'Parker Pile

Dec 2, 2021 3:55 pm
Qralloq sent a note to Qralloq

The pregens will be picked here. I'll generate some more as we go, because some look like easy chum.

At the table, these are meant to be printed face down, and you draw one from the pile.

Roll your pick (1d8) and I'll send you the deets. If that parker has been picked, then you'll get the next unpicked parker in the parker pile that's after the picked parker that someone else picked.

Windyridge: Shade Tree Mechanic
CherokeeWind: Bratty Kid
RageRed: Old Timer
Nezzeraj: City Slicker
Harrigan: Luchador
Dec 2, 2021 4:26 pm
Picking a pickled parker
GM ASSIGNS: Shade Tree Mechanic: Holy hell! Looks litk the park sprung a leak. Let's figure out a way to get outta this mess.

Windyridge sent a note to Windyridge


1d8 [ RA ]

(7) = 7

Dec 2, 2021 4:34 pm

I told ya'll I was high-class! Lookie here! I plan on gettin' that penthouse trailer in the sky!
GM ASSIGNS: Bratty Kid: How did I get stuck with the worst babysitter ever. If Ma survives, she's gonna hear about it.

CherokeeWind sent a note to CherokeeWind


Character - (1d8, RA)

(3) = 3

Dec 2, 2021 6:24 pm
GM ASSIGNS: Old Timer: I'm too old for this mess.

RageRed sent a note to RageRed


Character - (1d8, RA)

(5) = 5

Dec 2, 2021 10:47 pm
Pick a Parker

GM ASSIGNS: City Slicker. Sharks. Are you serious? How did I end up in this backwater town?

nezzeraj sent a note to nezzeraj


Parker picker - (1d8, RA)

(7) = 7

Dec 3, 2021 5:59 am
Picking a Parker...
GM ASSIGNS: Luchador: I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. Look for an arc while I piledrive this shark.

Harrigan sent a note to Harrigan


Parker Number... - (1d8, RA)

(5) = 5

Dec 14, 2021 4:45 pm
A note on setting specific rules

Setting Rules
The Dog House Gang recommends the use of these Setting Rules in Trailer Park Shark Attack! so the game play flows like a low budget B-movie.

Beer Bottles and Tire Irons
To follow suit in the shark movie genre where make-shift weapons are used regularly, there are no penalties for using improvised weapons.

Gritty Damage
Life is tough in the Park, especially when it’s flooded with sharks. See Savage Worlds rules for more information.
Dec 15, 2021 5:02 am
Say, why are you bringing up Gritty Damage nnnnow...?
Dec 15, 2021 6:10 am
Lol! πŸ˜†
Omphf! Omphf! 🦈
Last edited December 15, 2021 8:50 am
Dec 23, 2021 8:48 pm
Doing the shark dance! 🦈

I may be off, but I think with all the choices above, that puts the selection at #1.
Last edited December 23, 2021 8:51 pm


Parker - (1d8, RA)

(6) = 6

Dec 23, 2021 8:51 pm

Gun Nut: You're only a gun nut until the sharkpocaplypse, then you're a hero.

Qralloq sent a note to RageRed

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