Prologue: arrival

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Oct 5, 2021 6:57 am
Each of you wake up inside a 5 ft cube wooden box with dim light coming from roof. You feel terrible (poisoned condition) and have a feeling that your box is moving up slowly. You can't remember how you get here. You can't actually remember anything, but your name. Box suddenly stop moving and in a while you hear a voice
Do not be afraid! We mean no harm. We will help you. Please keep yourself to and opposite wall and they break the box quickly - you see workers of different races with sledgehammers and other tools giving way to an old human lady.
Welcome to the Maze. My name is Lilly. Do you remember your name?
Oct 5, 2021 6:12 pm
Yeah, my name's Bellow. Can't tell you much more than that.
Checking belt and pack -- what gear do I have?
What is this place?
Oct 5, 2021 7:11 pm
Phoenix let’s out a rattling cough. Everything feels wrong. His head feels like someone stomped on it, his breathing is a bit labored. The bandages grip his neck and chest far too tightly.
Phoenix takes a second to examine himself, finding bandages wrapped around the majority of his exposed flesh, even his face covered save for his long red hair.
Am I injured? I can’t remember.
He finally collects himself enough to answer. "I… What? Maze?"
Oct 5, 2021 7:30 pm
Lilly answer to each of you using different words, but the message is the same:
You need to take rest as night is approaching and you must be feeling just as terrible as anyone who is summoned to this place.
There is a chest on top of your box with your belongings (starting gear per your class/background), we will help to get the chest to your tent.
Now about the Maze. We have 3 teams of maze runners. Well we had 3 teams. One team did not return today.
She believes it to be the reason why you arrived. You will make a new team to replace the one that is gone.
Maze runners run the maze to bring us food and some weapons to themselves. But you should better ask details to the other two teams tomorrow morning.
Oct 5, 2021 7:30 pm
What...where am did I get here... Stay away from me! I'm Dangerous! Don't come near me

Elrond scurrys away from the others. Terrified about his new surroundings

How did I get here Elrond thinks to himself, The last thing I remember I was in the woods hunting..and then...

A sharp pain moves through Elrond's muscles as he feels the poison move through his veins

This can't be real

Elrond reaches for his trusty daggers that are always in his belt and...gone...his quarter staff too. He looks around for any available weapons as he continues to crawl backwards away from the group of people.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Oct 5, 2021 7:55 pm
Elrond, Lilly, seeing your reaction suggest to show you your tent when you could rest alone. Or you can just take your time and find the tent with number 78 on it.
There is fresh water and some food in the tent ready for you, we will get you some of your belongings tomorrow morning. you don't hear that but she say - it will be better for everyone if he stays unarmed tonight.
Oct 5, 2021 8:17 pm
As Elrond scurries away he bumps into Anguis's chest, who was standing firmly against the opposite wall.(If he's shorter than 6'6) He looks down and claps the fella on the shoulder, his face tired, and his brow lightly twitching.
Well ain't ya a jumpy fella, now, if you don't mind....

He lightly pushes him aside and rushes out of the box, turns to Lilly.
Thank you Ma'am, I would have smited the damn box open if you haven't arrived so wonderfully on time. Now, let me help you carry the chest, I would rather damage my belongings myself than give space for unwanted accidents.

He joins people carrying the box.
This may be a bit occ, but I believe that he would be just too uncomfortable there, and too prideful to acknowledge that he just wants to escape the box
Last edited October 5, 2021 8:30 pm
Oct 5, 2021 8:34 pm
Bubbles, I assum Anguis want to carry chest with items not the wooden box he arrived in :) if that is correct then
Anguis - just for fun, do me an Sleight Of Hand check with disadvantage (because you feel so dizzy) DC 10. Let's see how he manages to get the chest from the top of the box that is partially broken.
Oct 5, 2021 8:37 pm
Hmm, ok .... though I was thinking about him helping carry it, once it has been already taken down....
As he reaches for the chest, he seems to loose his balance, his body slightly tips to the side as he barley catches his balance and puts his palm on his forehead.
Im sorry, it seems like I'm more of a bark than bite at the moment. if you don't mind...

He slightly steps aside, as he silently huffs to himself
This damn poison, bloody hell, it's making me pathetic. How dare they do this to me, I ......

At this moment a stroke of pure realisation hits him, his memory, blank beyond his name and a few other basics....

After a couple of breaths to calm down, he instinctively radiates divine energy trough his palm on his forehead and gives 5 hp to heal his poisoned condition.

Then he proceeds to busy himself with the chest in an attempt to hide his fear confusion and anger.
Last edited October 5, 2021 8:57 pm


Seight of hand 1 - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Seight of hand 2 - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Oct 5, 2021 11:23 pm
Elrond takes a quick glance at the available tent that Lily motioned to when talking to him. He stands up and makes a hurried rush to it. Once inside Elrond curls up with his head against his knees and tries desperately to remember who he his and how he got here. The anger rises inside of him and he struggles to contain the Wild magic that courses through his body.

No no, not now!

Elrond lifts his head and takes 5 deep breaths. He feels the anger slowly fade away and the pulsating magic fades with it. Elrond quickly drifts off to sleep
Oct 6, 2021 12:32 am
Say granny--what's your name again--you seem to know I'm not up to par right now--did you do this to me? Likely not since you're helping --or claiming to help. (Insight check) I don't know why the gods put me here, but it seems you want help from me--me and these other souls stumbling about.
Bellow settles in to the tent he is shown and focuses on not puking til he nods off.


Insight into granny's motives - (1D20+3)

(20) + 3 = 23

Oct 6, 2021 2:44 am
Still very confused, Phoenix just follows along to his tent as he take the time to digest his current situation.
Finding those thoughts to not be the most pleasant, he instead turns his attention to the chest of his apparent possessions. Among the generic looking armor and adventuring equipment two things strike him as familiar.
On old black cloak is the first. It’s beyond tattered. The thing is perpered with burn marks, stained with what’s most likely blood, and is likely only holding itself together through the use of the mending spell. However it gives him a sense of comfort, so he quickly puts it on.
The other is a book with a white leather binding. A feather pattern decorates the spine. Even without opening it he knows what it is, it’s one of the only things he seems to know.
For some reason he knows, someone out there is supporting him, and for now that’s enough for him.
He does his best to push through the discomfort and go to sleep.
Oct 6, 2021 5:05 am
OK, let me demonstrate how Ability Checks work in my game. Let me remind you skill check rules are:
1. Sometimes, the DM might ask for an ability check using a specific skill
2. The GM calls for an ability check when a character or monster attempts an action (other than an attack) that has a chance of failure.
Gnellson, if you wish you could explain me your action in more details, but for now I assume you did what the book propose as example of insight, so
While listening to the Lilly Bellow is is trying to gain clues from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. Although mannerism do not change it is very easy to to realise Lilly is trying to persuade you to follow here to the tents and have a good sleep. And since it was so easy to read, every other character who did listen to her realise the same: no check required!
Now everyone who wish could make persuasion skill check with DC Lilly persuasion. You do it with disadvantage due to your poisoned condition. If you pass you will be able to recognise some patterns in her persuasion method/implementation


Lilly persuasion - how obvious her methods are - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Oct 6, 2021 5:06 am
Anguis joins Phoenix in going through the chest and picks out items that feel familiar to him, his still packed leather backpack, his armor, longsword, javelins and shield. Lastly a sigil with a triad of inverted triangles, that he hides in his clothing with haste.
I think that a that a dude losing his mind ain't really on top of Anguis's priorities... How does he feel after getting rid of the poison?
Later he sits down on a clear free spot, on a side of his shield, on the ground, not to dirty his clothing and begins to go through his belongings, in an attempt to remember more about himself and his purpose here.
Last edited October 6, 2021 5:34 am
Oct 6, 2021 5:14 am
Forgot to mention - you do not have your rations and your waterskin is empty. But there is fresh water and bread in your tents.
We will not be keeping track of food and water in this scenario.
It is up to you if the items in your chest are generic and if they remind you of anything from your past.
But you certainly remember how to use any weapon, armour, spell casting focus, etc. - the moment you touch it, granted you are proficient with it.
Oct 6, 2021 3:40 pm
Since Elrond is asleep I am going to wait until you specify that it’s morning to continue
Oct 6, 2021 3:43 pm
Let's move on to the next day.

You wake up next morning, each of you in your won tent, feeling well (poison condition is gone). Your memories still struggle to find their way into your brain. Subconsciously you remember all of your lvl1-3 abilities and how to use them. You partially remember evens from your past that happened before you became adventurer (you background), but you still struggle to to remember how did you learn your class features.

Nevertheless you feel thirsty. As you reach pitcher refilled (you did drink some of it last nigh) with clean water, it emits a recorded message:
Meet me at the watch tower. Take your equipment. Hurry.
If you let pitcher go and touch it again message repeats.
I need everyone to either confirm they follow the instruction (and we continue at the watchtower) or describe alternative actions before we move on
All of your equipment in in the tent. You also see some bread and a boiled egg for breakfast.
If you check outside tent it is early sunny morning. You see a watchtower - it is taller that the tents and could be seen from afar. You also see various humanoids seldom going at different directions that mostly look lie workers or peasants.
Oct 6, 2021 4:24 pm
Phoenix wakes up in a haze. Memories flooding his consciousness, his origins his anger, his despair, but pieces are still missing. The magic is new, it’s comforting, the book making him feel like there’s more to him than the bitterness, so he shrugs off the memories and gets ready. Opting to keep the bandages on under the armor, he pulls the hood of his cloak up to further conceal his features, no reason to make enemies in such a precarious situation.
He briskly makes his way to the tower, somewhat ready to face what the day has in store for him.
Oct 6, 2021 5:36 pm
Totally forgot - Bellow if you want to could still do persuasion check.
Oct 6, 2021 6:12 pm
Elrond wakes up startled in a cold sweat as memories flood back to him. The abandonment, his own family outcasting him because of their own fear. It was not his fault, he only needed time to learn, and control it. But that is not what is important right now.

Elrond stands up and hears the message when he takes the drink of water. He moves over to the chest, full of items that he remembers. His daggers and quarter staff, and short bow. Along with the gear he had with him on the long hunt he had planned.

Elrond takes a minute to think about what Lily said, and more importantly how she said it. He then gathers all his belongings and starts towards the tower.
Oops, ignore the perception roll
Last edited October 6, 2021 6:14 pm


Perception of lily - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

Persuasion with disadvantage because of the poison - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Persuasion - (1d20+5)

(16) + 5 = 21

load next

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