DCC New Player Needed

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Nov 8, 2021 12:59 am
I'd like to DM a 0-level funnel module for Dungeon Crawl Classics which would lead to additional modules for the survivors.

I have one player already and would like 4 more.

I have a module in mind but would hear requests for specific mods from players.

Looking for a once daily minimum post rate, weekends could be more relaxed but I'd like to finish the funnel in a reasonable timeframe.

We would start with each player generating 4 0-level characters on Purple Sorcerer with the "Style/Format" set to "Plain Text" and the "How Many?" set to "5 PDF Sheets/Text Characters" where after the player may pick four of the five results and copy/paste the text into a custom sheet on this site.

If all the characters you roll on Purple Sorcerer are garbage just roll again, everyone should have at least one or two decent options.

Any takers?
Last edited Mar 20, 2022 4:23 pm
Nov 8, 2021 2:00 am
I'm always down for a good funnel! The only funnel I've run is Sailors so I'd like any funnel except that one lol.
Nov 8, 2021 2:05 am
I found a great funnel in one of the Gongfarmer's Almanacs in hopes that few, if any, had played it before.
Nov 8, 2021 2:22 am
Ummm, yes x 10. I love DCC. :) I'm down if you'll have me.
Nov 8, 2021 2:28 am
Absolutely! That's two of four... Two more and we got a game!
Nov 8, 2021 3:48 am
dominion451 says:
Absolutely! That's two of four... Two more and we got a game!
Sweet. Fingers crossed! :D
Nov 8, 2021 7:03 am
Sign me up! I've read Sailors on the Starless see and ran a group through Portal, the intro funnel on the core rulebook, but other than that I'm game for anything else DCC.
Nov 8, 2021 8:09 am
I'd like to join in on the funnel if you still have room.
Nov 8, 2021 12:13 pm
What are the rules on reinforcements?

Color me interested.
Nov 8, 2021 2:24 pm
Right on! Dark_RaideR, the_puppeteer, and Jomsviking, you guys are in.

That will close down recruitment but there's usually some attrition in PbP so I will update as new players are needed.
Nov 8, 2021 2:27 pm
I'm thinking with six players we should have everyone make three zero level characters instead of four, the module is intended for no more than twenty zeros.

Use the same method on purple sorcerer except pick three of the five instead of four.
Nov 8, 2021 2:34 pm
dominion451 says:
I'm thinking with six players we should have everyone make three zero level characters instead of four, the module is intended for no more than twenty zeros.

Use the same method on purple sorcerer except pick three of the five instead of four.
Awesome! I'm excited about this. :D
Nov 8, 2021 11:33 pm
I'm too slow on the draw for this one -- filled right up! But have fun -- I'll follow along if you set the game to public.
Mar 20, 2022 3:40 pm
Starting a new DCC module soon and lost a couple players, we are looking for someone to play either a wizard or an elf. Character would start at level 2.
Mar 20, 2022 4:32 pm
Aaaaaah, I wish I wasn’t on vacation right now otherwise I’d be down. Been wanting to try DCC for some time now. If the slots still open two days from now I’ll try to weasel my way in haha
Mar 20, 2022 4:48 pm
Aerth says:
Aaaaaah, I wish I wasn’t on vacation right now otherwise I’d be down. Been wanting to try DCC for some time now. If the slots still open two days from now I’ll try to weasel my way in haha
PbP doesn't move all that fast, usually, so applying and playing are a few days to a week apart. I'd recommend to go ahead and apply.
Mar 20, 2022 10:22 pm
Ok Aerth is our new caster! Welcome aboard!

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