You're thinking of breaking the Clinch, which is normally a Strength (Brawl) or Dexterity (Martial Arts) roll against Wash's roll, but while you have neither, let's grant that your Telekinesis can be used to push Wash away (the rules suggest that when TK is used this way to 'grab' someone, the target can resist with a Might roll, so I figure the reverse makes sense too.) You've rolled 1 success and get to add +4 from your Tactics roll, so yes you have 5 successes.
The bad news is that Wash's Might roll is 6 successes (he's got a bit of Mega-Strength, so that last die counts as a double), and because of the Mega-Str, he also gets 5 automatic successes to his Might rolls, for a total of 11 successes, so Terrapin is unfortunately still engulfed by the water, so
Turn 4 Terrapin: tries and fails to break out of Clinch.
At this point, it should be Turn 4 Wash and then Were, but because I'm a sucker for drama, at this point Comet enters! The Initiative order is as follows: Comet (17), Terrapin (12), Wash (11), Were (10). Terrapin has gone, but I'll insert Comet to go next before Wash and Were.
From the corner of his eye he could see Were aiming for him, eagle talons coming in fast. He knew that, with their joint powers, the water would not harm Were at all. Things seemed dire.
What Terrapin could not see, was that there was another observer. Comet had reached the higher skies of Murder Mountain, intending to investigate the whereabouts of his quarry Terrapin. He was at the right location, and as he descended, he could see an aerial battle. Two novas had ganged up on Terrapin! Comet did not recognise either of them, but it was evident that one of them took the form of water, and the other was a large, almost giantish eagle. From his perspective, Terrapin did not have the upper hand. In fact, from Comet's assessment, his quarry was likely to be defeated by the two novas, for Terrapin looked to be drowning in the body of water. While Comet did not know Terrapin, if Terrapin were to be killed, there would be no way to follow up on his lead and he would have to go back and report failure to Le Infante. And that would be utterly embarrassing. If Comet wanted Terrapin alive, he would have to do something immediately.
Go wisely!
Wash's Might - (9d10)
(814297298) = 50