It was a split second decision, but that split second was all that was needed to distract the wall of water from drowning Terrapin. Comet projected his thoughts at Wash as if it were a mental attack and found that he had struck where it hurt the most! The big amorphous liquid that was Wash's body recoiled and rolled as if being pummeled from within, and for a moment it disassembled into finer droplets of water before it reconsituted itself again. But it was an opportune moment of reprieve for Terrapin who found himself released from Wash's flooding grip, free to act again.
"Who the hell are you?" The words came out as a screech, as Were pivoted mid-flight in response to the newcomer, seeing her sibling attacked. The eagle-shaped nova flapped its wings in order to strike as its namesake, flying straight at Comet with talons outstretched to rake at him. Already infuriated by Terrapin, and now further provoked by the appearance of Comet, the attack was vicious and aimed to hurt as Were's razor-sharp claws tore at Comet. Comet was still unfamiliar with the limits and capabilities of his current body, and found that he while he could resist the piercing talons, the points that managed to penetrate through were immensely damaging, given the alien's strength.
It was clear to both Terrapin and Comet that the two novas they were fighting were physically stronger than either of them. Their alien bodies and physiology seemed to be able to shrug off the attacks that they had leveled at them, no doubt in part due to their ability to morph and change their very forms into different shapes.
Comet's mental blast on the other hand was effective because it went directly into the water nova's mind, bypassing his liquid mass. Comet also realised from the eagle nova's attack that even though the eagle had flown at him at full speed, its speed wasn't as fast as Comet figured he could himself fly. Perhaps there was some tactical advantage to that.
As for Terrapin, with another player now on scene and finally being able to gasp for air, this gave him a chance to gather his thoughts. He knew from his past experience that he couldn't go physically toe to toe with Wash and Were. Being caught out in the open for him only meant that they could freely come at him. What he did have was the entire playground at his disposal: machines he could operate, objects he could manipulate. He defeated them previously not through brute force, but because he was a tactical genius, and hopefully he could apply that again.
Turn 4 Comet: Mental Blast has
3 5 successes so far, vs Wash's resisted Willpower roll of 1 success. You only rolled 8 dice, I think you get 9 dice: Int 5 + Mental Blast 3 + Mega-Int +1. So go ahead and roll the last die, who knows, as a Mega-die you could get lucky! In any case, Comet potentially does
2 4 mental bashing damage against Wash! [edited]
Turn 4 Wash: [GM's discretion] Wash loses his clinch on Terrapin, and is preparing for an attack next round ...
Turn 4 Were: Aerial Strike against Comet, 5 successes rolled, plus 5 auto successes (from Mega-Str), minus 1 Difficulty = 9 successes. Were has Claws in her eagle form. Comet has 8 lethal soak. (I'll need you to check your Soak totals on your sheet, it should be 11 Bashing and 8 Lethal because you have Stamina 5 and Armor 2.) so Were has 1 net success. Damage dice = 1 success + 5 auto + 1 from Claws + 1 from Aerial Strike = 8 dice. That's 5 lethal damage to Comet, uh-oh, GM's rolling too well.
It's now Turn 5, Comet first, then Terrapin, but since it's the PCs' turn we can go in any order, before Wash and Were.