Jan 29, 2022 1:28 am
Aiding and abetting an unregistered nova could be as trivial or as serious as the authorities cared to bother. The truth was that the registration of different emergent novas were prioritised differently on a scale of able-to-projectile-barf-at-will to nuclear-meltdown-generator. The onus was on the responsible citizen to report themselves to a civic registrar office or have themselves reviewed at a nova assessment clinic, a simple enough routine. The problem, especially for Lawrence, was that both of these options would essentially lead him back to J.A:N.U.S., the authority behind the nova population. There was no possibility of his getting off lightly for his deception thus far, not without an interrogation of precisely the kind Lawrence wished to avoid, or worse.
The drive took Randall and Lawrence out of the city to the southern flats, past the power grid and the outlying industrial trade hub. Clear of the tall skylines of the city proper, Lawrence could see the north-western mountain range that framed the outskirts of Capitol City. Curiously, although they were too far to make out anything in detail, Lawrence thought he saw some rather strange cloud formation activity over one of the old amusement parks situated there. Mystery Mountain or something, he could vaguely recall.
Turning back to see where Randall was finally arriving at, was the Second Array. The location would have been more properly named or described as an observatory, were its purpose to study celestial occurences and observe events in space. But, as Randall had rambled on during the ride, it was a superstructure to detect, observe and measure quantum dimensionality, to 'see' beyond this reality and into other alternate possibilitites. To the onlooker, it could be described to look like a cross between a futuristic wind farm with its tall antennae posts of varying heights, and the arcane configuration of a more complex Stonehenge, almost like a parabolic receiver, across acres of land.
Randall's car cleared the gated security, and continued to drive towards what appeared to be the main observation building in the compound.
The drive took Randall and Lawrence out of the city to the southern flats, past the power grid and the outlying industrial trade hub. Clear of the tall skylines of the city proper, Lawrence could see the north-western mountain range that framed the outskirts of Capitol City. Curiously, although they were too far to make out anything in detail, Lawrence thought he saw some rather strange cloud formation activity over one of the old amusement parks situated there. Mystery Mountain or something, he could vaguely recall.
Turning back to see where Randall was finally arriving at, was the Second Array. The location would have been more properly named or described as an observatory, were its purpose to study celestial occurences and observe events in space. But, as Randall had rambled on during the ride, it was a superstructure to detect, observe and measure quantum dimensionality, to 'see' beyond this reality and into other alternate possibilitites. To the onlooker, it could be described to look like a cross between a futuristic wind farm with its tall antennae posts of varying heights, and the arcane configuration of a more complex Stonehenge, almost like a parabolic receiver, across acres of land.
Randall's car cleared the gated security, and continued to drive towards what appeared to be the main observation building in the compound.
Pausing to see if you want to say or ask anything, or even rewind to the bit about the raincloud over Murder Mountain.