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Nov 11, 2021 9:12 pm
Do you find yourself with some time to post at the weekend, but find that the majority of the campaigns you're in go REEEEEEEALLY quiet on Saturdays and Sundays? Are you generally an active and regular poster? This game might be for you!

Without further ado, let me introduce to you to the WEEKENDERS! edition of...


This is a fun Savage Worlds (SWADE edition) setting I'd like to run, in which a group of 11-year-old kids investigate mysteries in 1980s Small Town America. It has a great nostalgia vibe - think Stranger Things, the Goonies, Super 8, Stand By Me.... The rulebook has character archetypes to play any of the typical kids found in those movies, from a Daredevil to a Geek, from a Daydreamer to a Clown...
The adventure will take place in the fictional town of GULF HAVEN, Alabama.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 3 maximum, I prefer to run smaller groups.

POST FREQUENCY: this is a Weekenders' game, but the fact that we have time at the weekend doesn't mean we don't want to post during weekdays!
So for this I would like to try a little experiment, a frequency of:
[1 POST/DAY during WEEKDAYS and 2 POSTS/DAY during WEEKENDS]. This has currently turned more to 3-4 posts a day, sometimes more over the weekend!
Yes, this is for active gamers only! This way we should get a game that keeps moving during the week, and that will provide players with a nice gaming fix at weekends. Absences and holidays are OK of course, life happens! But I'd appreciate a warning, and I can then find ways to put your character on hold during your absence.

GAME DURATION: this is a one-off adventure, but if we like it and our experiment works, we could carry on the campaign. This is now an ongoing campaign, we played two full adventures and are starting the third.

PLAYER REQUIREMENTS: this is a SWADE game, so if you know the system that's a plus --but if you don't and I like your pitch, you're in, and we'll teach you! Open to anybody, all I ask is that you are sure to be able to commit to the posting frequency explained above, and that you are respectful of others. We're here to have fun.
(you don't need to own the SWADE or Monster Hunters' Club books to play, I will share relevant rule sections for character creation)

register your interest here, tell me how well you know SWADE, pitch me your idea for a character. It is NOT a first come, first serve game, I'd like to select three players from all applicants.
[ +- ] Boo.
Thanks for reading, Weekenders!
Last edited March 24, 2022 6:03 pm
Nov 11, 2021 10:06 pm
I'd love to play in this. It's exactly the type of game I love and I'm one of the people who keeps complaining about weekends 😄

I have experience with SWADE, mostly on GP, so I can make a character and get through regular gameplay no problem. If there are any rule edge cases, I might struggle but those are rare. Never played Monster Hunters' Club.

For a character concept... Maybe the new girl in town. Pretty, adventurous and not always gifted with the best self-preservation instinct.
Nov 11, 2021 10:27 pm
Oh, almost forgot, if you'd like to take a peek at my GMing style, you can check out this pulp game I am running (Cypher system).
Nov 11, 2021 11:36 pm
I'd definitely be up for this. The posting rate is fine as well.

I have a working knowledge of Savage Worlds, but what I don't know I can pick up.

As for a pitch...the shy kid that loves the woods (ie..Boy Scouts..etc), and watching monster movies.
Nov 13, 2021 2:31 am
I absolutely LOVE the idea of this game, but I don't think I can commit to the post frequency at this time and I don't know SWADE.

The idea reminds me of Monster Squad, one of my favorite movies from my younger years. Now that I know this is a thing, I will be on the lookout for another opportunity in the future :)
Nov 13, 2021 4:19 am
C1NDER says:

The idea reminds me of Monster Squad, one of my favorite movies from my younger years.
"Wolfman's got nards!"
Nov 13, 2021 4:27 am
Qralloq says:
C1NDER says:

The idea reminds me of Monster Squad, one of my favorite movies from my younger years.
"Wolfman's got nards!"
Nov 13, 2021 8:52 am
Yes, Monster Squad is a perfect example for the tone of this game!

Here is the full inspiration list from the MHC rulebook:
Nov 13, 2021 9:20 am
I'm crying a little bit :| Is there any possibility you make this game public so I can read along?
Nov 13, 2021 9:21 am
Just quit your real life responsibilities and join us! You can do it 😄
Nov 13, 2021 9:26 am
C1NDER says:
I'm crying a little bit :| Is there any possibility you make this game public so I can read along?
Sure, once the game group is determined I will propose to make the forum public, if they all agree.
Nov 13, 2021 5:29 pm
Looks fun! I'd pitch in, but work is a bear at the moment, my RPG plate is pretty full and I'd drag your posting rate down. Is this book available in print, do you know?
Nov 13, 2021 5:54 pm
Not that I know of. I had to buy the pdf and get it printed and bound, I remember.
Nov 13, 2021 8:34 pm
Posting daily/ multiple times daily won't be a problem at all, I usually have free time periodically throughout the day to make posts as needed.

My experience with SWADE, I've never played but I've been running campaigns using it for the past 2 years roughly. I've done a Star Wars, Interface Zero, and a completely homebrew setting using it. I wouldn't say I'm 100% prefect with it, but I'm very comfortable with most aspects.

As for a character concept, I often gravitate towards the smart and tech centered characters. Someone who is very curious and tends to get in over his head, but uses his wits, and maybe a grappling gun, to get out of trouble.
My second choice would be the reluctant bully type. He gets drawn into the adventure not necessarily because he wants to, but there's no way these twerps will make it through this without his help. Plus, who else is going to carry the heavy bag of snacks?
Nov 14, 2021 1:05 am
Thanks for the interest so far, I will keep this open for a few days to allow others to apply too.
Nov 14, 2021 2:57 am
Dr_B says:
Not that I know of. I had to buy the pdf and get it printed and bound, I remember.
Just noticed there are softcover and hardcover PODs on DTRPG!
Nov 14, 2021 8:37 pm
I'd be interested in playing in this if you needed an extra body. I have some limited experience of SWADE, and also of GP. I have not been a regular during weekends, but would be happy to change that to take part.

I'd be interested in trying a member of the local school bully's gang who has been ostracised and is now trying to find his place among his peers.
Last edited November 14, 2021 9:06 pm
Nov 14, 2021 9:12 pm
Sounds like a potentially diverse group of kids.
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