Now, you come to, finding yourself gasping for air and grabbing your cooler that happened to be floating by, wondering if your beer was ok and where the heck did all this water come from? That’s when something bumps against your legs under the murky water. You see a shark’s fin pop up about twenty feet away and you know it’s go time.
You struggle to swim and save your beer at the same time. Luckily your neighbor’s Christmas lights were still up from a few years ago and a strand is floating near you. If you can just reach it and pull yourself up on the top of his mobile home you’ll be good to go, bro.
After pulling yourself up on the roof, which is now only inches away from the top of the water, you pop the top of your last beer and guzzle it down while taking in all the carnage. The trailer park is flooded and full of sharks! What in Sam Hill?!
You hear the screams of your neighbors as they get devoured by sharks and see a few that escaped death by climbing trees, shimmying up telephone poles or like you, swimming to the top of a trailer home.
Now you gotta figure out how to get out of this mess. You need to find out what happened, especially where did all these sharks come from? But first things first … you’re out of beer. Aww hell, time to kick some shark tail!
That was one person's start. Our story starts in the middle of the action. A wall of water has swamped your home, Summer Gardens Mobile Village.
Youre in trouble. You're in the water, and none of your supports (beer) are near you. Let's start with each of you describing your 'parker and how the flood flooded your little world.