The Sorcerer-King's Quarries

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Dec 26, 2021 7:41 pm
Clickclack had been waiting to hear if the sorcerer-king would offer up a guide before offering up his own skills in the outdoors. Getting some random "guide" from another town, however, seemed ill-advised for several reasons.

"If we can get close to where the creature is, I can track it. A twelve-foot tall orc is likely to leave an obvious trail."
Dec 26, 2021 8:05 pm
The information was plain enough. Giant orc, magicky-things on him. Week head start, probably headed to its old tribe. Mountain Cleavers. Mountain Cleavers. Mountain Cleavers. He had to remember that. He imagined a mountain with an axe cutting it in two. Yes! Simple. No more reason to wait.
"We go!" He looked at the others, Clickclack especially. "We... hnnnjjj.... kill big orc! Bring head and things, yes yes! Come!"
Dec 27, 2021 3:27 am
Sabrina whispers back to Cielo : "No, I don't..."
Dec 27, 2021 3:49 am
Cielo notices the bigger lizard's skills of communication seem vastly superior to the smaller one. Perhaps he can will be able to act as a translator of sorts. In an effort to open communications with the lizardmen, Cielo nods in agreement and says to the larger one:
"Agreed. He shouldn't be too hard to trace."
Dec 28, 2021 8:57 pm
"Good. Tharizek will lead you back out now. If you survive against this orc I will have another task for you for even greater rewards." Zharakh grins.

The doors to the throne room open. "Adventurers," Tharizek calls out to you and motions towards the hallway. "I shall lead you out once more."
Dec 29, 2021 1:28 am
Sabrina follows Tharizek
Dec 29, 2021 6:17 am
Cielo stays close to Sabrina and follows Tharizek.
Dec 29, 2021 9:14 am
With nervous jitters Thyssk sticks close to Clickclack, hugging his bag of coin closely while trying to look in every direction at once for those who might steal his prize. First he had to get out of this place, then he would think on what to do next..
Dec 30, 2021 2:44 am
Tharizek swiftly leads your group through the palace. Once you are all in the courtyard he turns to you, his purple robes swaying and shimmering. "A word of advice, adventurers. The orc you hunt has great strength, but he is not very mentally stable. If you have any abilities or plans that can exploit his mental inaptitudes it may be more advisable to use those than to confront it in a battle, especially if it is in charge of a warband or tribe." He then motions to the guards in the gatehouse who once again raise the portcullis to allow you to exit the palace's grounds and enter into the city of Khazat-Hal.
Dec 31, 2021 2:56 am
Sabrina turns to Cielo and says : " Well, I can put the orc with a spell to sleep... but I do not how else we can control him mentally"
Dec 31, 2021 7:04 am
Cielo replies to Sabrina:
"Any mental control will no doubt be temporary. In the end, I suspect we will have to kill him or subdue him physically. However, I feel confident the four of us can best him, but I worry about how many allies or servants he may have gathered by the time we find him."
It is at this point that Cielo recognizes that there is a fifth member among them. He had thought the other man was part of Tharizek's retinue until now. A somewhat ordinary-looking fellow in comparison to the rest of the group.
Cielo turns to Erimeade:
"Are you a tracker?"
Last edited Dec 31, 2021 7:05 am
Jan 5, 2022 12:15 am
Sabrina looks around to see any trail, road or where they need to go
Last edited Jan 5, 2022 12:16 am


Perception - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Jan 5, 2022 11:52 am
Erimeade nods to Ceilo,"I can follow or find things when needed. A 12 foot orc woild be easy to spot but it has a week head start. As big as it is it can cover alot of ground and mountains are a good place to hide..and defend." He looks at the other 4 summoned individual. It has been awhile sonce he spoke to anything that can speal back. His mind turns over thouhhts on how this group could engage something so large and at least smart enough to fight back...but if its not too smart..
My suggestion not to hit it head on..we should find it, watch it. and then figure out how we can lure it, snare it. then dispatch it."
He stops walking, shifts the troublesome sack of coins around and looks to see what the others have to say in return.
Jan 5, 2022 3:54 pm
"A creature of this size will not go unnoticed. We should travel toward the Ice-Crowned peaks quickly. If there are locals in that area, they will likely have seen this beast, or seen signs of its passing. If not, perhaps we can pick up a trail there."
Jan 5, 2022 9:50 pm
All these schemes and plans went mostly over Thyssk's head, literally and figuratively. He had instead lost focus a bit, thinking on what he might do with all the coins he was now holding. There were going to be a lot of meat pies in his future, that much was certain. Only when his looming companion spoke did he take notice, and he quickly agreed.
"Yes yes! We go. First go! Go, yes. Then see! Then fight. Yes!"
Jan 7, 2022 12:16 am
Sabrina looks at the small kobold getting exited and she thinks: "Aw... it can be gross, but it is also so tiny and cute " and grins "Yes, let's go"
Last edited Jan 7, 2022 1:07 am
Jan 8, 2022 3:51 pm
"Well.. I could travel faster alone, but that is not much help to us I think. Even if I could catch up to our quarry what could I do then? I suppose we will just have to travel as fast as we can."
Jan 10, 2022 1:32 am
Just as a note, I will be making my rolls in a hidden channel on my Discord server. This just lets me roll secret things without tipping you all off and it'll make my descriptions less choppy since they won't be interrupted by die rolls. If I ever roll something and you guys don't trust the roll or want to see it for confirmation (in the case of criticals or whatever else happens) then let me know and I will reveal the roll to you with the timestamp included.
The travel from Khazat-Hal to the foothills of the Ice-Crowned Peaks will take your group approximately one week. The first two days of travel find you following rough-hewn trade paths past the forests of the elven Empire of Elan'Alarthir. After passing the forests, you find the great lake of the Dolview Abyss as the backdrop to your trek towards the mountains, but only for a short day. The following two days are relatively boring and uneventful, with only the grasslands and occasional hill as terrain of note. It is on this fifth day of travel that you encounter the sight of a battle. Surveying the scene at a distance, you can count 16 corpses. A majority of them are smaller, likely dwarven folk, though two are larger, perhaps humans or elves. The corpses litter the path ahead, though there are detours you can take to avoid them if you wish.
Jan 11, 2022 12:01 pm
Sabrina sees the corses and says: ''So....someone or something was killing a lot of people, on its way...'' and looks closely
Last edited Jan 11, 2022 11:03 pm


Perception - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Jan 11, 2022 12:38 pm
The journey was nothing uncommon for Thyssk, a wanderer by nature around his homelands and the many caves and warrens of koboldkind. He had planned for it and his rations would last him quite a while. Even so he had taken along a few of his beloved meat pies, but they had long since run out. Thus, when seeing the mound of corpses, he exclaimed "Food!" and mostly worried whether they were still fresh rather than the potential for any ambush as he scampered forwards.
Last edited Jan 11, 2022 12:40 pm
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