Prologue: arrival

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Dec 13, 2021 7:21 pm
"I'm sorry. I just got up, I don't think I can fall asleep again so quickly. I can barely remember my own name let alone any dream I might have had."
Dec 13, 2021 8:56 pm
Oh, you can remember them... Oh sorry you reminded me someone you are not. she giggles. I'm Ferrieres. Nice to meet you daydreamer. Be careful in the maze. giggles again. And then becomes serious they don't believe me, but I know - we are in this nightmare for the reason. SHE wants us to let our fears go and become stronger. Who knows for what reason... she giggles again and run away.

You both suddenly hear a sound of spoons hitting the bowl. And you smell a porridge ? No you smell the childhood and the porridge your mother used to make you. You can't resist but to go to chef and take a bowl with hot porridge. You wonder how everyone is eating it so hot, but when you try to carefully test it you realise it is just as hot as you want it to be - not too hot at all. It does not get colder as you eat it. And when you are done eating it you feel full - it was exactly as much as you wanted to eat.
This is a magical food and you will not need to eat next 8 hours
You see that adventurers are sitting in groups of 4 and Lilly is visiting each group talking to each for some 10-15 minutes. Until she finally reach you. She gives you inspiring talk about your mission to go into the maze and gather food that could be located in the chests randomly spread through the maze. You are the heroes feeding the whole settlement. You must return no later than in 8 hours before doors closes. Maze is dangerous place: traps and evil monsters are awaiting there to try to kill you. But we can't survive without the food from the maze.
You all all get 7 temp HP due to inspiring talk
Now I am ready to answer any of your questions should you have any.
There are 4 of you but I am ignoring the other two you will be "occasionally split" in the maze from other 2 to make story somewhat solid, sorry for that
Dec 13, 2021 11:26 pm
Thorem says, Being here and all. When if ever are we to return say what we were before we have been deposited here. (He works around the words kidnapped.)
Dec 14, 2021 6:10 pm
Lilly consider here answer: Eventually. My memories are returning to me with every night. Maybe week maybe month - I don't know how much I don't remember and she smiles at her joke
You do remember much more today compared to complete emptiness you had yesterday so you have reason to believe her
Any more questions or you are ready to go to maze? Doors will open any minute
Dec 14, 2021 8:12 pm
Thorem says, Just one more important one before the door opens and I do running in there. Are you busy later. He smiles as the door opens and she is saved.
Dec 15, 2021 9:29 pm
Aldrusian, are you still with us? I will assume for now that Eldrick does not react in an any way and proceed with the story
Lilly change theme: Eldrick, you want to visit that Firbolg over there You see several humans (yeas I mean race) around him
Will Eldrick go to the Firbolg to check out what is going on?
Dec 17, 2021 1:38 am
I'm curious to understand how Eldrick is going to be of any help to the team if he can't remember how to cast a spell or what any of them are. Seems pointless to proceed without full knowledge.
Dec 17, 2021 6:22 am
GreyWord says:
Subconsciously you remember all of your lvl1-3 abilities and how to use them. You partially remember evens from your past that happened before you became adventurer (you background), but you still struggle to to remember how did you learn your class features.
I mean you do have access to everything you have in your character sheet. Spells , spell slots, abilities... You simply lack the memories of your previous adventuring experiences which you had a lot.
I simply wanted to have reasonable explanation how you "learn" new spells every night as you lvl up
P.S. Sorry for grammar mistakes
Dec 18, 2021 3:50 am
Since the doors are about to open Eldrick will join Thorem near the entrance and prepare to enter the maze
Dec 18, 2021 6:42 am
Aldrusian, since it is dark inside and you don't have dark vision do you light up a torch or cast light or something? So that I know how far you see
I will skip your first event in the maze to the moment when you split from the other two maze runners, so please roll initiative to see what order you go.
Here is what happened
You were going through some tunnels and appeared in a huge cavern - as huge as you can't see the other end of it in the dark. The cavern were full of dead bodies and as you moved through them you eventually woke up a few zombies and skeletons. They were overwhelming you so you decided to dash away, but unfortunately were split in two groups. Zombies are running after you, skeletons shoot one arrow at each of you and also dash after you.


Arrow at Eldrick to hit - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Arrow at Thorem to hit - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Arrow at Eldrick damage - (1d6+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Dec 18, 2021 10:52 am

"Way too much dead here. Need to get out of the open."
Too bad my shield spell only works for me. And I don't heal.
Last edited December 18, 2021 10:54 am


INIT - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Dec 20, 2021 4:03 pm
Since Aldrusian have been idle for 2 days, let's move on, he will simply follow you for now.
So it is Thorem's turn, no battle map yet as your choices are simple: either you run away doing dodge or dash. Unless you have any other ideas I have not though of.
Dec 20, 2021 5:24 pm
Thorem continues to run with the arrows flying as he looks for a way out of here where he can get more protection from the arrows and funnel the zombies so as to end their pursuit.
Thorem 28/28 HP, AC 14 with Greataxe in hands.
Dec 20, 2021 7:22 pm
as you run 20 feet you see wall, large double doors slightly to right and a cave slightly left. A zombie is rising slowly near the cave. Theorem have a sec to decide which way to go. Wooden doors seem very old.
Where do you go?
Dec 20, 2021 9:34 pm
Eldrick will cast a light cantrip on one of his dagger and hold it loosely in his left hand while leaving his right hand open for casting spells. He will slow somewhat to put some distance between him and Thorem as he casts the spell so as not to spoil the dwarf's dark vision.
This will likely happen shortly after the maze is entered especially if the darkness is immediate.
Last edited December 20, 2021 9:35 pm


Initiative - (d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Dec 21, 2021 1:54 am
Thorem, a rather husky male Dwarf, says That way. as he motions to the old large wooden double doors and will close on them. He will open them as he doesn't care to have the Zombies gaining on him and doesn't bother to listen for noise or check for traps. Appears that he believes that he can get in and close the doors to rid of the Zombie problem without risking HP's. He will of course wait for the male Human, Eldrick Bloom, get in before he closes those doors.

Thorem moves at a steady 25' speed. Thorem makes a nice moving 4'5" wall in chainmail. Chainmail isn't exceptionally quiet, but it also isn't rather noisy either. Although Thorem isn't too worried about the noise he is making as moving slower to be stealthy (Stealth +1) isn't in the cards right now. And not like he has seen any chests of food and such that we are set out to find in the maze yet.

Thorem can't remember rightly what he has done before, but he has no trouble right now at what he is doing. As far as Eldrick is concerned, Thorem considers him a team member to get stuff and doesn't hold any real Dwarven attitudes about Humans. More is safer here is the game plan. Some time in the future he will let Eldrick know that he is an Eldritch Knight. Thorem at the moment is having trouble remembering exactly what one is, but he knows exactly how to cast spells that he knows. Light isn't one of them.
Thorem 28/28 HP, AC 14 with Greataxe in hands. With an INIT of 5.
How many Zombies does it appear that may be following us? Do they appear to be Zombie slow too?
We will soon be out of the Skeleton 60' Darkvision right so as not to see any peskier arrow flying at us?
I don't believe Darkvision in 5e has the problems of earlier editions with light interfering with it. Since 5e doesn't say you have to have one or the other up and there is switching, it is assumed that both means of vision exist at the same time. Thorem being a mountain Dwarf is relying on 60' Darkvision (no color) extensively. Eldrick's light cantrip is nice for some color. Thorem does like the 20' color and the additional 20' of color from the light cantrip. To him, that is 40' of color that he doesn't have otherwise to his 60' Darkvision (no color) right now.
Last edited December 21, 2021 2:50 am
Dec 21, 2021 10:46 am
Thorem dashing to the doors run other 30 feet, but door is 30 more feet away from you. If you keep dashing you will reach them next turn.

Eldrick - it is your turn, if you follow Thorem and also dash you will be even 10 feet ahead of him as humans run faster. You may as well do anything else on your turn - this is a normal combat turn.
There were a dozen zombies and 4 skeletons you saw, but they split between you and other 2 adventurers. Nevertheless you hear more zombies rising.
[ +- ] Meta info on this encounter mechanics
Any questions? Do you want me to draw an abstract map?
Dec 21, 2021 11:50 am
Thorem dashes for only 25' speed and not 30' speed. Could he use his action to dash as well and cover 50' of the needed 60' to reach the door?
Dec 21, 2021 12:03 pm
let's re-do your turn!
You begin turn 30 feet away from closest zombie. You see 12 zombies and 4 skeletons in range 30-60 feet from you. You hear more zombies outside your vision. You spend 20 feet of movement. Almost simultaneously you spot at the edge of you darkvision (60 feet away in different directions) the door and the cave with a zombie next to it. You have 5 more foot of movement and an action. What do you do?
Dec 21, 2021 1:00 pm
Thorem will move another 5' close to the door.
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