#0 - Terrapin Under the Mountain, Comet Above

Nov 1, 2021 1:19 pm
It was too good to last, the fact that the past couple of months had been relatively quiet at Murder Mountain. Terrapin had had to put up with the stream of second-rate powers that sought to make a name for themselves by finally apprehending the last member of the Aces. To be sure, the lair was built to last, formerly a secret base for Windfall and her associates to run their gauntlet of death matches, to be broadcast to ultra-wealthy viewers with jaded tastes and a penchant for bloodsport. The multitude of cameras installed for this macabre purpose were still fully operational and allowed Terrapin to keep tabs on the exterior of his hideout, the amusement park itself, as well as the tortuous trap rooms below.

The most recent supers to give him grief were the pair of alien twins, Wash and Were. He had recently discovered their surveillance of the place: for one, there seemed to be more wildlife, more critters cutting through the park than usual, and for the other, the artificial stream which used to be part of the rapid water-ride that cut into the mountain itself was rising in its water level. Terrapin had never tangled with them before, but his innate self-preservation concluded that it had to be them. Perhaps it was just as well it wasn’t one of the Super Sept who decided to finally take care of the remaining member of the Aces once and for all; Solaris for example, would’ve leveled the entire mountain without much ado.

There was one more phenomenon that had caught Terrapin’s attention, but it was something he couldn’t quite make sense of. Just two nights ago, the three rides nearest the Viking ship ride inexplicably activated themselves for a whole two hours, before returning to its derelict state. A small section of it appeared to have its peeling paint job entirely refreshed.

What do you do?
I'll let you have the pleasure of naming your former team, and edit accordingly.
Nov 2, 2021 2:26 am
The quiet months were the worst, even if Terrapin wouldn't admit it. Even if he did, who would he admit it to? The infrequent attempts on his life, if he were forced to admit to it, were the highlights of his self-imposed exile. They were all to brief glimpses of truly living. The race of adrenaline, hammering heart beat and razor-sharp mental focus that accompanied the tooth and claw struggle, that look on an opponent's face when they knew they'd lost and all confidence drains out of it with the sudden realization that their next few moments would be their last... The post-fight shakes were the worst, the body-wracking jitters as adrenaline fought its way out of his system, but those were the moments that made him feel alive. He didn't seek out death but it came right to his doorstep and he enjoyed that more often than he'd like to admit.
His self-imposed exile had started after the rest of his team, the Aces, had been ambushed by the Super Sept's junior league. The relative safety of Murder Mountain gave him time to recuperate and recover but he knew if he poked his head out for long there'd be a price to pay and attract the Sept's attention. That price was looking better and better the longer he stayed under the mountain.

The recent attack by Wash & Were had left Terrapin on a bit of high alert. The sudden activation of a section of the park's rides did little to quell the nagging anxiety that things were afoot that he was unaware of. He didn't like being unaware...

The old park had been named Mystery Mountain Amusement Park and it had lived up to it's name even before its dark and sinister secrets were revealed to the world. The section of rides mysteriously starting up again before becoming dormant again just added to the mystique of the park. After reviewing the security footage, he was relieved that at least the rides involved didn't include the old Dungeons&Dragons ride. From all reports that thing had been trouble from the day it was installed into the park back in the mid-eighties.
Ostensibly a PR gimmick, the Dungeons&Dragons rollercoaster ride was a refurbishment of an older wooden coaster that was original to the park when it opened in the late 1950's. Enclosed areas filled animatronic likenesses from the then-controversial game were built to turn it into a combination roller coaster & haunted thrill ride. The 80's zeitgeist of Satanic Panic made the ride something of a notorious feature of the park and the publicity made it one of the more popular attractions. Some riders claimed to experience vivid hallucinations during the thrill ride sections but that was mostly ascribed to hysteria and mild seizures brought on by the ride's numerous strobe lights. The reputation of the park and the ride changed after six local teenagers disappeared while on the ride. The incident was downplayed and buried in the newspapers of the day but had started a domino effect of scrutiny that would eventually lead to the discovery of the illegal metahuman bloodsport arena housed beneath the parks signature Mystery Mountain.

Terrapin flipped through the park cameras from deep inside the mountain's control rooms. Cajun Cove, clear. Deadwood Ghost Town, clear. Mighty Mites, clear. Village of Tomorrow, clear. Midway, clear. he muttered to himself as he cycled through the numerous park zones twice, still unsatisfied. As dangerous as it could be, he'd have to go out for a look with his own eyes before it'd stop bugging him.
Nov 3, 2021 4:21 pm
Terrapin's physical wounds had healed. His emotional ones? Well, let's just say that the sheer nonchalance and callousness at which the Super Sept had killed Dynamo and Ninjack revealed their true nature to Terrapin. The watery grave the Lord of the Tides had enveloped Dynamo with had caused Dynamo's own electrical powers to short themselves out, blacking out an entire city block in the process. And Solaris had simply snapped Ninjak's neck, and that was after his bore two holes into Ninjak's skull with his heat vision. What he knew about them was at entirely at odds with what the world believed about them. The disconnect was jarring; it was unjust, and Terrapin was currently helpless to do anything about it.

His wandering thoughts returned to his surveillance. The Runaway Rapids were clear as well, but needed maintenance. The artificial stream that the pontoons rode on had flooded, threatening structural damage to the west zone of the theme park. That wouldn't be a problem, given the run-down nature of all the fixtures and equipment in general, but if the underground cabling were damaged, that would undermind the security of his hideout proper.

It was the Lofty Love skyride that was the aberration. There was quite a bit of footage to go through, given that the park security cameras still functioned on hard drive backups that were never converted to solid state digital media, a throwback to when it was still state-of-the-art when it was upgraded in the 90s. Thankfully they weren't still relying on the extinct video tape format. Terrapin had to play it back from the point where he saw the ride light up again, its couple seats slowly circling upwards around a vertical core before dropping suddenly back down in a thrilling rush.

The closeup revealed an ordinarily-dressed young woman in her twenties sitting on one of the seats, the decorative lights surrounding it lighting up in its former glory, with enough electricity to power up and propel the skyride upward. She sat there for half a minute, maybe more, before disappearing from the camera's view, leaving the seats to circle back down in fits and starts. This happened twice, in two successive weeks. If there was going to be a third incident, it would be any day now.

Both of these necessitated Terrapin to get out and investigate more carefully what the hell was going on if he wanted to solve them.
Nov 4, 2021 6:02 am
It was an eerie feeling wandering the rundown park but not for the reasons normal folk would consider eerie. The limmal weirdness of existing alone in what was meant to be an area devoted to social gatherings unnerved most people but for Terrapin that was a bonus. It was the needling feeling that somewhere above, unseen in orbit, an automated satellite was blinking an alert to someone in Sept HQ and recording his actions and movements. It could be just paranoia or an over-inflated sense of importance but the feeling remained nonetheless. Defiantly, he produced a 'double-bird salute' to the sky...just in case anyone was watching.

He took a tour of the affected areas,taking note of the damage Wash had caused to the Runaway Rapids. Clean up and repairs would take time and a bit of effort but it shouldn't be anything he couldn't handle with time. Maintaining the rundown park had been a crucial part of recovering his mental powers after escaping the Sept's ambush. Nothing was in top shape but it wasn't unserviceable either. Ten-plus years of idle time gave him time to keep the place from completely disintegrating back into woodland. The only bright side to the alien twin's recent attack was to give him a few ideas on how to plug a couple of security holes the former owners hadn't anticipated.

The apparition at the Lofty Love ride required a deeper look than did the damaged flume ride area. Constructed in the 90's, it was one of the last attractions added to the park before it closed. When operational, it had been at best a tertiary tier attraction mainly targeting couples who wanted to share a low thrill ride in the moderate privacy of the dual seated cupolas ringing the riser. Capitalizing on the relative popularity of Billy Ray Cyrus' Achy, Breaky Heart single at the top of the charts the year it was constructed, the Lofty Love ride cycled that song every fifteen minutes while it ran.
The (once) bright white pillar had faded and spiderwebs of brown rust crawled across the welded edges of it...except for the strangely revitalized patches of brilliant white paint that had recently appeared. The upholstery of the ride's cupolas had long since decayed to a rusty patina but made them no less serviceable. He inspected the ride, inside and out, for any other unusual signs of activity. The one question that nagged him more than how the event happened was why it happened. Why this particular ride?
Nov 6, 2021 3:38 am
The cupolas were numbered on the underside for easy reference when maintenance or repair was needed. There were twenty-four paired seats, each pair nested in a half-cabin connected to the central riser which would spiral the cabins slowly upward to the top before dropping them at some speed as they spun down back to the base. Closer inspection marked the one specific seat in number 11 as being entirely pristine: the taupe upholstery appeared as fresh and stain free as if it was newly installed. Radiating from that seat was restored material; its neighbouring seat, the corrugated floorboard below, progressively miraculously renewed from that central spot. The inner hinges of the door, for example, were rust free and shiny, compared to the slight patina of the outer hinge. Even the riser post showed the effects of the change, with its refreshed paint job.

On much much closer examination, something the park cameras would not have been able to pick up, Terrapin noticed ...

... but at this point his sixth sense prompted him to look outside of the cabin. Outside, still some distance away, he saw one, no two, no, a couple more coyotes, and they seemed to be wandering in his direction. Sure, the fact that the abandoned park could be home to random wildlife wasn't surprising, but Terrapin had a feeling it was likely to be more than that.
You have the privilege of the first roll in our game! Gimme a roll for whatever is relevant for perception/intelligence, whether awareness, investigation or even intrusion. I'll use that to cover what Terrapin finds in the cabin and also what's going on outside.
Nov 6, 2021 6:07 am
Mysteries and coincidences went together like peanut butter and SPAM. The sudden regeneration of part of an amusement park ride and the appearance of a coyote pack watching him investigate weren't isolated incidents. Coincidences didn't exist, at least not to Terrapin's mode of thinking. Everything was the result of a thousand details, decisions and events that cascaded across a pattern of probabilities to put reality into motion. He could see patterns in those probability functions others usually couldn't. It kept him half a step ahead and that's what's kept him alive this long.

Wildlife in the abandoned park rarely took interest in anything that didn't directly affect them. Over the years he'd enjoyed seeing the occasional forays of deer, racoons, wild dogs, feral cats and birds that lived in the surrounding woodlands. Coyotes weren't out of the ordinary for the region and he'd seen them before around the park. After all, they're attracted to the outskirts of human civilization for the free food and shelter often found there. This, however, didn't feel like it was a natural occurrence.
Terrapin eyed the pack as he stood up from inspecting the regenerated cupola. As long as they maintained their distance he didn't mind them watching since he was watching them just as closely.


Perception+Investigation - (6d10, RA)

(831675) = 30

Nov 10, 2021 7:04 am
The cameras couldn't pick it up, but Terrapin being physically there and giving the cabin a thorough once-over meant he could spot it with his own eyes. The seats, the floorboard, etc, were all brand new, and so was the metal support under the seat, except for the fact that it retained a scrawl of graphitti, a child's handwriting in on top of the fresh paint. It said

Holly was here

in bright purple, written in what looked like crayola, with a small stick figure of a girl in a polka dot dress next to it. And that was it.

Terrapin didn't want to duck his head under that seat for too long, given that he already figured out the reason behind the coyotes. The Aces fought Wash and Were once, a year ago, maybe two. The media touted them as aliens who found Earth a welcoming home after having escaped from some galactic overlord, at least according to the popular nova tabloid 'Innova', although they appeared to be indistinguishable from the human race, possibly due to the fact that they were bodymorphs of some kind, that much he knew. Were could take the shape of any animal, and Wash could change himself into any form of water and its constituents. Together the Aces had defeated the pair, but now Terrapin was bereft of teammates.

The coyote in front of the pack had to be Were, but she had paused as if she was waiting for something, or someone. The answer arrived shortly. It was a reasonably fair day, blue skies and all, except for a small dark cloud which float very gradually towards them, in between where the pack leader was, and where the Lofty Love ride was. The cloud brought with it a very gentle drizzle, hardly wetting the ground, but enough to fill the air with a slight petrichor. That was the last clue that Terrapin's brilliant mind put together: he knew Wash and Were were most effective when they worked in tandem, and now they were in the vicinity of each other.
Nov 11, 2021 4:26 am
Terrapin narrowed his eyes and set his jaw as he regarded the duo, the trembling edge of power flowing through him set the gravel at his feet vibrating. He tamped down the rising surge of adrenaline and the railings of the Lofty Love ride stopped swaying in the unseen breeze of his power. I'm getting real tired of The Seven sending a bunch of child soldiers down here to do their dirty work.... He shot another 'double-bird salute' into the sky, Buncha cowards too lazy to come finish what they started. His voice echoed at the sky, loud enough for the twins to hear.
He took a deep breath and shook his hands like old gunfighters used to in the movies. He took a deep breath and felt the power inside him uncoil like a rattlesnake waking from a slumber. Look. I get it. I really do. he called out to the Twins. You feel like you want to belong to something. Something bigger than you are. Something that can shield you since neither of you can pass as human. Thing is...it's a lie. All of it. The Seven will use you up and spit you out when you finally disappoint them enough...and they're easy to disappoint.. He let his words sink in, of they were even listening. You're in a bad spot. A Rock and a Hard Place. You can't go back to them unless you kill me, right? And I told you last time if you came back I'd kill one of you and let the other live with the guilt that it was your fault the other died. I let you go last time because you were just kids caught up in a poor decision. That and you two were just adorable, really. This time, you get no pass.

A thousand scenarios flashed thru Terrapin's mind, winnowing down the most likely tactics and strategies the Twins would take and how to most effectively counter them. They were inexperienced the last time they tangled but had two years, minus healing time, to train and prepare for a two-on-one battle... probably with training help from the Sept. Power flowed through him, hardening the air around him, Either way, The Seven get what they want. I kill you and cement the idea that there are evil, child-killing villains out there that only the Sept can save the normals from OR you kill me and they get the result they were to cowardly to take for themselves. Make the smart choice. Leave now, while you still can.
The aim here is to, while the Twins are making up their minds what to do, is to use Terrapin's Mental Prodigy: Tactics to aid his tactics Ability to generate some advantage.
If I read the rules correctly, and correct me if I misunderstand, I'd roll his Intelligence+Mega Intelligence to generate some die to add to the eight die he'd already roll for his Wits+Tactics+speciality.

Does this read rules-correct?
Nov 11, 2021 12:06 pm
Short version, yes!

You'd spend an action and 1 quantum point to activate Mental Prodigy: Tactical. Then roll Int (6 die, 4 regular+2 mega) and total up the successes, which can then be added to any roll involving tactical matters. I'll be getting you to roll Initiative as well, and Mental Prodigy gives a +3 to that. To be fair, if you take an action I'll be giving one to the twins as well, as they are also sizing you up. ;) Before initiative and combat.

You can then make a Tactics roll, which is Wits + Tactics + speciality (8 die) and total up the successes. Then simply add the number of successes from earlier (not the number of die).

I'll rule that there's a Difficulty +1 in this situation, given that the twins are used to tactically coordinating with each other when they fight. But even so, they can't beat Terrapin's super-smarts in term of tactics, can they?

Also, based on your post, were you hoping to Intimidate them? If so, you can roll Intimidation too.

So go ahead and roll up, and also roll Init!
Nov 12, 2021 12:33 am
Here goes the first run at how the Die Roller treats me...

Activate Force Field Q1
Activate Mental Prodigy Q1

Q: 24/26

Edit: Forgot Initiative.
Last edited November 12, 2021 3:26 am


Mental Prodigy: Tactics - (6d10, RA)

(1810102426) = 43

Tactics (Wits +Ability+Specialty) - (8d10, RA)

(46463362) = 34

Intimidate (Appearance+Ability) - (4d10, RA)

(3696) = 24

Initiative - (10+d10, RA)

(2) + 10 = 12

Nov 19, 2021 1:31 pm
Wash appeared the cooler-headed of the two, but perhaps that was simply what he was made of. The fine drizzle began to coalesce into bigger droplets as the rain got heavier and heavier until it appeared to be a torrential downpour, albeit a very localised one that encompassed first the ferris wheel, then swept over the open space where the bumper cars used to be, and continued to make its very threatening way towards the Lofty Love ride. His voice sounded like the susurrus of liquid vibrations traveling through water rather than air. "You talk big for an old man with no friends left, cowering in your little hidey hole. Make it easy on yourself and just surrender."

The alpha coyote was not so pleasant. An angry series of howls filled in the air, and they were joined by a chorus of similar ones from the rest of the pack. The lead broke into a fast run straight at Terrapin, and he could see Were transform from a lithe coyote into a larger beast; with each step it grew larger, broader, and seemed to slow down a little in its new form as Were took the shape of a massive kodiak, rearing up more than 12 feet in height with a raging growl of words "And we said we'd kill you the next time we met. Don't need the Sept to finish off the likes of you."

Even so, Terrapin's warning gave them a slight pause. As Were closed in, she began to make a wide circle to go behind Terrapin, avoiding Wash's heavy storm that was approaching, but not yet reaching, Terrapin head on. It was a good tactic on their part so that Terrapin couldn't keep an eye on both of them at the same time. While this was his home turf, they had nevertheless been familiarising themselves with the ins and outs of the entire compound for a long while. They were being ultra circumspect, which meant that Terrapin had the advantage of either choosing to take the fight to them or perhaps find a means of escape before they could take action.
Initiative order: Terrapin, Wash, Were
Turn 1 Terrapin activate Forcefield. Also uses Intimidate with 1 success. The Twins are more wary, not charging in.
Turn 1 Wash activates Bodymorph. Were activates Shapeshift.
Turn 2 Terrapin activates Mental Prodigy with 3 successes. Uses Tactics with 0+3=3 successes. (die roller gave you zero successes with 8 dice!) You may use this +3 for initiative (but there's no point since you are first in init order), or for the next combat manoeuvre you use (such as if you wanted to add it to a Telekinesis attack.
Turn 2 [GM freebie] I'll grant you're 'tactically ahead' of them, so they're still sussing out how to act, so no attack actions.

Turn 3 back to Terrapin!


Initiative (Wash) - (7+1d10)

(4) + 7 = 11

Initiative (Were) - (9+1d10)

(1) + 9 = 10

Nov 25, 2021 4:10 am
I'm putting the Rolls first so I know what I'm working with for narrative purposes.

6d10 & I'll spend a Willpower point just for good measure.
So that should make 5 successes total. 3 from Tactics, 1 from Willpower & 1 from 6d10. Correct?
Last edited November 25, 2021 4:13 am


Dex + TK - (6d10)

(455458) = 31

Nov 25, 2021 5:03 am
Circling to flank was a good opening move. Avoids them tripping over each other given that their powers, while related, weren't exactly compatible. It seemed to Terrapin like they might've had training to overcome that obstacle. The last time he'd tangled with them it had been easy to play one against the other or use one as cover from the other twin's attacks. Nice tactic but he was still way ahead of them.
Were was the more immediate threat whereas Wash was the more insidious of the pair. A dozen scenarios flashed through Terrapin's mind as he sized up the bear rushing towards him. "Is it written somewhere in the Shapeshifter Handbook that whenever you change into a wolf you have to howl or a eagle to screech or snake to hiss, or a bear to growl?" Terrapin quipped. "Asking for a friend."
BedzoneII says:
"You talk big for an old man with no friends left, cowering in your little hidey hole. Make it easy on yourself and just surrender."
"Surrender? Me?" Terrapin scoffed incredulously as he stared at the incoming half-ton of brown-furred murder and sighed. Summoning up his best James Earl Jones impression, he stretched his hand toward the bear, still some 20 meters out, " I find your lack of faith... disturbing.

Power that had been so eagerly waiting release traveled invisible between the two metahumans. Terrapin's power seizing the bear by it's tongue, jerking the bear's head violently to the left, then right, before ramming the bear's tongue right down her own throat. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Terrapin chuckled darkly, enjoying the disturbingly human look of surprise and shock on the bear's face as he fed her her own tongue.
No sense in hanging around should she manage to quickly recover, Terrapin rose into the air in anticipation of Wash incoming from his flank.
Don't forget Terrapin's TK has the Armor Piercing Extra. He'll also activate Flight at the end of the turn to get above her retaliation zone.
Nov 30, 2021 3:39 am
Turn 3 Terrapin: 5 attack successes on Were. For each success above the first, you potentially get to add that to your damage effect, so that's possibly 4 dice. In addition, with Armor Piercing, you get to ignore 5x2=10 levels of Soak. Were has 12 levels of bashing Soak in this current form, so 2 dice worth of damage effect goes through. Go ahead and roll them.
After which Terrapin activates Flight and takes off.
Were's gaping maw was caught mid-snarl by the thrust of Terrapin's telekinesis, as if the insides of her mouth were being smashed. She quickly snapped her jaws shut, and lunged at Terrapin with both her claws. Terrapin had anticipated this, and took flight up and away from the cabin of the park ride before she could reach him.

The twins had an inkling of how Terrapin might respond to Were's charge, as Wash was present and waiting for Terrapin to fly up and right into his storm. He enveloped Terrapin with a torrent of water from every angle, attempting to disorient his intended direction.

If Terrapin were to turn his head, he would see Were slowly change out of her ursine shape, transforming into a larger-than-life bald eagle, claws still extended to attack Terrapin the moment she closed in.
Turn 3 Wash: uses the Clinch maneuver to attack. Oof, that's 9 successes on the roll (the last 10 comes from MegaStr, and counts as 3 successes.), plus another 5 auto successes from MegaStr, for a total of 14 successes. Terrapin has Forcefield activated, (we should've rolled earlier, but no matter), so roll Stamina + Forcefield to see how much Soak Forcefield provides. From there I'll roll damage.
Turn 3 Were: uses Shapeshift again, flies.


Clinch - (10d10)

(792183107910) = 66

Nov 30, 2021 4:06 am
I should've thought to mention it earlier but I'd rather use the Forcefield mechanics from the Player's book.
It makes the power a bit more even in effect. The die mechanics in the core book make forcefield really unreliable.
I'll get to a full post later in the day.


Damage: Were - (2d10)

(31) = 4

Nov 30, 2021 4:17 am
Sure thing. No objections at all to using the fixed power version. I agree about not leaving it to the die roll.
Dec 8, 2021 2:02 pm
Terrapin had almost forgotten how impervious their alien bodies were; it was very much the case that their shapechanging abilities enabled them to endure lesser forms of damage. Terrapin did manage to telekinetically twist Were's bear tongue, but closing her mouth blunted the force of his thrust. Before he could see what she did next, he was engulfed by a big wave crashing not just on him, but nearly on Were as well! The weight of the water pressed down on him; the personal aura he generated which also powered his telekinesis held, but he could still feel its crushing effect holding on to him even as he tried to fly away from the liquid form of Wash.
Terrapin has 10 bashing soak from Stamina and Forcefield. (Note you can spend quantum up to your Forcefield rating to pump extra soak. Looking at the damage roll I'd recommend it.) Wash has 5 automatic successes on close combat damage, and Clinch gives Str+2 damage dice. If you use 1 extra point of quantum, I'll retcon to let you take 4 bashing damage rather than 6.


Damage - (15d10)

(1873259876106524) = 83

Dec 9, 2021 1:47 am
I'll spend the extra Q point to blunt the force of the wave crush a bit. Might spend a bit more if possible but it's really easy to burn through 26.
Question 1: Are we back to Initiative again?
Question 2: Do the successes from Tactical Prodigy stick around or are they used up after a combat round?
Dec 9, 2021 2:35 am
1. Yes, back to Turn 4 Terrapin.
2. The Mental Prodigy: Tactical once activated last for an hour, maybe longer, so you don't have to use an action to keep activating it, and the successes stick around. If you're still using the Wits Tactics roll, it should be rerolled, as it gives a bonus to a single combat manoeuvre.
Dec 21, 2021 3:29 am
First the rolls...
Mental Prodigy: Tactics (3 successes, rolled earlier)

*Edit: That's 5(?) successes to try to break out of Wash's Clinch attack.
Last edited December 21, 2021 3:32 am


Tactics (Wits +Ability+Specialty) - (8d10)

(52354726) = 34

TK (Dex + Power Lvl) - (6d10)

(125617) = 22

Dec 23, 2021 11:15 am
You rolled 1 success for Tactics (die roller really doesn't love you), and add +3 from your earlier Mental Prodigy: Tactical roll, for a total of 4 successes you may use on your next combat maneuver.

You're thinking of breaking the Clinch, which is normally a Strength (Brawl) or Dexterity (Martial Arts) roll against Wash's roll, but while you have neither, let's grant that your Telekinesis can be used to push Wash away (the rules suggest that when TK is used this way to 'grab' someone, the target can resist with a Might roll, so I figure the reverse makes sense too.) You've rolled 1 success and get to add +4 from your Tactics roll, so yes you have 5 successes.

The bad news is that Wash's Might roll is 6 successes (he's got a bit of Mega-Strength, so that last die counts as a double), and because of the Mega-Str, he also gets 5 automatic successes to his Might rolls, for a total of 11 successes, so Terrapin is unfortunately still engulfed by the water, so

Turn 4 Terrapin: tries and fails to break out of Clinch.

At this point, it should be Turn 4 Wash and then Were, but because I'm a sucker for drama, at this point Comet enters! The Initiative order is as follows: Comet (17), Terrapin (12), Wash (11), Were (10). Terrapin has gone, but I'll insert Comet to go next before Wash and Were.
Terrapin now found himself at a severe disadvantage, having let the twins get too close to him. His early attack on Were did delay her somewhat as she struggled with the force choke Terrapin had used on her bear form, but that allowed Wash to swamp him with a tsunami of water, a globe of liquid weight that surrounded his entire body. Terrapin summoned his telekinetic power again to try to 'push' the water away from himself, or at least to create an opening so that he could escape, but found that the pressure on him was too crushing.

From the corner of his eye he could see Were aiming for him, eagle talons coming in fast. He knew that, with their joint powers, the water would not harm Were at all. Things seemed dire.

What Terrapin could not see, was that there was another observer. Comet had reached the higher skies of Murder Mountain, intending to investigate the whereabouts of his quarry Terrapin. He was at the right location, and as he descended, he could see an aerial battle. Two novas had ganged up on Terrapin! Comet did not recognise either of them, but it was evident that one of them took the form of water, and the other was a large, almost giantish eagle. From his perspective, Terrapin did not have the upper hand. In fact, from Comet's assessment, his quarry was likely to be defeated by the two novas, for Terrapin looked to be drowning in the body of water. While Comet did not know Terrapin, if Terrapin were to be killed, there would be no way to follow up on his lead and he would have to go back and report failure to Le Infante. And that would be utterly embarrassing. If Comet wanted Terrapin alive, he would have to do something immediately.
So Comet is up! Your tactical assessment says Terrapin's not doing so well: the water is choking him, and the eagle's about to attack next. Tactically it's obvious that a newcomer added into the equation might balance out the fight in Terrapin's favour. The question is who to attack first. Last point about tactics, after Comet goes, Wash goes next, then Were.

Go wisely!


Wash's Might - (9d10)

(814297298) = 50

Dec 23, 2021 6:15 pm
Comet is going to assess the two attackers, deciding which one Terrapin has the best chances against, which one he has the best chances with.
It's all a gamble.
But you gotta act.
He focuses on the mass of water, amd says in a measured tone. Hey spineless, slimeball. Time to crawl back into the sewergrate you crawled out if.


Mental Blast - (8D10)

(95832486) = 45

Jan 2, 2022 1:56 pm
It was a split second decision, but that split second was all that was needed to distract the wall of water from drowning Terrapin. Comet projected his thoughts at Wash as if it were a mental attack and found that he had struck where it hurt the most! The big amorphous liquid that was Wash's body recoiled and rolled as if being pummeled from within, and for a moment it disassembled into finer droplets of water before it reconsituted itself again. But it was an opportune moment of reprieve for Terrapin who found himself released from Wash's flooding grip, free to act again.

"Who the hell are you?" The words came out as a screech, as Were pivoted mid-flight in response to the newcomer, seeing her sibling attacked. The eagle-shaped nova flapped its wings in order to strike as its namesake, flying straight at Comet with talons outstretched to rake at him. Already infuriated by Terrapin, and now further provoked by the appearance of Comet, the attack was vicious and aimed to hurt as Were's razor-sharp claws tore at Comet. Comet was still unfamiliar with the limits and capabilities of his current body, and found that he while he could resist the piercing talons, the points that managed to penetrate through were immensely damaging, given the alien's strength.

It was clear to both Terrapin and Comet that the two novas they were fighting were physically stronger than either of them. Their alien bodies and physiology seemed to be able to shrug off the attacks that they had leveled at them, no doubt in part due to their ability to morph and change their very forms into different shapes.

Comet's mental blast on the other hand was effective because it went directly into the water nova's mind, bypassing his liquid mass. Comet also realised from the eagle nova's attack that even though the eagle had flown at him at full speed, its speed wasn't as fast as Comet figured he could himself fly. Perhaps there was some tactical advantage to that.

As for Terrapin, with another player now on scene and finally being able to gasp for air, this gave him a chance to gather his thoughts. He knew from his past experience that he couldn't go physically toe to toe with Wash and Were. Being caught out in the open for him only meant that they could freely come at him. What he did have was the entire playground at his disposal: machines he could operate, objects he could manipulate. He defeated them previously not through brute force, but because he was a tactical genius, and hopefully he could apply that again.
Turn 4 Comet: Mental Blast has 3 5 successes so far, vs Wash's resisted Willpower roll of 1 success. You only rolled 8 dice, I think you get 9 dice: Int 5 + Mental Blast 3 + Mega-Int +1. So go ahead and roll the last die, who knows, as a Mega-die you could get lucky! In any case, Comet potentially does 2 4 mental bashing damage against Wash! [edited]

Turn 4 Wash: [GM's discretion] Wash loses his clinch on Terrapin, and is preparing for an attack next round ...

Turn 4 Were: Aerial Strike against Comet, 5 successes rolled, plus 5 auto successes (from Mega-Str), minus 1 Difficulty = 9 successes. Were has Claws in her eagle form. Comet has 8 lethal soak. (I'll need you to check your Soak totals on your sheet, it should be 11 Bashing and 8 Lethal because you have Stamina 5 and Armor 2.) so Were has 1 net success. Damage dice = 1 success + 5 auto + 1 from Claws + 1 from Aerial Strike = 8 dice. That's 5 lethal damage to Comet, uh-oh, GM's rolling too well.

It's now Turn 5, Comet first, then Terrapin, but since it's the PCs' turn we can go in any order, before Wash and Were.


Wash - Willpower - (5d10)

(16853) = 23

Were - Aerial Strike - (9d10)

(1569718108) = 55

Were - Damage on Comet - (8d10)

(10510649109) = 63

Jan 3, 2022 2:04 am
I am a problem. Don't make me yours. Get out of here.
Quantum Pool 20/26 Willpower5/5
Last edited January 5, 2022 2:40 am


Mental Blast - (9d10)

(36101771071) = 52

Jan 3, 2022 4:14 pm
First the rolls:
Mental Prodigy: Tactics ( 3 previous successes )

Spend 1 Willpower for automatic Success on attack.

+2 die on Attack for Flanking/Attack from Behind (Were)

*Dear GP Lord, don't let this roll suck...


Tactics (Wits +Ability+Specialty) - (8d10)

(657102992) = 50

TK (Dex + Power Lvl) - (6d10)

(722676) = 30

Flanking Bonus Die - (2d10)

(68) = 14

Jan 3, 2022 4:26 pm
Sputtering as Wash unexpectedly released Terrapin from the hydraulic crush of his watery form, he dropped nearly to the ground before recovering his wits enough to halt his fall. There was a new entrant into the mix taking on the trouble twins.

Oh look. he grumbled between hacking coughs. My gargoyle from WISH finally arrived...

Terrapin didn't know who the new combattant was not why they were here but he was glad for the distraction. The ringing in his ears kept him from hearing the aerial exchange between Were and the other winged Nova but he knew an opening when he saw the girl's eagle form wheel towards the newcomer. With Wash dazed momentarily and Were distracted, Terrapin reached out with his power and launched a section of jagged and rusty metal fencing at the eagle's back. Once meant to keep curious and adventurous children a safe distance from the amusement rides, it now served Terrapin's deadly purpose.
Jan 4, 2022 3:30 pm
Comet had observed that his mental attack was more efficacious than if he were to try to charge at them physically. With the blast affecting Wash as it did, he now turned his psychic anger at Were, the giant eagle who had swooped past him with her claws. Comet sent out another brain thrust at the eagle, but found that the pain for the raking talons reduced his ability to focus properly. Still, he managed to send a sharp spike at Were, who screeched and flapped its wings unsteadily as she flew past.

Nearer the ground, it was a good thing that Terrapin managed to put some distance between himself and Wash. He could see the huge blob of water still hovering in the sky above him, but with the opportunity afforded by the newcomer's distraction, he decided to telekinetically fling whatever he could find nearest to him at Were instead; there was more chance of hitting the physical form of the eagle than the amorphous shape of the water nova. Like Comet, he found himself struggling a little to maintain his focus to do so.
Once again, a bunch of rules, bear with me as we learn the quirks of the system.
Phoenix, just note that your Flight and Mental Blast cost 2 quantum points per use (level 2 powers cost 2), so you should be at 20/26. Comet has taken damage, so he's at level 5 on the health chart, ie Maimed, which imposes a penalty of -3 to your dice pool. I'll ignore the last 3 dice, so you have 3 successes on your Mental Blast vs Were's resisted Willpower roll of 2 successes, for a total of 1 net success. Were takes 1 bashing damage.
Witchdoctor, Terrapin has taken damage, so he's at level 4 on the health chart, ie Wounded, which imposes a penalty of -2 to your dice pool. I'll be ignoring the last 2 dice on your TK roll. You have 4 successes from Tactics + (1 success from TK but there's something I need to explain) + 1 success from flanking + 1 success from Willpower.
[ +- ] Relevant Telekinesis paragraph
For your Telekinesis roll this time, 3 dice come from Dex, the other 3 potentially from TK. You may decide how you want to split your TK dice between attack and damage before I tell you how much Were soaks; basically in this case you can decide whether you want to use your 1 success for attack or for damage.


Were - Willpower - (5d10)

(65867) = 32

Jan 5, 2022 1:13 am
Had Terrapin attacked Were's bear form with the iron fencing, its thick hide would've simply shrugged it off. Were's eagle shape was a bit more pliable, as evidently she had to trade the natural defence of the ursine for the the maneuverability of the avian. Even so, she managed to evade most of the bulk of the metal Terrapin sent his way, but the jagged bits that grazed her definitely hurt.
That's 6 successes on the attack. Were has 6 Soak here, but Terrapin has Armor Piercing which ignores 2 Soak. Net damage effect, 4+1=5 damage dice. Roll well for damage!
Jan 5, 2022 3:47 am
Damage roll:
Looks like 1 success?
Last edited January 5, 2022 3:47 am


TK damage - (5d10)

(94456) = 28

Jan 12, 2022 1:51 pm
With the physicality of Wash's water body temporarily disrupted, both Comet and Terrapin had the chance to rally against the animal shapeshifter, Were. Comet, realising that their alien bodies were resistant to a great degree of physical harm, focussed again on their mental state with another brain blast up in the air as they tussled. Simultaneously, from his position near the ground, Terrapin sent a section of fencing upward towards the eagle. Caught in between both attacks, the result could've been deadly, except that both heroes were too injured to use their powers efficaciously: Comet's concentration wavered a little, and likewise Terrapin's telekinetic throw was weaker than he intended. Were was hurt, but flapped on, not yet downed.

All four parties were now reeling from their entanglement. Their power levels seemed reasonably equally matched, neither side gaining an upper hand. It was fortunate that Comet arrived when he did, otherwise Terrapin could've faced his first loss against the twins. It was now down to attrition. Whoever wore out first would lose the fight. Comet was the most wounded of the lot; Were's eagle claws were more penetrative than he had realised. Another swipe could rip out his guts. Wash's likely ability to drown both heroes simultaneously was also not to be lightly disregarded. Yet ...

... yet the alien pair seemed to take a moment to take stock of the situation. An easy victory was now less certain. Wash and Were appeared to intuitively communicate with each other, and before Comet and Terrapin could do anything else, Wash took the form of a lighter vapour of water in order to begin to dissipate and float away. At the same time, Were squawked an angry cry of defiance and frustration, and then the eagle made a huge buffet of its wings in order to soar right upwards through the cloud line. Terrapin was sure they'd be back, but for now the WW Twins had turned tail.
Turn 5 Comet: Were takes 1 bashing damage.
Turn 5 Terrapin: Were takes 1 bashing damage.
Damage check thus far: Were has 2 bashing. Wash has 4 bashing, Terrapin has 4 bashing, Comet has 5 lethal.
Turn 5 Wash and Were: they retreat! Combat is potentially over unless you want to pursue.
Jan 12, 2022 2:32 pm
Wow. We really aren't hurting them, are we?
Jan 12, 2022 3:11 pm
Quantum reserves running low, Terrapin couldn't say he wasn't glad the two broke and ran. A quick analysis of the situation indicated the most likely reason for their retreat was the sudden appearance of the winged Nova possessing a power they hadn't expected or trained for. Staggering Wash was probably the tipping point in the decision. At any rate, he was glad to see the twins hightailing it.

This is an amusement park, Kid. Terrapin called over to the winged Nova. You trying to be next in line for the ride or you got other business? . Terrapin remained aloft and his force field shimmered around him, unsure of the other's intent. Were had dealt the kid a serious wound but nothing he hadn't seen other Novas recover from. That didn't mean the kid wasn't still dangerous.
Jan 13, 2022 3:59 pm
Dropping in elevation a bit to match elevation with Terrapin, Jack quickly considered how best to broach the subject. Considering he had just helped Terrapin in battle may garner some honesty, and that people with a background like Terrapin's usually appreciate directness, Jack decided on that approach. "No rides today, I'm here on business. I repreaent a concerned party who had been watching the movements of someone who once employed the aid if your former group, Diavolo. We were hoping to determine if you were going to make the mistakeof working for Diavolo again."
Jan 14, 2022 2:35 am
Diavolo? The derisive expression that shot across his face belied either the fact Terrapin was used to his helmet hiding his expressions or he really didn't care whether anyone knew his feelings on the matter or possibly both.

You mean Mister 'we're the maffi-OSA, not the maffio-SA.' Terrapin lilted in his best mock-Hermione Granger. That Guy?

Likes to play at being Italian nobility?. Another derisive snort. Picked up his English skills in Eastern Europe so he ended up with this muddled accent that makes him sound like the cartoon spy with all the little yellow henchmen. That Guy?

Yeah. We did a few jobs for Diavolo back when my team was still around. Pay was good for the few jobs we did.
Nothing spectacular on the surface. Looked like standard ops but the targets put us on the radar for scrutiny we didn't need and couldn't handle. Ended up with me being just about the only survivor.

Diavolo looks...and sounds...and kinda is a complete goofball but he's also way smarter than he gets credit for.
That kind of cunning goes way back in his family... His grandparents cozied up to Mussolini back in WW II in order to get the other crime families in Italy rubbed out so they could muscle in and make a name for themselves. They raised that little monster and the apple didn't fall far from the fascist tree... Diavolo likes his thugs dressed in Hugo Boss designed uniforms and his trains to run on time if you get my drift.

It didn't take much guessing to figure who had sent the winged Nova to look into his past employers. What's Big Baby want with you casing out Diavolo's old operators? I'm not exactly on anyone's speed dial for jobs these days given that the Sept's bounty on my head is higher than most jobs would pay these days? Plus, Diavolo got my old crew killed so the likelihood of me working for him isn't real high. What's the real angle, Kid? . Terrapin knew the actual meaning of Le Enfant's nom de guerre but enjoyed using the mistranslated street version of the crime lord's title.
Last edited January 15, 2022 7:09 am
Jan 17, 2022 9:50 am
As the other novas, newly met, sized each other up, the fact that they had fought on the same side meant that they were of no immedite threat to each other. One pressing concern though, was that both of them were pretty banged up by their last entanglement. Terrapin had some difficulty moving, still suffering from the after effects of Wash's buffeting. Comet's wounds on the other hand, began to appear more and more serious now that they both had some time to evaluate their current status. The raking wounds continued to bleed out, and now that the adrenalin had worn off somewhat, the pain was threatening to overwhelm.

In fact, the injuries had occupied Comet's head so much that he almost didn't pick up on his preternatural awareness. The same premonition he had earlier at the Tarrochi casino now began to tingle, not from the sky, but towards the ground. Perhaps it was there all the while during the fight and Comet hadn't had the chance to pick up on it, but it was certainly being triggered again. The question was whether Comet was still up to investigate what or who that might be, given his condition for Comet was now very far from medical treatment and also from his own apartment refuge.

As for Terrapin, he could easily retreat back to his mountain hideout once again after this altercation. But perhaps there was value to figuring out if Wash and Were had accomplished anything else in the time leading up to today before confronting them. He knew already they were attempting to sabotage some of his place, hoping to draw him or force him out. Did the twins scurry back to seek reinforcements from the other Ten Titanics, the group in which they were members of? Or worse, were they likely to report to the Sept regarding their failure?
Feb 2, 2022 2:29 pm
While Terrapin was not unfriendly to the newcomer, at least he was certain that this nova, Comet, was not out for his blood, unlike Wash and Were. If he wanted to get to the bottom of this, he might have to pay a friendly, or perhaps not-so-friendly visit, to Le Infante himself rather than have to depend on the explanation of a henchman, if indeed this winged nova was a henchman.

But their troubles weren't over yet. Together they had dealt with his enemies. But now Terrapin had spotted what Comet had sensed since Comet's visit to Le Infante's casino. A vehicle in the distance, and the impression that there was someone inside watching them. Was it now Comet's turn to have to deal with his own antagonists?
Posting to let you advance the thread Witchdoctor.
Feb 3, 2022 12:35 pm
You should probably get that claw wound looked at, Kid. Terrapin opined as he got a better look at the damage Were had done to the other Nova. You never know where she's been... Big Baby should have a few back-alley sawbones that can fix you up. Unless you regenerate or some such.

The vehicle in the distance was concerning. Could be a van full of mercs looking for a payday by bringing him in or surveillance on how the Twins performed... The possibilities swirled in his mind. One thing he knew was that even with the other Nova present, neither of them was in much shape for another fight. The Kid had pretty severe puncture wounds and he had a couple of bruised ribs and was running low on Quantum. Friends of yours? he asked, nodding towards the vehicle in the distance. Or are the Mormons really desperate enough to come knocking on my door?.
how far away is the vehicle?
Feb 4, 2022 2:08 pm
"I'm afraid that one's on me." Comet landed on the grounds of the amusement park, stumbling a little from his wounds, just so that they could get out of sight range from whomever it was that was watching them. "I might have picked up a tail from when I left the city. Couldn't tell who or where they were at first, but it's easier to spot them now that we're further out upstate." Terrapin could see that it was one of those GMC all-terrain vehicles in customary black, near enough to get a binocular visual on the Comet/Terrapin and the Twins, but far enough to keep a safe distance between themselves and any of the nova action that had just transpired.

"Well, you meight want to come back with me and tell Le Infante yourself, if you want to get him off your back. If there's no love lost between you and Diavolo, I'm sure he'd be glad to hear of it. Who knows, he might even give you an opportunity to settle scores. There's probably something going down between the two of them, which means there's work for the likes of you."

"We'll have to deal with them though on our way back." Comet waved in the direction of the vehicle."I don't fancy tangling with them so soon after our last fight, not without getting patched up a bit. I do want to know who the hell they are though."
Phoenix, I've taken the liberty of moving your character forward converstionally. We can retcon if you want to tweak anything. Otherwise Witchdoctor you can reply to this so we can move forward.
Feb 5, 2022 4:51 am
Well, whoever it is, it looks like they're just being voyeuristic.. Terrapin grunted. Otherwise they'd be jamming sniper rounds at us if they really wanted us dead.
With the shape were in, I doubt there'd be much we could do about it...
It was a plan he'd used more than a few times in the past with his team. Hit & Run, do some damage, leave the target run down and hurt, then hit them from afar with sniper or anti-material fire. Wouldn't really do much to the tough targets but the less than bulletproof ones...they went down a lot easier than in a stand-up fight.

If talking to Big Baby will get people off my doorstep and him off my back it'll be a small price to pay... he broke from his reverie of the past to address the present. If they drove here, they're probably not Novas but that don't make them any less dangerous... Makes me wonder if they'll bolt if we approach.. A quick shiver ran through Terrapin, still dripping wet from Wash's watery embrace. It'll take a day or two to dry out the black uniform he'd been wearing. He was glad he'd left his helmet behind; they never smell right after getting wet. If you wanna see who's been tailing you, we'll just have to go and ask.
Feb 7, 2022 1:54 pm
It was to Comet's credit that he agreed to Terrapin's plan despite his injuries, but he saw no reason to fault Terrapin's analysis of the situation and his assessment of whether their watcher was a nova or otherwise. "This is your neck of the woods, lead the way." The winged nova took a position next to Terrapin, ready to walk or fly forward depending on the approach Terrapin chose to take.
I need to know what your approach is going to be, flying or ground, and whether you're trying for stealth or the direct approach. or whether you look like you're coming at them as if to fight. Whatever you choose, I'd like a relevant roll for it. Eg if you're observing more, give me a Perception (Awareness) roll, if stealth, roll Dexterity (Stealth), etc.
Feb 9, 2022 9:06 am
Terrapin set his jaw and sighed a bit, the sour pain in his ribs reminding him how the day's gone this far. Sure, Kid, we'll play like this. You head towards them and I'll circle around behind and catch them before they have a chance to retreat. No sudden moves unless they get stupid and open fire. It's easier to interrogate the living. Comprendé?
Using the cluttered and overgrown park to break direct line of sight with the van, Terrapin left the other winged Nova to execute his part of the plan and flew around behind the clearing where the van had been parked.


Stealth - (5d10)

(97144) = 25

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