Day 1

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Feb 25, 2022 9:53 am
Gnellson says:
Weapons? No, these are my eating utensils.
Who are you?
Goblin squint at you, pause, smile and say "My friend has no morningstar, just a massage tool. Who want to receive treatment?" he start laughing aloud.
Can't stop laughing, he points his fork with a sausage at you and as his hand shaking from laughter he continues "free of charge for a human"

It takes about half a minute for him to stop laughing at his own stupid joke.
Meanwhile all of you notice that goblin don't have any weapons visible on him and there is a bow at the wall behind him. But the food on the table is extremely unusual for a goblin - only high quality dishes.
Thorem notice a blood sausage among them - his favourite but a rare dish. Your mouth is watering as you try to remember when you have last tasted it.

When he calms down, goblin continue You could, of course sit at the table with your weapons ready. If you want to prove humans are the uncivilised ones. Goblin puts down the fork and point the finger and Anguis Only goblin can follow some kind of Etiquette, huh ?!

There are no chairs, goblin sits one the floor and I would count it as prone for any mechanical reasons
Feb 25, 2022 10:04 am
This appeared to be a long post so I split it in two. If something looks strange please ask me - I may have made some typos in such a long post
GeneCortess says:
Thorem's suspicious brings him to a dead stop as he looks about. You shouldn't be here. is all he says.
Goblin suddenly becomes serious and "That's an interesting proposition. We could discuss that at the table unless you - dwarf are afraid to sit at one table with a goblin".

You notice goblin is finger-pointing Thorem as he speak. That's certainly a goblin "Etiquette" you think
Feb 25, 2022 3:54 pm
Thorem thinks back fast, It appears I'm at a disadvantage as they say. I have no concept who you are or how you know my name. Your timing isn't the greatest. Thorem steps halfway to the table as he looks about some. How is it that you have manage such a feast? Obviously referring to the goblin's meal and especially his blood sausage.
Feb 25, 2022 4:07 pm
Angius's eyes begin to dart around the room, he attempts to understand who approached him as his eyes slightly darken. He answers the approaching creature Then please lets do it properly, a proper introduction is at hand, one cannot hold a conversation, if one doesn't know his partner.
If the creature uses telepathy anguis answers with his mind.
This is no fiend nor a devil... they didn't even know the basics, it is as said in the contract that binds all contracts. Anguis huffs waiting for a proper introduction from the creature.
Is it the goblin talking?? is it for everyone to hear?
Last edited February 25, 2022 10:15 pm


Investigation - (1d20+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Feb 25, 2022 9:28 pm
Bellow covers his mouth as if to cough and whispers a reply to the mysterious voice,
"Keep a secret? Maybe after I hear more."

I advance cautiously and sit at the table with my weapons next to me.
Feb 26, 2022 10:35 am
Spoiler: I believe you all understand that each of you got some secret message. Please make sure I understand what is PCs saying aloud and what they answer in magical whisper.
An no this is not like telepathy, for more spoilers this is a message cantrip
Goblin smiles at Bellow: so show me how you eat with your weapons and he fingerpoints at your weapons
You see variety of food, but among ... can it be true? Your favourite - apple stuffed pheasant.

I recommend these cookies says goblin and eat one. You could see that cookie is made of ... beetles.

Goblin then turn to rest two of you and invite you to join the party. He explains to Thorem: I have a master who takes care of me. And he happened to want to take care of you! he fingerpoints at Anguis and you he fingerpoints at Thorem

Feb 26, 2022 10:50 am
I beg your pardon, but i also have a matter to attend to, in fact we all do. Anguis politely declines, not willing to go against his teachings. He still steps a bit closer, wishing to investigate the scene itself. i already have a lord of my own, i don't need no other... he remembers the pentagram above his heart.
added sum rolls if needed
Last edited February 26, 2022 10:57 am


Investigation - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Perception - (1d20-1)

(8) - 1 = 7

Feb 26, 2022 11:39 am
Thorem looks over the table of a feast as he walks over and manage to squat sit with his greataxe setting at his side. So tell me about this master you have and why he would want us? It would appear that Thorem doesn't judge there to be an immediate threat as he is sitting down. To be sure Thorem is going to have some blood sausage!
Feb 26, 2022 12:12 pm
double check : none of you care to put weapons away as requested earlier, correct? Goblin does not insist on that but is obviously insulted about ignorance
Feb 26, 2022 12:16 pm
Anguis dint pull any weapons to begin with, after they realized that the chests are safe. Though he does rest his hand on the hilt.
Last edited February 26, 2022 12:16 pm
Feb 26, 2022 12:55 pm
Bubbles says:
Anguis dint pull any weapons
Sure sure, goblin asked you to to leave your weapons at the wall. He assume it is both impolite and unhandy to sit down one the floor while your weapons are on your back/at your belt/etc.
Since Anguis did not sit down yet Goblin is actually only looking with disrespect to two others.
Feb 26, 2022 2:17 pm
I take a goblet and pretend to drink to hide my whisper, I serve Trithereon, god of liberty. We will set you free.
Feb 26, 2022 7:10 pm
Recap on Thorem's actions: I'm certain that Thorem did approach with his greataxe in hand. Of course, it is a two-handed weapon and he didn't take time to re-strap it back on his backpack next to his warhammer. And since the Goblin has no chairs next to his feast on the table, it is kinda hard for Thorem to sit on the ground even with the great axe strapped to his backpack. Side effect of it being rather long and Thorem being shorter. He prefers to have it next to him on the ground where he is sitting. The greataxe is not a social able weapon. Winks. His warhammer isn't either but is barely letting him sit flat to the ground and not hinder him.
Smiles. Even if Thorem did leave his two two-handed weapons back at the entrance on the way in, they are bonded weapons and he can summon them to him in an instant. Not much different from him having them with him.

Bonus action to summon or use action to arm himself from being strapped to his backpack or from the ground.

Double smile. The goblin did invite Thorem to the table to talk and at that time Thorem did have the greataxe in hand.
Last edited February 26, 2022 7:21 pm
Feb 26, 2022 9:02 pm
Thorem, sausage are amazing - just like home. Goblin looks at you and asks in the same manner as before: "Do You like these? I have never understood why should one put blood into a sausage"
Goblin looks at Anguis and suddenly change theme "So you met rusty, didn't you. And killed since I see no rust on your armour, right?"
And you - he looks at Bellow and his ugly finger shows at your chest - You need no armor, that's my type!

Meanwhile Anguis can't find evidence of any other creatures around, but discover that some of the meet plates have Asmodeus symbols on it, though well hidden beneath meat
You passed perception DC 5
Really amazing cookies say goblin finishing his beetle cookie. You know, that is strange. but he makes a pause before elaborate.
So what to you do.
Feb 26, 2022 9:14 pm
He says to the Goblin as he is enjoying his blood sausages, You didn't answer me about your master. He adds on too after a few more bites, This place being what it is, we probably will be fighting each other after this meal. But that can wait as we are being social and all. It is obvious that Thorem is expecting combat.

Thorem is totally ignoring the mind whispers.
Last edited February 26, 2022 9:17 pm
Feb 26, 2022 9:15 pm
Seeing no immediate threats Anguis relaxes, even so after seeing the symbols. He approaches the table not leaving his weapons since the goblin was the first one to insult him and their shared lord. He believes that ignoring his wish of leaving the weapons behind is an equal exchange.
If that was your friend, I'm sorry, but you could have picked a more friendly looking messenger, at least one capable of speech. Though i doubt that i can ask that much of you, since you greatly insulted me with your lack of manners.... Now then, if you are interested, there's a simple way to return to my good graces.
He continues while walking around the table, stopping between the goblin and the bugbear, then he sits down on One of the free chairs due to the previous invitation.
tbh i was waiting for "they look harmless " from you XD
Last edited February 26, 2022 11:12 pm
Feb 27, 2022 4:43 am
Whispering, No, I'll not willingly be restrained even in speech.
I cautiously eat some pheasant.
And glance at the bugbear.
Feb 27, 2022 1:30 pm
Bubbles says:
then he sits down on One of the free chairs due to the previous invitation.

There were no chairs. Everyone sits down on the floor as I mentioned above. You will be treated as prone if you sit there. I will Bubbles time to confirm or decline your Anguis is to sit on the floor.
Bubbles says:

tbh i was waiting for "they look harmless "
Sorry, did not understand that - who "they"? Butgbear does not look harmless, he looks like a bugbear with morningstar at hand ready to swing if you would do anything offensive. But well if a player wish I will have them say "harmless".

Goblin respond to Anguis
Bubbles says:

If that was your friend, I'm sorry, but you could have picked a more friendly looking messenger, at least one capable of speech. Though i doubt that i can ask that much of you, since you greatly insulted me with your lack of manners.... Now then, if you are interested, there's a simple way to return to my good graces.

Rusty - friend?! laughs log. But when Anguis finish his arrogant speech goblin becomes angry Who is talking about lack of manners?! A HARMLESS goblin invites 3 deadly humans to share his meal for FREE and only ask to leave weapons away from the table. They totally ignore request. his ayes blink several times and he continue if a different tongue So how do you like the food? Wine or ale anyone? blinks again they do not thank for invitation and food blink there is a brandy in the smaller bottle blinking and want to get information from me for free!
I would like you all to tell me if and what you are eating or drinking. Here are the options, but you could come up with your own we could assume there is anything you want to be on the table:
1. Favourite dish for each of you
2. Cookies goblin ate and recommended
3. Beet/wine/brandy
4. Nothing
5. Anything else
Bellow - when you glance at Bugbear he glance at you too and seems tense. He is obviously watching you all carefully. But he has not moved an inch.
Feb 27, 2022 2:39 pm
Bellow tastes the pheasant and wine.
Feb 27, 2022 2:41 pm
Thorem slams his fist hard on the table angerly, I'm talking you. So much for politeness. So why are you here?
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