Day 1

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Mar 10, 2022 2:14 pm
it's rigged!
Anguis adjusts his grip and stabs the mimic with the javelin.


Javelin damage - (1d6+3piercing)

(6) + 3 = 9

Javelin to hit - (1d20+5)

(14) + 5 = 19

Mar 11, 2022 1:04 am
Thorem joins in to try to split it with his greataxe. Was such a nice greataxe. Stuck to that gooey mess.
Last edited March 11, 2022 1:05 am


Attack, Damage - (1d20+5, 1d12+3)

1d20+5 : (20) + 5 = 25

1d12+3 : (5) + 3 = 8

Crit - (1d12)

(9) = 9

Mar 11, 2022 8:39 am
I've added one more damage roll for Bellow crit, rolled just a 1 :(
Name initiative Location Notes
Bellow 8 melee -
Anguis 7 melee Holding Javelin in his right hand
Thorem 6 melee -
Mimic 5 melee lost 37 HP, have a morningstar, javelin and greataxe stick to it

All 3 of you attack mimic your weapons stick to it, but you have made a decent damage to it. It is now obvious it is not a chest but something fleshy that look like a chest as it grow and try to bump into Bellow who were first to attack it.
But Bellow avoids that attack.
Round 2, Your used weapons adhere to the mimic, you could spend action to make DC13 strenght check to detach one of them or user other weapons if you have them


Pseudopod to hit Bellow - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Possible damage - (1d8+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Mar 11, 2022 1:54 pm
Dungeon took another weapon from me!

I disengage and back away and get out a javelin for next round.
Mar 11, 2022 10:04 pm
He attempts to pull out the javelin.


Strength check - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Mar 12, 2022 12:35 am
Thorem releases his greataxe and draws froth his warhammer to go at the mimic further. Once again, he violently strikes at the mimic as he strangely enough starts a battle song. It is in Dwarven so it may not be too well understood by the others.
He is using the warhammer two handed.
Thorem 24/28, AC 14
Edit: Added a rather poor performance roll.
Last edited March 12, 2022 7:29 am


Attack, Damage - (1d20+5, 1d10+3)

1d20+5 : (19) + 5 = 24

1d10+3 : (9) + 3 = 12

Performance - (1d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Mar 12, 2022 1:14 am
Bellow understands Thorem's song.
He does not sing along.
Mar 12, 2022 8:42 pm
Mimic seems to be upset with Thorem attacking him and try to attack back, while Anguis get his javelin back

Name initiative Location Notes
Bellow 8 away -
Anguis 7 melee Holding Javelin in his right hand
Thorem 6 melee -
Mimic 5 melee lost 49 HP, have a morningstar, javelin and greataxe stick to it
monster turn over, your turn


Pseudopod to hit Thorem - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Possible damage - (1d8+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Mar 13, 2022 2:53 am
Bellow maneuvers for a clear shot and throws the javelin at the monster.


J atk - (D20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

J dmg - (D6+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Mar 13, 2022 8:49 am
Anguis continues to stab the creature with a javelin.


Javelin to hit - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Javelin damage - (1d6+3piercing)

(1) + 3 = 4

Mar 14, 2022 12:34 am
Thorem casts a cantrip, firebolt, at the mimic. Thorem is sure that he barely hit the mimic and surely didn't do much to it. And he continues his Dwarven off key singing. He however does back a touch away from the mimic. He draws out a handaxe. He feels best to have a weapon in hand.

Thorem is surprised to see that blow took the life out of the mimic as it collapses to a shapeless blob. Obviously, it is dead.
Edit: Time to retrieve weapons and loot.
Thorem casts cantrip firebolt and hits with a 22 and does 1 point of fire damage. He then disengages backing away 5'. Item interaction draws a handaxe.
Thorem 24/28, AC 14, Handaxe in one hand.
Last edited March 14, 2022 9:39 am


Firebolt, Damage - (1d20+4, 1d10)

1d20+4 : (18) + 4 = 22

1d10 : (1) = 1

Mar 14, 2022 4:48 am
Thorem's 1 hp worth firebolt finished mimic. You could describe it's death if you wish. It turns into it's natural form. I will post content of chests bit later.
Mar 14, 2022 10:48 am
I told you that there will be a trapped chest! Proud that he was right Anguis picks up his javelin and continues poking the chests before going through them. Better safe than sorry.
Mar 14, 2022 10:48 am
I told you that there will be a trapped chest! Proud that he was right Anguis picks up his javelin and continues poking the chests before going through them. Better safe than sorry.
Mar 14, 2022 10:59 am
You find as usually some useful stuff to bring back and additionally:
1. A shortsword
2. Caltrops
3. Healer's Kit
4. Shield
5. Oil (flask)
6. Mirror, Steel
7. Javelin
8. Piton
Mar 14, 2022 3:23 pm
Also I totally forgot, sorry for doing it with a delay - I want to give inspiration to Thorem for admiring blood sausages :) Seriously I put some effort in coming up with the dish and was so happy that you evaluated the dish.
Mar 14, 2022 4:08 pm
Bellow is in impressed with Thorem's magic. Two spells and two kills.
Mar 14, 2022 4:13 pm
Dibs on tbe short sword!
The dungeon taketh and the dungeon giveth.

I add the morning star to the loot we bag.
I test the weight of the sword and keep it as armed.
Mar 14, 2022 4:20 pm
Alright, then I'll take the javelin Anguis nods, happy that there are no more of those chest-monsters
Mar 14, 2022 5:46 pm
At least for the party Thorem stopped singing. Thorem will pick up the flask of oil. Never know when that might come in handy. He did also gather his two weapons back too. Looking over the dead mimic, Nothing here is safe I guess. Not even treasure chests.

I guess we pack up whatever is left so to take it back with us.

We should get moving. Thorem eye that passage head of us from the way we came in.
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