Nanoka says:
... do I head to the character creation thread to talk about my intended character concept? ...
You are welcome to head over there and chat about things.
Nanoka says:
... I'm new to gamersplane so I'm still unfamiliar with all the features such as how to submit a character.
Once you
create a New Character (select 'Custom' (the default now) from the list of templates) you will be able to submit it on the
Game Details page.
You are welcome to submit an empty one, I am not actually 'approving' them or anything, just accepting them. We can fill out the sheet once we know more about the character.
Most of us are just using a simple pure text sheet, but there are new features for adding rolls and such to the sheets that we can look into (but they are a bit overkill for a simple system like this:).
Nanoka says:
(Edit: My first immediate question was ...
First, rather
don't edit, just add another post with the extra question. Adding in an edit does not let us know that there something more to read and will often get ignored/overlooked.
Nanoka says:
... I believe there's some kind of stat array system that's possible to be used rather than random rolls?
There is no system in place, we have spoken about it, but everyone has opted to roll random stats per the rules, so we have not devised a fair stat array.
Nanoka says:
... Amusing as it is to be unable to use my character concept because I bungled the stat ...
Yeah. It is weird for such a 'fiction first' game to force mechanics on us before we can start with the fundamental fiction.
I am generally not a fan of rolling for stats 'in order' (don't get me started on how the English language may have screwed us all over on
those two words) for anything other than one-shots or throw-away characters. No one should be saddled with a character they don't like or want to play.
I have played games where the more of the starting choices you choose to roll randomly, the more XP you start with, and thought about such a system for this, but those who went full-random did not receive such a bonus, so it may be too late now?
If you really have your heart set on a specific character type, we can talk about. Maybe you roll and hope, and if it really does not work we can work out a cost to swap stats, or an array or something?
Rolling for stats can result in some interesting characters. Ones that we might otherwise not have thought to play. I have always enjoyed what I ended up with.