Oct 24, 2021 11:07 pm

You are cordially invited to a performance by Ms. Tatiana Rockwell, of a previously unknown arrangement by the late composer Alexander Skryaben. Ms. Rockwell, a graduate of Miskatonic University's renowned school of physics as well as a noted soprano and virtuoso of the violin is recently returned from a residency abroad at some of Europe's most prestigious conservatoires.
She will be initiating her concert tour of the piece, Mysterium, at her alma mater for a select, invite-only audience as well as demonstrating a unique instrument of her own devising, the aetherphone or electric harp.
The concert commences at 9:30pm in the Zahn Fine Arts Hall on Friday. Hors d'oeuvres and drinks will be provided.
A Lovecraftian symphony at the end of the world for 3-5 players, using Rats in the Walls, a lightweight system available for pay-what-you-want on Drivethru.
My aim is to run a story with a definite beginning, middle and end rather than a sprawling campaign or sequence of investigations. Three acts, plus whatever side-plots and personal narratives the characters bring to the table. It's hard to estimate how long it will take – six months? More, less?
I should specify, I'm not looking for players who habitually produce posts consisting of just a few sentences. My prose tends towards the extensive and purple, befitting the source material, and while I certainly don't expect or desire every in-character post to match or rival that I find constantly getting one-liners or terse posts that don't explore any details of the character's mindset or actions, that don't react to my posts and give me material to respond to in turn extremely off-putting in the long run.
Tone & Themes
The blurring of horror and wonder; the indistinct lines between the beautiful and the hideous.
Themes, topics and areas of expertise that may prove useful for characters: musical theory or performance; physics; electrical engineering; the ability to speak Arabic, Hindi or Russian; espionage or investigation; mountaineering.
Subject Matter
The game is set in 1925, so racism, sexism, colonialism and other crappiness is a historical fact and a hard to extricate part of the genre, though I intend to dull the edges of it in the interests of playability and palatability.
This is a cosmic horror game: violence, body horror, nihilism, all that good stuff is to be expected. There may be elements of sexuality, but they will not be frequent, explicit, for the purposes of titillation or necessarily involving the PCs directly. Rather, it will be another vector for horror.
This game is explicitly friendly to LGBT and any other minorities or marginalized groups.
Player Experience Requirements
Rats in the Walls is a very easy system to pick up, so no prior experience is necessary. Some familiarity with Call of Cthulhu, the Mythos or Lovecraftian fiction generally would be helpful in understanding the desired tone and atmosphere, but is also not necessary.
Intended Post Frequency
Specialized Software and Resources
How to Apply
Post your interest here. If you have ideas about the character you'd like to play, post 'em! Consider in particular why your character might have been invited to Tatiana Rockwell's private performance at the Miskatonic University's music department. Are they a member of the faculty or student in music, physics, mathematics or engineering schools? A donor to or alumni of the Miskatonic? A musical or cultural journalist writing a piece on Ms. Rockwell or the late Mr. Skryaben? A friend, agent or suitor of the performer? A local celebrity or patron of the arts? On the more extreme fringe of credibility, a thief that finagled an invitation to try and purloin the wallets and jewels of the guests, or a G-man surveying Ms. Rockwell or her audience for signs of un-American activities?
This will not be first come, first served, so the more interesting and evocative your interest or character concept the better! I plan to make the invitations on or before Halloween, NZ time, so you've got almost a week.
Last edited October 24, 2021 11:08 pm