Day 1

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Oct 18, 2021 7:07 pm
Anguis, the info that Bellow gives you trigger following: you remember rock gnome master showing you tomb like this. He arrogantly explained that protection of the central part and main entrance are made by real masters - rock gnomes. The backdoors and retreating paths are made by forest folk: forest gnomes and goblins.
Everyone - feel free to do your homework and read PHB to gather information about types of protection those races are doing usually
Bellow - only you see the the corridor ends with huge double doors, approximately in the middle of the corridor you see wide ladders with monuments on both sides. As you share this information you are all guessing this could be the central part of the tomb, while the large doors - main entrance.
Oct 18, 2021 7:56 pm
Also, please confirm you are all walking down the long hall G. Now as the corridor is wide enough to make formation - let me know what is the formation - do you all keep behind Bellow who have proven to be lucky to avoid traps, does anyone try to keep next, anyone keep distance?
Oct 18, 2021 8:15 pm
GreyWord says:
Anguis, the info that Bellow gives you trigger following: you remember rock gnome master showing you tomb like this. He arrogantly explained that protection of the central part and main entrance are made by real masters - rock gnomes. The backdoors and retreating paths are made by forest folk: forest gnomes and goblins.
Everyone - feel free to do your homework and read PHB to gather information about types of protection those races are doing usually
Bellow - only you see the the corridor ends with huge double doors, approximately in the middle of the corridor you see wide ladders with monuments on both sides. As you share this information you are all guessing this could be the central part of the tomb, while the large doors - main entrance.
As we move Anguis begins to murmur the quoted information, loudly enough for his companions to hear, as if questioning, where has he gained such knowledge..

Adding at the end...
Whelp, like it or not we're stuck together in this predicament until we get out, so i would rather keep a single team, as you clearly know this place is not exactly safe, furthermore nobody likes parting with the deceased and new people are slow to trust ..... So i believe that we should set some grounding based on at least minimum trust. A name is a good start.
Sorrow and experience are clear in his eyes.
Now everyone has the info and it's not metagame!!
Last edited October 18, 2021 8:22 pm
Oct 18, 2021 9:07 pm
We don’t need to be friends, we only need to survive Elrond says to Anguis. He sees the man trying to connect with him and Elrond immediately feels bad about what he said but can’t bring himself to say anything else.

Elrond is second in line, directly behind Bellow.
Oct 19, 2021 6:12 am
I'm still waiting for Pheonix and Anguis positions, feel free to correct me otherwise I assume that due to disappointed Phoenix is last and while Anguis is delivering his monologue Bellow is investigating the path for traps, but Elrond watch out for any movement and it looks like this
Oct 19, 2021 6:44 am
I don't mind being 3rd in line, if that makes no problem.
Oct 19, 2021 10:01 am
Bellow touches just another floor block and (though the block do not move) it - the block emits a message:
Intruder alert! State your name and purpose!
You also hear strange sounds from the ceiling, raise your heads and notice several (4) tiny creatures that looks like spiders moving from ceiling crawling toward Bellow - two moves by the left wall and two more by the right. It sound like they are mechanical.

Please everyone describe me what are you doing next 6 seconds.
If anyone want to attack - just tell me you want to attack we will roll initiative and behave in initiative order. No you have no idea if those things are going to attack you or not - you just see they are moving your way.
Oct 19, 2021 11:15 am
Anguis lifts his palm from his sword, showing that he means no harm, and with a calm voice he slowly answers.

My name is Anguis, i mean no harm, we have been wandering around for a while and thought that the place is abandoned and decided to check it out, we seek exit from the maze surrounding us. May I ask, who do I have the honour to speak to?
Oct 19, 2021 12:59 pm
Muttering to myself, Greg is still trying to make friends. I move to the left wall and attack a mechanical spider as soon as it is in range. Two axes.
Oct 19, 2021 1:37 pm
Gnellson says:
Muttering to myself, Greg is still trying to make friends. I move to the left wall and attack a mechanical spider as soon as it is in range. Two axes.
OK. Everyone roll initiative. And explain your actions on the first round. That includes Anguis - as he says My name is he see Bellow preparing his axes for a swing. Bubbles - you decide if Anuis continue his speech, but you can say no more than about 10 words per round.
Spiders are on the walls 10 ft above you (15 above )


Spider initiative - (1d20+0)

(6) = 6

Oct 19, 2021 1:52 pm
Anguis says My name is Anguis, i mean no harm...

Then he jumps back, startled by the sudden aggression, and moves to the side wall, angrily glaring at the barbarian, who didn't want to avoid a conflict. Holding his shield, but not touching the sword.
Last edited October 19, 2021 1:54 pm


Initiative - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Oct 19, 2021 3:00 pm
Elrond is untrusting and was expecting this to turn into a battle. Once he sees the barbarian move in for an attack he immediately loads a bolt into his light crossbow and fires at the closest spider on the right side of the room.
Last edited October 19, 2021 3:08 pm


Light crossbow attack - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Light crossbow damage - (1d8)

(4) = 4

Initiative - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Oct 19, 2021 3:43 pm
They're likely to spit something at us. Be ready.


Initiative - (1D20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Oct 19, 2021 3:57 pm
Gnellson, Bubbles: please describe your turn as in combat.
For example, am I right that that Anguis moves west and do dodge action, while Bellow moves east-north and do prepare action .
Oct 19, 2021 4:18 pm
GreyWord says:
Gnellson, Bubbles: please describe your turn as in combat.
For example, am I right that that Anguis moves west and do dodge action, while Bellow moves east-north and do prepare action .
You're spot on!
Oct 19, 2021 4:59 pm
Caught off guard by disembodied voices and spiders, fire runs up his arm as he casts a spell.
"Flaming Sphere!"
Phoenix will set the sphere next then slam it into the top left spider, even if it moves before he does. It needs to make a Dex Save, half damage on a save.


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Flaming Sphere - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Oct 19, 2021 5:28 pm
Even before floor end to emit the message, Bellow rise, taking out his both axes and you all know what does int mean if barbarian draw his weapons. Anguis is first to react, stepping left. Phoenix stands still casting a flaming Sphere and you see how it moves up and bumps into a spider. The sphere illuminate the ceiling and you see 4 small holes in it and new spiders crawling out of the holes, while first 4 continue their way dow.
Bellow surprised by bright light delays just a second for spiders to approach him
Spiders one the left however moves toward Anguis, but you see only one of the them and the burning reming of the other on the floor just below sphere (this one is dead)
Spider do not attack as they were dashing.
Gnellson, please complete your first round turn by rolling your axes


Spider dex save - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Oct 19, 2021 5:43 pm
Now, in the bright light of flaming sphere you see that those spiders are nothing but constructs with a pincer in place of mouth and no ayes. As two spiders approaching Bellow Are running on the floor you hear multiple dissonant voices
Intruder alert! State your name and purpose!
Intruder alert! State your name and purpose!
Intruder alert! State your name and purpose!
Intruder alert! State your name and purpose!
You realise it is the same message with with a different delays, like a multiple echoes but at the same volume. It does not have any magical impact on you, but feeling is very weird.
Oct 19, 2021 6:06 pm
Hack! Hack!


Atk1 - (1D20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Dmg1 - (1D6+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Atk2 - (1D20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Dmg2 - (1D6)

(5) = 5

Oct 19, 2021 6:49 pm
Bellow lands two axes on the same construct and and it splits in two pieces, Elrond's crossbow bolt hits another, but it is still standing.
f circle is for flaming sphere
Your next turn please
Initiative order: Anguis, Phoenix, "Spiders", Bellow, Elrond
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