Oct 24, 2021 7:43 am
Here's the other three members of Terrapin's old team
Name: Dave Dearborn
Age: 49 (appears ~20years old)
Description: Caucasian male, 6'2", ~240 pounds. Shoulder length brown hair, squinty brown eyes, prominent brow; best described as having a 'caveman-like' build and appearance.
Proximity to subject induces low level paranoia and anxiety in normal humans; occasional auditory hallucinations and activation of 'fight or flight' response in subject's presence.
Last known whereabouts place him somewhere at the bottom of the Marianas Trench (24/11/2010).
Str 4 Dex 4 Sta 5
Per 3 Int 2 Wits 3
App 2 Manip 2 Cha 2
Mega Attributes:
Mega-Str 1
Mega-Sta 5
Mega-Str (Crush)
Mega-Sta (Adaptability, Hardbody, Regeneration, Resiliency, Unaging)
Might 3, Brawl 5 (Dirty Fighting), Throw 4, Athletics 3, Drive 4 (High Speed), Firearms 5 (handguns), Heavy Weapons 4, Melee 4 (improvised weapons), Stealth 4 (surprise), Resistance 5, Endurance 5, Awareness 3 (Spot Ambush), Investigation 2, Intrusion 2 (Security Procedures), Intimidation 3
Cipher 2, Contacts 2, Node 2, Resources 1
Freebies: Willpower +2 (4pts), Specialities 7 (7 pts), Ability +2 (4 pts)
Nova Points: MegaSTR 1 (3 pts), MegaSTA 5 +4 Enhancements (10 pts Tainted +12 points), Attribute Dots +3 (1 point), Ability Dots +24 (4 points)
Name: Richard Moses "Mose"/"Mo" Ramirez
Age: 38, at time of death
Description: Hispanic male, 5' 9", ~160 pounds with short, curly black hair and large brown eyes. Slim build and usually well dressed. Ozone smell pronounced around subject.
Str 2 Dex 2 Sta 2
Per 2 Int 4 Wits 4
App 2 Manip 3 Cha 3
Mega Attributes:
Endurance 3, Resistance 3, Awareness 2, Investigation 2, Academics 3, Bureaucracy 3, Computer 3, Intrusion 2, Biz 3, Style 2, Subterfuge 2, Diplomacy 2.
Attunement 1, Contacts 2, Node 2, Resources 3
Nova Powers:
Electrical Mastery 5 (Tainted)
: Lightening Blast (lethal), Storm, EMP (from Magnetic Mastery), Stun (Bashing Blast), Cage
Invulnerability (energy) 1
Quantum +2 (14 pts), Background +1 (1 pt)
Nova Points:
Quantum +2 (10 points), Electrical Mastery 5-Tainted (15points) Invulnerability (5 points)
Name: Jack Meyer
Age: 39, at time of death
Description: Caucasian male, 6'1", ~180 pounds; light brown hair and blue eyes. No known distinguishing or unusual features.
Str 3 Dex 5 Sta 5
Per 3 Int 2 Wits 4
App 3 Manip 2 Cha 3
Mega Attributes:
Mega-Strength 1
Mega-Dexterity 3
Mega-Str (Crush, Quantum Leap)
Mega-Dex (Accuracy, Flexibility, Physical Prodigy, Catfooted, Rapid Strike)
Might 4 (throw), Athletics 4, Martial Arts 5 (combos, multiple opponents), Melee 2, Stealth 5 (sneak), Endurance 5, Resistance 5, Awareness 2 (spot ambush), Rapport 2, Streetwise 2,
Contacts 2, Dormancy 3, Resources 2
Freebies: Specialities 5 (5 pts), Initiative +6 (6 pts), willpower +2 (4pts)
Nova Points:
MegaStr 1 +1 enhancement (6 pts), MegaDex 3 +4 enhancements ( 21 pts), Attribute Dots +6 (2 points), Ability Dots +6 (1point).
[ +- ] DieHard
Name: Dave Dearborn
Age: 49 (appears ~20years old)
Description: Caucasian male, 6'2", ~240 pounds. Shoulder length brown hair, squinty brown eyes, prominent brow; best described as having a 'caveman-like' build and appearance.
Proximity to subject induces low level paranoia and anxiety in normal humans; occasional auditory hallucinations and activation of 'fight or flight' response in subject's presence.
Last known whereabouts place him somewhere at the bottom of the Marianas Trench (24/11/2010).
Str 4 Dex 4 Sta 5
Per 3 Int 2 Wits 3
App 2 Manip 2 Cha 2
Mega Attributes:
Mega-Str 1
Mega-Sta 5
Mega-Str (Crush)
Mega-Sta (Adaptability, Hardbody, Regeneration, Resiliency, Unaging)
Might 3, Brawl 5 (Dirty Fighting), Throw 4, Athletics 3, Drive 4 (High Speed), Firearms 5 (handguns), Heavy Weapons 4, Melee 4 (improvised weapons), Stealth 4 (surprise), Resistance 5, Endurance 5, Awareness 3 (Spot Ambush), Investigation 2, Intrusion 2 (Security Procedures), Intimidation 3
Cipher 2, Contacts 2, Node 2, Resources 1
Freebies: Willpower +2 (4pts), Specialities 7 (7 pts), Ability +2 (4 pts)
Nova Points: MegaSTR 1 (3 pts), MegaSTA 5 +4 Enhancements (10 pts Tainted +12 points), Attribute Dots +3 (1 point), Ability Dots +24 (4 points)
[ +- ] DynaMo
Name: Richard Moses "Mose"/"Mo" Ramirez
Age: 38, at time of death
Description: Hispanic male, 5' 9", ~160 pounds with short, curly black hair and large brown eyes. Slim build and usually well dressed. Ozone smell pronounced around subject.
Str 2 Dex 2 Sta 2
Per 2 Int 4 Wits 4
App 2 Manip 3 Cha 3
Mega Attributes:
Endurance 3, Resistance 3, Awareness 2, Investigation 2, Academics 3, Bureaucracy 3, Computer 3, Intrusion 2, Biz 3, Style 2, Subterfuge 2, Diplomacy 2.
Attunement 1, Contacts 2, Node 2, Resources 3
Nova Powers:
Electrical Mastery 5 (Tainted)
: Lightening Blast (lethal), Storm, EMP (from Magnetic Mastery), Stun (Bashing Blast), Cage
Invulnerability (energy) 1
Quantum +2 (14 pts), Background +1 (1 pt)
Nova Points:
Quantum +2 (10 points), Electrical Mastery 5-Tainted (15points) Invulnerability (5 points)
[ +- ] NinJack
Name: Jack Meyer
Age: 39, at time of death
Description: Caucasian male, 6'1", ~180 pounds; light brown hair and blue eyes. No known distinguishing or unusual features.
Str 3 Dex 5 Sta 5
Per 3 Int 2 Wits 4
App 3 Manip 2 Cha 3
Mega Attributes:
Mega-Strength 1
Mega-Dexterity 3
Mega-Str (Crush, Quantum Leap)
Mega-Dex (Accuracy, Flexibility, Physical Prodigy, Catfooted, Rapid Strike)
Might 4 (throw), Athletics 4, Martial Arts 5 (combos, multiple opponents), Melee 2, Stealth 5 (sneak), Endurance 5, Resistance 5, Awareness 2 (spot ambush), Rapport 2, Streetwise 2,
Contacts 2, Dormancy 3, Resources 2
Freebies: Specialities 5 (5 pts), Initiative +6 (6 pts), willpower +2 (4pts)
Nova Points:
MegaStr 1 +1 enhancement (6 pts), MegaDex 3 +4 enhancements ( 21 pts), Attribute Dots +6 (2 points), Ability Dots +6 (1point).
Last edited Oct 24, 2021 11:01 am