Ask Me Anything: bowlofspinach

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Nov 30, 2021 12:58 am
It's the reverse, the book is a novelization of the TV special.
Nov 30, 2021 6:22 am
Ah, interesting. I didn't know that

Movie: The Book: The Movie
Nov 30, 2021 7:54 am
Haha yeah pretty much.
Nov 30, 2021 9:23 am
So when it comes to Ethics in Philosophy, do you believe in more Relativism or Absolutism? How do you feel about Utilitarianism?
Nov 30, 2021 11:59 pm
This is a fun idea! :0

- When you were younger, have you ever done something that was pretty reckless and that you would think twice about doing nowadays?
- Do you like insects? A lot of people I know aren't fond of them, but I find them fascinating - do you, at least some of them? :D
- Favorite mythical/fantasy animal? Favorite fairy tale?
- Are you competitive? Do you like PvP games or events? (Edit: PvP in TTRPGs?)
- Any exotic fruit you want to try but didn't get to yet? Or a dish/drink?
- Right now, this very moment, what is the closest item on your right? :D

Edit: whoops, I did no RPG-related questions. Lemme add...
- A world/setting which you'd like to play a game in? Especially if it's something very specific, like from a not very well-known book or a single non-franchise movie?
- Thoughts on disregarding rules and dice rolls for the sake of narrative?
- Do you like fancy dice? :D Metallic or transparent?
Last edited Dec 1, 2021 12:04 am
Dec 1, 2021 6:27 am
Belus312 says:
So when it comes to Ethics in Philosophy, do you believe in more Relativism or Absolutism? How do you feel about Utilitarianism?
I don't believe Utilitarianism is perfect. But it does seem to get unfairly maligned in online spaces, I think. Not every utilitarian is Ozymandias (In fact, none are ๐Ÿ˜„)
This is a fun idea! :0
So many... Let's go through it
- When you were younger, have you ever done something that was pretty reckless and that you would think twice about doing nowadays?
Nothing super crazy, as far as I remember. I'll think about it some more but nothing comes to mind right now
- Do you like insects? A lot of people I know aren't fond of them, but I find them fascinating - do you, at least some of them? :D
I think they're fascinating and I love looking at them on pictures. But in real life, a lot of them creep me out, even if I don't want them to. Especially if they're the kind to move in sudden, really quick movements.
- Favorite mythical/fantasy animal? Favorite fairy tale?
I really like cockatrices and basilisks. They're neat.
Not really a fantasy animal but there is the term "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (Egg-laying wool-milk-pig) in German, to kind of mockingly refer to any tool or object that is meant to do the work of a lot of different things. I bet that would be cute.

As for favorite fairy tale... I'm fond of the Bremen Town Musicians, just because I live close to Bremen and so they're very local.
- Are you competitive? Do you like PvP games or events? (Edit: PvP in TTRPGs?)
I do have a competitive side that sometimes kicks in.
I do like PvP in RPGs but not really because I want to win but because of the drama.
- Any exotic fruit you want to try but didn't get to yet? Or a dish/drink?
I always wanted to try Nashi pears and prickly pears, but I just tried both of those very recently so now I have no fruits on my agenda currently. For other foods, I love trying new foods, especially international things. But I don't have anything I have my eyes set on right now...
- Right now, this very moment, what is the closest item on your right? :D
One of my two stuffed pigs ๐Ÿ˜„
- A world/setting which you'd like to play a game in? Especially if it's something very specific, like from a not very well-known book or a single non-franchise movie?
Not extremely niche but I have been thinking about checking interest for a game set in the world of Eragon, probably playing out the fall of the dragon riders. Not sure what system that would be but letting everyone be a dragon rider could be fun.
[Edit, @FlyingSucculent] Oh, I also would love to run or play a game based on Legends of Tomorrrow
- Thoughts on disregarding rules and dice rolls for the sake of narrative?
Story always comes before rules and dice rolls. But if you keep ignoring the rules, why are you playing this system? Maybe try to find a better suited one, or just go freeform if you want.
- Do you like fancy dice? :D Metallic or transparent?
I do. I got really neat wooden dice in the Wildsea Kickstarter. Shipping for those is starting soon so I'll get them fairly soon.
I used to buy way more dice than I do now. I rarely get to use my irl dice these days as nobody has developed a dice tray yet, that connects to the internet and uploads your physical rolls to GP.
@adam, get on that! ๐Ÿ˜„

Oh, as for fancy dice, I have two of those ghost dice. They're pretty amazing, I'd say ๐Ÿ˜
[ +- ]
Dec 1, 2021 8:44 pm
Red pill or blue pill?
Does Faye have the hots for Mikey after all?
When is the next #year_zero_engine takeover?
What's your best thing about DMing and what's your worst about it?
Dec 1, 2021 9:05 pm
Red pill or blue pill?
Red pill was a metaphor for estrogen. So that one.
Does Faye have the hots for Mikey after all?
When is the next #year_zero_engine takeover?
I plead the fifth
What's your best thing about DMing and what's your worst about it?
Best is that I can just add and play whatever character I want. I get a random idea for a cool character. Guess who's meeting a new NPC
Worst is that sometimes I get overwhelmed having to write up a response in a game I'm GMing and then I push it off for multiple days while it hangs over my head making me feel like a failure as I gather the mental capacity to write something up.
And if players don't appreciate my awesome twists as much as I thought they should
Dec 1, 2021 10:02 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Worst is that sometimes I get overwhelmed having to write up a response in a game I'm GMing and then I push it off for multiple days while it hangs over my head making me feel like a failure as I gather the mental capacity to write something up.
Feeling very seen right now.
Dec 2, 2021 4:29 pm
Last chance for questions if anyone still has any before the next AMA will start in about half a day or so
Dec 22, 2021 10:46 pm
Since we can ask previous AMA-ers, I didn't get this in quick enough the first go before the change over.

What question would you have liked to have been asked, but no one thought of it? And what would your answer to that question be?
Dec 27, 2021 8:24 am
That's a good question. I just checked through the other AMA threads and there were some fun ones in there that I would have also liked to answer but not one that particularly stood out.
I like "What do you think of X" type questions where I can get all grumpy and complain about minor things ๐Ÿ˜„
Dec 27, 2021 11:06 am
bowlofspinach says:
That's a good question. I just checked through the other AMA threads and there were some fun ones in there that I would have also liked to answer but not one that particularly stood out.
I like "What do you think of X" type questions where I can get all grumpy and complain about minor things ๐Ÿ˜„
what do you think of Christmas? go! ๐Ÿคฃ
(or X, I think we all want to read your opinion about X as well)
Dec 28, 2021 6:13 am
What's the slice-of-life genre you most want to try in an RPG that you haven't yet played?
Dec 28, 2021 6:25 am
what do you think of Christmas?
I like it. It's a really nice time of the year. But I rarely get snow where I live and I can't get into a Christmas spirit without it. Especially if all Christmas markets are closed due to Covid. What's Christmas without curly fries and mulled wine?
(or X, I think we all want to read your opinion about X as well)
X is a pretty useless letter. Just replace it with ks. Makes everything look much fancier and more exotic as well.
What's the slice-of-life genre you most want to try in an RPG that you haven't yet played?
I definitely still want to give Monsterhearts a shot at some point. Masks as well. I also still want to play an SoL game in a setting that's very different from the normal everyday world, like a scifi one.
Dec 28, 2021 7:45 am
bowlofspinach says:

What's the slice-of-life genre you most want to try in an RPG that you haven't yet played?
I definitely still want to give Monsterhearts a shot at some point. Masks as well. I also still want to play an SoL game in a setting that's very different from the normal everyday world, like a scifi one.
Dec 28, 2021 8:00 am
Harrigan says:
bowlofspinach says:

What's the slice-of-life genre you most want to try in an RPG that you haven't yet played?
I definitely still want to give Monsterhearts a shot at some point. Masks as well. I also still want to play an SoL game in a setting that's very different from the normal everyday world, like a scifi one.
Dec 29, 2021 5:52 am
What else makes you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Dec 29, 2021 6:06 am
People who pretend they don't like puns. Like, everyone knows puns are the highest form of humor. Why pretend you don't enjoy them?
Dec 29, 2021 6:16 am
This is your AMA, so I must capitulate.
[ +- ] But!
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