#0 - Terrapin Under the Mountain, Comet Above

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Feb 7, 2022 1:54 pm
It was to Comet's credit that he agreed to Terrapin's plan despite his injuries, but he saw no reason to fault Terrapin's analysis of the situation and his assessment of whether their watcher was a nova or otherwise. "This is your neck of the woods, lead the way." The winged nova took a position next to Terrapin, ready to walk or fly forward depending on the approach Terrapin chose to take.
I need to know what your approach is going to be, flying or ground, and whether you're trying for stealth or the direct approach. or whether you look like you're coming at them as if to fight. Whatever you choose, I'd like a relevant roll for it. Eg if you're observing more, give me a Perception (Awareness) roll, if stealth, roll Dexterity (Stealth), etc.
Feb 9, 2022 9:06 am
Terrapin set his jaw and sighed a bit, the sour pain in his ribs reminding him how the day's gone this far. Sure, Kid, we'll play like this. You head towards them and I'll circle around behind and catch them before they have a chance to retreat. No sudden moves unless they get stupid and open fire. It's easier to interrogate the living. Comprendé?
Using the cluttered and overgrown park to break direct line of sight with the van, Terrapin left the other winged Nova to execute his part of the plan and flew around behind the clearing where the van had been parked.


Stealth - (5d10)

(97144) = 25

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