots of Quantum Conversion
β 6 nova points for two dots of Teleport
β 3 nova points for one dot of Premonition
β 1 nova point for one dot of Willpower
β 1 nova point for three Attribute dots (Perception, Manipulation, Dexterity)
Last edited October 23, 2021 11:22 pm