OOC and Setup

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Nov 17, 2021 11:55 am
so, looking good so far. We have:

bowl - New Kid - City Slicker
Squad - Wilderness Scout - Way of the Hunter
GMBen - Gadgeteer - Inventor
Drakis2 - Delinquent - Juvie

Let me know if from this point any of you need guidance to build the actual character, happy to go step by step. Or if you prefer, start building your character, submit it for review like Drakis2 did.

Also, let me know if you need some of the Edges and Hindrances (from SWADE or MHC books) posted here.

To recap, the lists of New Hindrances/Edges are:
[ +- ] List of new Hindrances
[ +- ] List of new Novice Edges
Nov 17, 2021 3:52 pm
I kind of like the Kid Sibling Hindrance. Would you mind sending a description for that? Could be fun.

I played in an East Texas University game for a little bit and had "Annoying Roommate" as a hindrance there and that was hilarious. This could be the same energy
Last edited November 17, 2021 3:52 pm
Nov 17, 2021 4:07 pm
@Dr_B: Thank you for reviewing my character. I think that extra 1 Point came about because I counted getting Intimidation as costing me 1 Skill Point. I read in the Delinquent description that I got it with a D6, but it was unclear if I was given it automatically with no cost, or if I went ahead and chose it I would cost 1 Skill Point but I would get it at a starting D6.
Nov 17, 2021 4:38 pm
here goes
[ +- ] Kid Sibling Hindrance
@Drakis2 yes, anything in the archetype is built in, not paid with points
Nov 17, 2021 5:08 pm
Character Sheet submitted. Let me know if I'm missing anything.

Is dice integration for this game turned on?
Nov 17, 2021 9:09 pm
Right, I have spent that extra 1 point (bought the skill Performance. Hey, who knows it might prove useful). I also forgot to include in his Gear a leather jacket and pocketknife. So updated the character sheet and added a bit of a bio. Here it is for everyone;

Cody is 12 years, but still in Grade 5 after being held back a year. Always seen wearing his leather jacket and, more often than not, carrying his baseball bat and wearing his helmet.

"Cody comes from a troubled family. His parents are Mike and Betty Brewster, but they aren't around much. His da is back in prison, caught smuggling again. His ma is back on the bottle. So most of his parenting comes from his older brother, Jake, and sister, Bonnie. But they don't like having to babysit a "snotty kid" so he spends most of his time on the streets and at the arcades. Don't ask where he gets the dough, he just does.

Cody's family only moved to Gulf Haven a couple of years ago, cause his ma wanted to be closer to her brother now that his da was back in the slinger. So Cody has spent the time trying to fit in, and stay out of trouble, but it seems like trouble just follows him no matter what. He tried hard to learn at school, but straight away the teacher hated him. It was all because of that broken window, but how was he to know the ball would fly that fast, sheesh! He reckons that's why they held him back a year. That just sucked! Then there was the time he was caught egging Mr Jenkins house. Oh boy, did the cops not like that, especially that one cop. Gah, he was a real hothead screaming at Cody when he knocked the guys hat in the river. C'mon, it was an accident.

Cody tried hanging out with local bullies, cause they seemed to like him. But that got boring real quick. Just a load of kids stuff, beating up on the little kids and all that. Now he avoids them, cause they got to not liking him so much anymore.

He always has baseball. Yep, there is always baseball no matter what happens. He loves his baseball gear. Yeah, he found it. Sure, there is some other kids name on it but, you know, stuff gets lost and that. Same with his skateboard. It was just sitting there at the side of the road, near those kids in the playground. He's pretty sure it must have been lost by someone, not belonging to those kids.

Hey, he's got the latest issue of that new sci-fi comic. Gotta go and see what happened to Jenson..."
Last edited November 17, 2021 9:12 pm
Nov 17, 2021 10:30 pm
Sounds great

Question: Do our characters already know each other and are we friends or are we kind of like "Yes, that person goes to the same school as me" and we'll get brough together during the game?
Nov 17, 2021 11:20 pm
I was actually thinking the same question? Depending on how new the new kid is, they may not know the others that well. Most of us have probably felt the Bully's attention. Before their fall from grace that is.
Nov 17, 2021 11:27 pm
Is dice integration for this game turned on?
Not at the moment, for the simple reason that I still don't know how to use it! Will check your character next.

@Drakis2, fantastic bio! Character all good now. Pocket knife is fine, but be aware that it's the kind of thing that will get him into serious trouble.
Do our characters already know each other and are we friends or are we kind of like "Yes, that person goes to the same school as me" and we'll get brough together during the game?
I'm thinking the easiest is if they are all Fifth Graders in the same class, so they will have spent time together during class and know each other quite well. Beyond that, you can choose how close they are at the start of the story, up to you.
The story will start on the last day of school.
Nov 17, 2021 11:31 pm
Yay! Cody is ready!

It would be easier if we all knew each other at least a little bit. We are quite a diverse group though. Maybe we are all members of the same school club and on the last day of school we have our last meeting? Not sure what the club would be though. Cody is into sci-fi comics and baseball. He is not the smartest so nothing too eggheady would interest him.
Nov 17, 2021 11:32 pm
I can send you the code for character sheet integration tomorrow but its way too late for that now here 😅

I think I want to be pretty new, maybe a few weeks here at most.
Same class sounds good. That way, we all know each other but we may not hang out together outside school. Unless we decide it fits
Nov 17, 2021 11:52 pm
How do we send you our character sheet?
Nov 18, 2021 12:04 am
I can send you the code for character sheet integration tomorrow but its way too late for that now here
yes please, I might need a quick tutorial too, it is one feature I haven't played with at all!
[ +- ] Bowl's Character check
Nov 18, 2021 12:08 am
How do we send you our character sheet?
on the Game Details page (accessible from link in the red bar below here), there is a pull down menu on the right to select character, and a Submit button. The character then gets added to the game, for me to Approve or Reject.

Nov 18, 2021 12:12 am
BTW your school is Booker T Washington Elementary School

@Drakis, want to define your Shamed hindrance a bit more?
Nov 18, 2021 12:19 am
Can I use the Occult skill to represent my characters love/knowledge of monster lore & movies..etc?
Nov 18, 2021 12:25 am
I would say you can use a bespoke Knowledge (Monsters Lore) ? so it is separate and refers to pop-culture monsters only.
Nov 18, 2021 12:35 am
Dr_B says:
I would say you can use a bespoke Knowledge (Monsters Lore) ? so it is separate and refers to pop-culture monsters only.
You got it, I'll add it now.
Nov 18, 2021 12:52 am
[ +- ] GMBen's Character check
Nov 18, 2021 1:01 am
Could you send the details for the Crush (minor) Hindrance and the Hide in plain sight Edge?
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