Character Creation

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Oct 6, 2021 3:39 pm
Here's a preliminary stat block for one of the characters I had in mind. Any suggestions would be welcomed.
[ +- ] Terrapin: character build
[ +- ] Terrapin: backstory
Last edited Oct 8, 2021 4:30 am
Oct 6, 2021 4:13 pm
Is it possible to purchase additional aberrations as Flaws? The Player's Guide mentions it on p. 92.
Oct 6, 2021 4:27 pm
Gnome_Chomsky sent a note to BedzoneII
Oct 6, 2021 7:15 pm
I changed my concept and decided to go with a Mega-Ugly nova. He has some physical ability but relies more on intimidation and Mega-Manipulation to coerce others. Keeps himself constantly wrapped in a eufiber hooded cloak so that baselines don't accidentally see his face and lose their sanity. He's not a villain, but his horrifying transformation has left him incredibly bitter at the world. I mostly avoided powers and focused on Mega-Attributes and Enhancements, though I didn't have enough points to get everything I wanted. Admittedly, he is very high Taint, but this was so I'd have access to some of the high-level aberrations.

The character still needs some major tweaking, but here's what I have.
Anders Dvořák (aka "The Horror")

"The world is an ugly place… but not as ugly as me."

5 feet, 10 inches170 lbs.30 years oldMaleCzech

Gain Willpower when you trick someone into doing what you want

Physical (Secondary)Mental (Primary)Social (Tertiary)



Heavy Weapons○○○○○Engineering○○○○○Subterfuge●●●○○
Martial Arts○○○○○Intrusion○○○○○
Melee○○○○○Linguistics (Slavic)●○○○○

Endurance●●●○○Arts○○○○○Animal Training○○○○○

WillpowerWillpower PoolInitiativeMovement (Walk/Run/Sprint)Soak (Bashing/Lethal)
●●●●●○○○○○5612m/15m/29m18/16 (13/11 without eufiber cloak)

Quantum RatingPool (Max/Current)Per TurnRecoveryTaint RatingTaint Pool
●●●○○○○○○○26/26104 per hour at ease●●●●●●●●○○0
5 per hour of complete relaxation

Health LevelDice PenaltyDescription
[]Bruised-0You're slightly battered, suffering no penalties.
[]Hurt-1Some scrapes and bumps; not seriously impaired.
[]Injured-1Minor injuries; noticeable damage.
[]Wounded-2You can walk and walk, but you cannot sprint.
[]Maimed-3A bloody mess, you hobble about in pain.
[]Crippled-4You're severely injured, stumbling and wrecked.
[]IncapacitatedYou lose consciousness from the pain and trauma. No actions are possible.
[]DeadSimply that. Notify the next of kin.

Note: +3 difficulty to Social rolls with baseline humans. -3 to Willpower rolls to resist mental disorders.
[ +- ] Disturbing Voice (low-level, physical)
[ +- ] Twisted Limbs (medium-level, physical)
[ +- ] Sheer Hideousness (high-level, physical)
[ +- ] Eufiber ●●●●●
[ +- ] Node ●●

[ +- ] Intolerance (Beauty) (1-point Flaw)
[ +- ] Costume Fetish (Eufiber Cloak) (1-point Flaw)
[ +- ] Overconfident (1-point Flaw)
[ +- ] Face of Terror (Sheer Hideousness aberration)
[ +- ] Revolting (Mega-Ugliness)
[ +- ] Mr. Nobody (Mega-Ugliness)
[ +- ] Quantum Leap (Mega-Strength)
Quantum Powers
[ +- ] Armor ●●●

Character Creation Notes

18 total Bonus Points (15 + 3 from Flaws)

● 14 bonus points for 2 more dots of Quantum
● 4 bonus points for 2 more dots of Willpower

● 8 nova points for four dots of Mega-Ugliness (4 points of Taint)
● 6 nova points for three dots of Mega-Strength (3 points of Taint)
● 2 nova points for Revolting enhancement (1 point of Taint)
● 9 nova points for three dots of Armor
● 1 nova point for six Ability dots
● 1 nova point for three Attribute dots

3 nova points left to spend.
Last edited Oct 8, 2021 9:02 pm
Oct 6, 2021 8:47 pm
Ok New numbers.
(Note: mega attributes were bought with Flaw xp
Quantum was bought with bonus xp)
[ +- ] Comet
Looks like I have 1 exp(????) Was thinkingof getti g a specialty?
Last edited Oct 6, 2021 9:02 pm
Oct 6, 2021 9:03 pm
Can I steal/procure your great formatting, Gnome_Chomsky?
Last edited Oct 6, 2021 9:03 pm
Oct 6, 2021 9:04 pm
When you buy willpower at start, aren'y you buying something you'll spend later?
Oct 6, 2021 9:21 pm
Noone forget:

All novas start with at least three (free) dots in
Endurance; see "Mega-Stamina" (p. 160).
All novas start with at
least three (free) dots in Resistance; see "Mega-
Stamina" (p. 160

Oct 6, 2021 9:30 pm
@witchdoctor, my biggest advice would be to specilize skills just a smidge more. That may just be opinion though.
Going for a psionic manipulator/tactician? Looks good

A lot of flying going on, I like it.
Oct 6, 2021 9:40 pm
Y'all are flying. I'm just gliding. :P
Oct 6, 2021 9:41 pm
annex says:
Can I steal/procure your great formatting, Gnome_Chomsky?
Be my guest 😁
If you "Quote" my post, that should provide the underlying BBCode.
Last edited Oct 6, 2021 9:55 pm
Oct 6, 2021 9:46 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
When you buy willpower at start, aren'y you buying something you'll spend later?
You’re increasing your permanent Willpower rating, which in turn increases your pool of Willpower points. Although you do spend Willpower, it gets recovered through play. Your Nature provides a means of regaining Willpower, for instance. Also, a lot of rolls to resist mental/psychic effects hinge on your Willpower, so I’d say it’s not a bad idea to invest into it.
Last edited Oct 6, 2021 10:15 pm
Oct 6, 2021 9:50 pm
@Witchdoctor, what’s your character concept again? I might be able to give suggestions based on what you’re going for.
Oct 6, 2021 11:07 pm
Gnome_Chomsky says:
@Witchdoctor, what’s your character concept again? I might be able to give suggestions based on what you’re going for.
I just need to focus on what I need instead of what I want ;) I'm definitely stealing your character sheet format tho. That's some seriously beautiful work!
Oct 7, 2021 2:34 am
Heh, I knew I could count on Gnome to produce the most beautiful WOD stuff. He's run way more Storyteller than I have. A big thank you for that.

Gnome, I'm going to get to reviewing your sheet in a bit, but I'm assuming you've looked at the Forceful Personalities supplement for Mega-Ugliness (or go ahead and look at it if you haven't).

If it looks like there's gonna be some flying, it means we don't have to be limited to one city or base, and can flit about.
Oct 7, 2021 2:38 am
Gnome_Chomsky says:
Is it possible to purchase additional aberrations as Flaws? The Player's Guide mentions it on p. 92.
Alrighty, let's go for it. Things will probably get a bit OP, but I think we can manage.

I'll also put this out here first, higher Taint characters will be more powerful than lower Taint characters, although they do come with both social and mechanical drawbacks and tradeoffs. If the power levels across the party are too diverse, I might try to balance them out a little, to make sure everyone has a chance to take their turn in the spotlight. We'll see how it goes as the sheets come in.
Oct 7, 2021 3:14 am
BedzoneII says:
Gnome_Chomsky says:
Is it possible to purchase additional aberrations as Flaws? The Player's Guide mentions it on p. 92.
Alrighty, let's go for it. Things will probably get a bit OP, but I think we can manage.

I'll also put this out here first, higher Taint characters will be more powerful than lower Taint characters, although they do come with both social and mechanical drawbacks and tradeoffs. If the power levels across the party are too diverse, I might try to balance them out a little, to make sure everyone has a chance to take their turn in the spotlight. We'll see how it goes as the sheets come in.
Ive never heard of Forceful Personalities, but I’ll check it out! I was going to ask if you knew of any other rules for Mega-Ugly novas, as I didn’t see anything other than a short paragraph in the rule book.

Yeah, going high Taint wasn’t my first idea. Usually I try to avoid making characters that are sixty seconds from meltdown 😂. But the reason that I went for high Taint is because of the Sheer Hideousness aberration, which fits my character really well. It’s a high level aberration, so I needed at least Taint 8 to get it. I also wanted to take a few other aberrations as Flaws, just because I want to make the character as freaky as possible.

Problem is that I also built this character to be a Mega-Manipulator, but my high Taint and aberrations mean major penalties to Social rolls. I may need to revisit whether I should keen Mega-Manipulation or not.
Last edited Oct 7, 2021 3:25 am
Oct 7, 2021 3:19 am
Rules question: can you start with an Ability above three dots? The first Phase of character creation says that Abilities cap at 3 dots, but can they be increased beyond the cap with Bonus Points or Nova Points?
Oct 7, 2021 3:25 am
Do check it out Gnome, I think you'd enjoy it, and feel free to lean in to those rules.

And yes, Abilities can be raised above 3 dots, but not with bonus points (it's capped at 3 during the first stage of chargen which using only bonus points). You can use nova points to increase them.

FYI everyone, the key supplements for each of the three big archetypes of superhero characters are The New Flesh, Brainwaves, and Forceful Personalities. But be forewarned this goes down the rabbithole of increasing complexity as splat books often do, and the has the potential to make game-breaking combos. Still, it's an enjoyable read.

Witchdoctor, I see your draft character is coming along just fine! You might be the only one standing in the face of a psychic attack, considering what the rest are building. XD
Oct 7, 2021 7:23 am
Phoenix, small tweaks:

Rules clarification: You can't buy Megas with flaw points, because Flaws give bonus points (bp), and Megas are bought with nova points (np). Also, Flying as an Ability under Dexterity doesn't exist.
You can have up to 7 dots of Backgrounds, you currently have 5. Go ahead and pick 2 more dots worth.
Small correction: That's Claws at 1 dot, costing 3np. I think you forgot to calculate this.
Flashback in Aberrant is worth only 3bp, not 6bp.
Bard's Tongue is from Changeling RPG! Swap it for something similar? Or I can run with it I guess, it's pretty minor.

Gnome answered the question on why spend on Willpower. In this game they function as luck points, saves, rerolls, etc. It's useful to have some.
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