Nov 3, 2021 2:30 am
Mobile friendly
Several pages are now optimized for mobile devices.
Changes to the homepage
There's a list of posts from public games on the homepage. If you're new to PbP then this is a chance to see what it's all about. There are all sorts of systems played publicly - taking a look at a public game might help you see if a system is right for you.
Your list of games is available from the homepage.
Posting improvements
Quick reply
Add rolls and preview your posts from the quick reply.
You can quote multiple posts using quick reply.
Paste images from your clipboard into game posts.
Previews show above your quick reply.
Dice notation now allows you to roll multiple dice types.

Minor/major edit
Editing a post counts as a minor edit, but uncheck the "minor edit" checkbox and it will send a email to game subscribers and a notification for the other players when you've made a major edit.
Give your gaming buddies a nudge by using @name.
Please don't abuse this by @ing people in every post, eh?
Post polls More info...
Individual posts now support polls using the poll tag. Where should the party go next? Which system should you use for your game? Is this a pointless feature looking for a use case?
The post author and GMs see the result before posting.
One page support
Click the "x of y" pager to display the thread as a single page.
GM character sheets More info...
I've added the gmExcludePcs option for people who never roll for PCs, and the ability for GMs to add a list of sheets for their own use (gmSheets array).
{"5e rules":"custom/20680"}
e.g. Say the GM has access to this custom sheet with common SRD stuff on it.

Then they can use that sheet in every game to get shortcuts to those options.

These can be shared across games. If a GM can see the sheet's contents, then they can use it.
I can imagine someone building a standard custom sheet for 5e and sharing it. Then other DMs could add this as one of their gmSheets to get access to everyday 5e things (e.g. in 5e, conditions are often added as spoilers to posts, so players don't have to look them up).
New tags and tag changes

Use a hash for titles. Renders as collapsible sections.


Snippets renders like a spoiler, but that's not the point - the point is how they integrate.

NPC tag
If you post and put an npc tag in the post containing the title and avatar then it renders that post as if you'd created that character.

If you also selected post as, or there are multiple NPCs then it renders the NPCs within the post.

The tag works for players too so it might be useful for familiars, hirelings, or other guest posters.
Roller integration
The new tags integrate with the character sheet on the advanced posting page.
Feats/Abilities and Spells are already built-in for 5e, but it would pick up the new abilities section and snippet tags too.

Choosing a snippet adds it to the post text, choosing one of the abilities adds it to the text as a spoiler.

Notes on character sheets
Notes now work on character sheets. This can be used to keep secrets with your GM and still share your sheet with other players.
On the fly battlemaps
Organize your OtFBM text by using comments prefixed with "--". The dropdown image menu in game posts will give you an example.
Tavern enhancements
1. Closed by default
Games are now closed for recruitment by default. Opening a game for recruitment is an active decision. This allows GMs to get their game details ready before applications arrive, and reduces the number of spuriously open games.
2. Allow GMs to link the game to the tavern thread

3. Encourage application through the tavern
If there's a linked tavern thread, then we change the application section for open games by making the Games Taven and PM links larger, and shrinking the "Apply to Game" button to a link-button.

4. The tavern thread Example...
If a tavern thread is linked to a game then we enrich the first page of the tavern thread with the game description, tags (not user-defined tags yet), and a link back to the game details.

Other changes
* "My characters" is now searchable.
* Access public forums from game details
* Top menus show more entries
* Dice rolls available on creating a thread
* Frames removed from profile pictures
* More features can be performed by secondary GM
* GMs can turn off player character sheet integration
* "Unread" moved to the left, now reads "Mark as unread"
* Dice back on homepage in dark mode - now always clickable to last unread post
* Code blocks remove extra lines
* Top-level subforum headers now on the left
* Notifications remind new users to post in introductions (until they have)
* Landing page text changed
* Characters bottom menu redesign with selecting a name to posting box
* GMs can access the advanced posting page of locked threads
* Advanced Rules Definitions translates curly quotes
* Better support for not closing the post on a HTML angle bracket
* Post "private" (like notes but not indicated as a note) is now on the notes menu
* Menu added to custom character sheet.
* The gender radio buttons have been removed from settings and replaced with a pronouns textbox.
Mobile friendly
Several pages are now optimized for mobile devices.
Changes to the homepage
There's a list of posts from public games on the homepage. If you're new to PbP then this is a chance to see what it's all about. There are all sorts of systems played publicly - taking a look at a public game might help you see if a system is right for you.
Your list of games is available from the homepage.
Posting improvements
Quick reply
Add rolls and preview your posts from the quick reply.
You can quote multiple posts using quick reply.
Paste images from your clipboard into game posts.
Previews show above your quick reply.
Dice notation now allows you to roll multiple dice types.

Minor/major edit
Editing a post counts as a minor edit, but uncheck the "minor edit" checkbox and it will send a email to game subscribers and a notification for the other players when you've made a major edit.
Give your gaming buddies a nudge by using @name.
Please don't abuse this by @ing people in every post, eh?
Post polls More info...
Individual posts now support polls using the poll tag. Where should the party go next? Which system should you use for your game? Is this a pointless feature looking for a use case?
The post author and GMs see the result before posting.
[poll="Which feature would you like to see next?"]
WYSIWYG editor
Push notifications to your phone
Full-text search
Easy to edit custom character sheets
Image manager
Built-in battlemaps
Which feature would you like to see next?
WYSIWYG editor
Vote to view results.
Push notifications to your phone
Vote to view results.
Full-text search
Vote to view results.
Easy to edit custom character sheets
Vote to view results.
Image manager
Vote to view results.
Built-in battlemaps
Vote to view results.
One page support
Click the "x of y" pager to display the thread as a single page.
GM character sheets More info...
I've added the gmExcludePcs option for people who never roll for PCs, and the ability for GMs to add a list of sheets for their own use (gmSheets array).
{"5e rules":"custom/20680"}
e.g. Say the GM has access to this custom sheet with common SRD stuff on it.

Then they can use that sheet in every game to get shortcuts to those options.

These can be shared across games. If a GM can see the sheet's contents, then they can use it.
I can imagine someone building a standard custom sheet for 5e and sharing it. Then other DMs could add this as one of their gmSheets to get access to everyday 5e things (e.g. in 5e, conditions are often added as spoilers to posts, so players don't have to look them up).
New tags and tag changes

Use a hash for titles. Renders as collapsible sections.


Snippets renders like a spoiler, but that's not the point - the point is how they integrate.

NPC tag
If you post and put an npc tag in the post containing the title and avatar then it renders that post as if you'd created that character.
[npc="Trev the Tap"][/npc] Lorem ipsum dolor sit...

If you also selected post as, or there are multiple NPCs then it renders the NPCs within the post.

The tag works for players too so it might be useful for familiars, hirelings, or other guest posters.
Roller integration
The new tags integrate with the character sheet on the advanced posting page.
Feats/Abilities and Spells are already built-in for 5e, but it would pick up the new abilities section and snippet tags too.

Choosing a snippet adds it to the post text, choosing one of the abilities adds it to the text as a spoiler.

Notes on character sheets
Notes now work on character sheets. This can be used to keep secrets with your GM and still share your sheet with other players.
On the fly battlemaps
Organize your OtFBM text by using comments prefixed with "--". The dropdown image menu in game posts will give you an example.
Tavern enhancements
1. Closed by default
Games are now closed for recruitment by default. Opening a game for recruitment is an active decision. This allows GMs to get their game details ready before applications arrive, and reduces the number of spuriously open games.
2. Allow GMs to link the game to the tavern thread

3. Encourage application through the tavern
If there's a linked tavern thread, then we change the application section for open games by making the Games Taven and PM links larger, and shrinking the "Apply to Game" button to a link-button.

4. The tavern thread Example...
If a tavern thread is linked to a game then we enrich the first page of the tavern thread with the game description, tags (not user-defined tags yet), and a link back to the game details.

Other changes
* "My characters" is now searchable.
* Access public forums from game details
* Top menus show more entries
* Dice rolls available on creating a thread
* Frames removed from profile pictures
* More features can be performed by secondary GM
* GMs can turn off player character sheet integration
* "Unread" moved to the left, now reads "Mark as unread"
* Dice back on homepage in dark mode - now always clickable to last unread post
* Code blocks remove extra lines
* Top-level subforum headers now on the left
* Notifications remind new users to post in introductions (until they have)
* Landing page text changed
* Characters bottom menu redesign with selecting a name to posting box
* GMs can access the advanced posting page of locked threads
* Advanced Rules Definitions translates curly quotes
* Better support for not closing the post on a HTML angle bracket
* Post "private" (like notes but not indicated as a note) is now on the notes menu
* Menu added to custom character sheet.
* The gender radio buttons have been removed from settings and replaced with a pronouns textbox.
Last edited November 6, 2021 6:54 am