The Notebook
The notebook is a necromantic journal, a study into raising the dead in mass. The notes include references to obscure tomes, formula copied from various sources, and notes on the results of the experiments Cinder conducted. At the end, the final sections contain a ritual designed to be carried out at the site of a massive grave.
In the foothills of the Calphatian Duchy, the disease killed hundreds, many locals buried side by side in honest plots, with the paupers and strangers in larger barrows. The necromantic pulse from the ritual described by Brytoff in The Veiled Way may be enough to awaken the larger of the plots, but from the writing of Nossolom, on a certain cosmic alignments, the barrier between worlds is sufficiently narrow as to raise an entire graveyard. The presence of magical accoutrements will amplify the effect further, according to traditional lore. By combining these elements during the anniversary of the middle of the plague deaths, and with necromantic runes bolstering a weaking of the veil, I believe that I can raise the entire mausoleum.
The dagger is ceremonial, more about style and look than actual utility. It isn't likely a very good combat knife, but it is fine and would sell for 20 to 50 gold. There is blood on it/
The sword is more serviceable, a working rapier of decent quality.
Whether or not either of the items have any intrinsic magic would require an appropriate examination.