Hello all. My idea for a character is a very young nova with a focus on mega-mental attributes. I'm envisioning a 12-14 year old kid who is a genius inventor. Might go with
Whiz Kid as my super alter ego. I like the idea of a superhumanly intelligent individual trapped in the body of a child. Not certain about the group dynamics among the characters yet, but maybe he could fit in like an honorary kid brother.
He resents being treated like a child (even though he is one). Since he isn't legally an adult, he doesn't have the same legal rights as one, and this frustrates him to no end. A lot of his time is spent railing against a world that he views as extremely ageist and incapable of recognizing his brilliance. He will most likely be an orphan. Maybe his parents were killed or taken away by J.A.N.U.S., the Super Sept, or some other group, so now he works to oppose them. He could also be a runaway who left home because he can't tolerate the stupidity of most adults (compared to him).
Last edited January 27, 2022 12:37 am